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JedBartlett edited this page Apr 7, 2015 · 1 revision

Welcome to the OrthodoxLiturgics wiki.

This repository is set up by Rdr Jedidiah Bartlett (George) to act as a central location for Orthodox music and liturgical texts. Texts are all created and managed in LaTeX, and the music is etched in lilypond.

The initial focus of this project is to manage the service texts already created by parishioners of the Antiochian mission in Moscow, ID/Pullman, WA - St. Katherines (, and continue to support the liturgical needs of that parish.

The long-term desire is that that this can become a nucleation point for the organic development of standardized English service texts and liturgical music settings that makes it easy for English-speakers to access the rich liturgical heritage of the Orthodox church. The focus of the ongoing effort will be for young missions like ourselves to be able to obtain service texts for their own church that can be used by visitors parishioners, readers/chanters, and the choir members to offer prayer to the Lord without confusion, which only distracts from our prayer.

Looking around the internet, it seems that this is not the only like project. I've provided some links to other projects that seem to share many of the same goals here:

  • This repository contains the TeX and LilyPond source code for Eastern Orthodox Byzantine, Russian and Georgian chants and liturgical texts. The holy_cross_hermitage folder contains music obtained from the website of Holy Cross Hermitage in Wayne, WV. Several of the shared files in the inc folder are also from that source.

  • The Ponomar Project is a comprehensive, multi-lingual project to use modern technology to study, document, and assist in participating in the rich liturgical life of the Orthodox Church.

  • he mission of the Department of Sacred Music is to provide leadership to the parishes of the Archdiocese, drawing from the talents of the faithful in order to serve in these ways: publishing music, organizing workshops and seminars, building strong ties of communication throughout the Archdiocese, supporting the work of mission parishes, and providing a positive influence towards the creation of new works of liturgical music for the glory of God and the Holy Orthodox Faith.

  • Orthodox two part music is based primarily on Znamenny Chant and is given as an offering to the Church in America with the hope that it will transcend jurisdictional boundaries. Nevertheless, there are many different kinds of chants from different Orthodox traditions which are to be found on the pages of this website, all of which share a common life and vision in Christ. All the music on this site is free and includes sheet music in PDF format, audio files (in mp3) and Midi files. It is hoped that people within the Church will find this site useful and that it will be another step in the process of establishing an organic expression of Orthodox Liturgical Life in America. These particular adaptations are designed to be relatively simple(r), beautiful, full sounding (only two parts needed,) and relatively easy to learn (especially with the audio files.) Many of them are not strict note for note translations but rather a synthesis, blending and melding elements that are common to several Orthodox chant traditions.

Please let me know if you find any other similar projects.

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