Async Pixiv API for Python 3(with Auth supported)
PixivPy-Async is an async Python 3 library of Pixiv API(with Auth supported).
Based on PixivPy:
- You may need to use a Japanese IP (no matter native) to access the Pixiv API. IP from other regions may encounter Cloudflare verification.
- Pixiv API has a strict policy on access frequency. Recommended to add some waiting time when requesting
pip install pixivpy-async
pip install pixivpy-async[socks]
Import async pixivpy:
from pixivpy_async import *
...or sync pixivpy(Sync Support):
from pixivpy_async.sync import *
# Use Context Manager (Recommended)
async with PixivClient() as client:
aapi = AppPixivAPI(client=client)
# Doing stuff...
# Or
client = PixivClient()
aapi = AppPixivAPI(client=client.start())
# Doing stuff...
await client.close()
# Or Following Standard Usage
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
# 绕过 SNI 检测
aapi = AppPixivAPI(bypass=True)
# For App Pixiv API
await aapi.login(username, password)
# Or
await aapi.login(refresh_token=TOKEN)
# Login with oauth (manually)
await aapi.login_web()
The default is not to use any proxy (ignoring environment variables).
Use environment variables, automatically recognized by aiohttp (not support socks5)
Specify the proxy address, support socks5/socks4/http (not support https)
If use the socks5/socks4 proxy, make sure the package is installed with socks proxy support.
If the package is not installed with socks proxy support, and your application runs on Windows, please make sure that event loop uses the policy asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy before loop runs. #issue4536
import asyncio
if __name__ == '__main__':
policy = asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()
asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(policy) # use pixivpy_async with socks proxy
Note that env will be ignored when a proxy is specified.
await aapi.illust_detail(59580629)
await aapi.illust_comments(59580629)
await aapi.ugoira_metadata(51815717)
await aapi.illust_recommended(bookmark_illust_ids=[59580629])
aapi.parse_qs(json_result.next_url) # page down in some case
await aapi.illust_recommended(**next_qs)
await aapi.illust_related(59580629)
await aapi.user_detail(275527)
await aapi.user_illusts(275527)
await aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(2088434)
await aapi.user_following(7314824)
await aapi.user_follower(275527)
await aapi.user_mypixiv(275527)
await aapi.user_related(...)
await aapi.user_follow_add(...)
await aapi.user_follow_del(...)
await aapi.user_bookmark_tags_illust(...)
await aapi.user_list(...)
await aapi.search_user(...)
await aapi.trending_tags_illust()
await aapi.search_illust(first_tag, search_target='partial_match_for_tags')
await aapi.illust_ranking('day_male')
await aapi.illust_follow(req_auth=True)
await aapi.illust_recommended(req_auth=True)
await aapi.illust_ranking('day', date='2016-08-01')
await aapi.illust_bookmark_detail(...)
await aapi.illust_bookmark_add(...)
await aapi.illust_bookmark_delete(...)
await, path=directory, name=name)
await aapi.search_novel(...)
await aapi.user_novels(...)
await aapi.novel_series(...)
await aapi.novel_detail(...)
await aapi.novel_text(...)
# papi is deprecated
await papi.users(1184799)
await papi.me_feeds(show_r18=0)
await papi.me_favorite_works(publicity='private')
await papi.me_following_works()
await papi.me_following()
await papi.users_works(1184799)
await papi.users_favorite_works(1184799)
await papi.users_feeds(1184799, show_r18=0)
await papi.users_following(4102577)
await papi.ranking('illust', 'weekly', 1)
await papi.ranking(ranking_type='all', mode='daily', page=1, date='2015-05-01')
await papi.search_works("五航戦 姉妹", page=1, mode='text')
await papi.latest_works()
Read docs for more information
Read demos for more usage
(Inspired by telethon)
The moment you import any of these:
from pixivpy_async import sync, ...
# or
from pixivpy_async.sync import ...
# or
import pixivpy_async.sync
The sync module rewrites most async def methods in pixivpy_async to something similar to this:
def new_method():
result = original_method()
if loop.is_running():
# the loop is already running, return the await-able to the user
return result
# the loop is not running yet, so we can run it for the user
return loop.run_until_complete(result)
That means you can do thing like this:
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
aapi.login(username, password)
- [2019/09/13] First Version
Warning: The rate limit was hit multiple times during the test, so the result may not be informative.
Method | Sync(10,sg) | Async(10,sg) | Sync(200,sg) | Async(200,sg) |
illust_detail | 1.1209 | 0.8641 | 31.7041 | 2.4580 |
illust_ranking | 1.0697 | 0.7936 | 28.4539 | 2.0693 |
user_illusts | 0.8824 | 0.7505 | 28.3981 | 1.8199 |
user_detail | 0.9628 | 0.7550 | 28.3055 | 1.7738 |
ugoira_metadata | 0.8509 | 0.7459 | 29.5566 | 2.2331 |
works | 1.1204 | 0.8912 | 32.2068 | 2.8513 |
me_following_works | 1.1253 | 0.7845 | 39.3142 | 2.2785 |
ranking | 1.0946 | 0.7944 | 39.6509 | 2.6548 |
latest_works | 1.0483 | 0.8667 | 36.1992 | 2.5066 |
Method | Sync(500,jp) | Async(500,jp) |
illust_detail | 6.2178 | 0.6400 |
illust_ranking | 6.4046 | 0.6119 |
user_illusts | 7.6093 | 1.5266 |
user_detail | 6.6759 | 0.5952 |
ugoira_metadata | 6.5155 | 0.7577 |
works | 13.3074 | 0.8619 |
me_following_works | 24.2693 | 2.0835 |
ranking | 21.4119 | 3.2805 |
latest_works | 17.3502 | 2.7029 |
Feel free to use, reuse and abuse the code in this project.