适用于 Python 3 的 Async Pixiv API(支持 Auth)
原地址: https://github.com/Mikubill/pixivpy-async
基于 PixivPy: https://github.com/upbit/pixivpy
- 你可能需要使用日本 IP(无论原生)来访问 Pixiv API,如使用其他地区 IP 可能会遇到 Cloudflare 验证。
- Pixiv API 的频率限制较为严格,请求时请适当加入等待时间
pip install pixivpy-async --upgrade
pip install pixivpy-async[socks]
导入 pixivpy-async:
from pixivpy_async import *
...或者也可以选择 同步化版本 (同步支持):
from pixivpy_async.sync import *
# 使用 Context Manager (推荐)
async with PixivClient() as client:
aapi = AppPixivAPI(client=client)
# Doing stuff...
# Or
client = PixivClient()
aapi = AppPixivAPI(client=client.start())
# Doing stuff...
await client.close()
# Or Following Standard Usage
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
# 绕过 SNI 检测
aapi = AppPixivAPI(bypass=True)
# For App Pixiv API
await aapi.login(username, password)
# Or
await aapi.login(refresh_token=TOKEN)
# Login with oauth (manually)
await aapi.login_web()
Pixivpy-Async 支持多种代理模式,均需在 Init 时指定。
使用环境变量,由 aiohttp 自动识别(暂不支持 socks5)
指定代理地址,支持 socks5/socks4/http(不支持 https)
如果使用的是 socks5/socks4 代理,请确保安装的本库拥有socks 代理支持
如果本库安装时没有安装socks 代理支持,并且你的应用运行在 Windows 上,请确保事件循环在运行前将策略设置为 asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy。 #issue4536
import asyncio
if __name__ == '__main__':
policy = asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()
asyncio.run(...) # use pixivpy_async with socks proxy
注意,指定了 proxy 后 env 会被忽略。
await aapi.illust_detail(59580629)
await aapi.illust_comments(59580629)
await aapi.ugoira_metadata(51815717)
await aapi.illust_recommended(bookmark_illust_ids=[59580629])
aapi.parse_qs(json_result.next_url) # page down in some case
await aapi.illust_recommended(**next_qs)
await aapi.illust_related(59580629)
await aapi.user_detail(275527)
await aapi.user_illusts(275527)
await aapi.user_bookmarks_illust(2088434)
await aapi.user_following(7314824)
await aapi.user_follower(275527)
await aapi.user_mypixiv(275527)
await aapi.user_related(...)
await aapi.user_follow_add(...)
await aapi.user_follow_del(...)
await aapi.user_bookmark_tags_illust(...)
await aapi.user_list(...)
await aapi.search_user(...)
await aapi.trending_tags_illust()
await aapi.search_illust(first_tag, search_target='partial_match_for_tags')
await aapi.illust_ranking('day_male')
await aapi.illust_follow(req_auth=True)
await aapi.illust_recommended(req_auth=True)
await aapi.illust_bookmark_detail(...)
await aapi.illust_bookmark_add(...)
await aapi.illust_bookmark_delete(...)
await aapi.illust_ranking('day', date='2016-08-01')
await aapi.download(image_url, path=directory, name=name)
await aapi.search_novel(...)
await aapi.user_novels(...)
await aapi.novel_series(...)
await aapi.novel_detail(...)
await aapi.novel_text(...)
# papi 已弃用,请使用 aapi
await papi.works(46363414)
await papi.users(1184799)
await papi.me_feeds(show_r18=0)
await papi.me_favorite_works(publicity='private')
await papi.me_following_works()
await papi.me_following()
await papi.users_works(1184799)
await papi.users_favorite_works(1184799)
await papi.users_feeds(1184799, show_r18=0)
await papi.users_following(4102577)
await papi.ranking('illust', 'weekly', 1)
await papi.ranking(ranking_type='all', mode='daily', page=1, date='2015-05-01')
await papi.search_works("五航戦 姉妹", page=1, mode='text')
await papi.latest_works()
阅读 文档 来了解更多信息
查看 样例 来掌握 API 的使用
(源自 telethon)
from pixivpy_async import sync, ...
# or
from pixivpy_async.sync import ...
# or
import pixivpy_async.sync
sync 模块会将大多数异步方法改写成类似下面的样子:
def new_method():
result = original_method()
if loop.is_running():
# the loop is already running, return the await-able to the user
return result
# the loop is not running yet, so we can run it for the user
return loop.run_until_complete(result)
这意味着您可以使用类似原始 pixivpy 的方法:
aapi = AppPixivAPI()
aapi.login(username, password)
- [2019/09/13] First Version