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Releases: Nusiq/mcblend

v11.1.0 for Blender 4.2

19 Feb 19:46
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Change Log

Added support for exporting animations that use stepped and smooth keyframes. Please read related documentation section for more details.

Full Changelog: v11.0.2...v11.1.0


31 Oct 13:58
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Change Log

  • Fixed incorrect import of the normals in polymesh models (issue #116).

Full Changelog: v11.0.1...v11.0.2


24 Aug 14:00
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Change log

  • Fixed the playback speed exporting incorrectly from animations that use non integer frame rate (for example 29.97 FPS which is one of the defaults)
  • Fixed the crashes from exporting animations that scale bones with children down to 0.

    It's still recommended to avoid scaling bones with children to 0. The reason for this is the way Mcblend works internally. It has to calculate the transformations of the child bones inside the parent bones. If the parent is scaled to 0, all transformations will have no effect and may lead to numerical errors. The errors won't be visible at the moment of the keyframe (because everything is scaled to 0 anyway), but they may give unexpected results when interpolated into the next frame. A workaround for this problem is to use very small values for scaling instead of 0 (e.g. 0.0001) or to place additional keyframes close to the frame that scales to 0.

Full Changelog: v11.0.0...v11.0.1


27 Jul 19:23
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This release updates Mcblend to work with Blender 4.2. There is no changes in the features of the plugin.


15 Jul 08:25
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  • Fixed issue that causes crashes on model importing in Blende 3.6 when the models use per-face UV mapping (issue #111).


12 Mar 16:23
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New features

  • Merging models

Other notes

Full Changelog: v10.1.0...v10.2.0


14 Jan 21:46
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New features

  • Added support for subframes in exported animations (keyframes can be set between animation frames)

Other notes

Full Changelog: v10.0.1...v10.1.0


04 Jan 19:23
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  • Fixed installation issues of Mcblend version v10.0.0 (#109)


03 Jan 19:28
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WARNING! The installation file for this version didn't work. Download v10.0.1 instead. The has been removed from this release as it didn't work.


  • Added an option to choose what is the origin point of the model. You can choose between the armature or the world space. In previous versions Mcblend was always using the world space.
  • Removed the "World origin object" property from animatoins. This changes the process of making 1st person animations. The new option of selecting the model origin should be sufficient to replace this option.
  • Improved the descriptions of all of the menu items
  • Moved the documentation to This means that the older versions of the documentation will still be available once the program is updated.
  • Entire documentation has been rewritten
  • A lot of internal changes that should making future development easier thanks to more complete type annotations

Full Changelog: v9.4.0.1...v10.0.0


25 Sep 16:57
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What's new

  • Importing from resource pack now supports importing models of the attachable items
  • It's possible to load multiple resource packs before importing. This is useful in cases when the full entity definition isn't in a single pack. For example when the render controller is defined in one pack but the entity and geometry is in another pack.

Internal changes

  • Re-implemented entire project importer. Now it's based on sqlite_bedrock_packs. Sqlite bedrock packs is a Python module which loads information about Minecraft packs to SQLite database. Mcblend uses infromation from this module to display which combinations of textures, geometries and render controllers are valid for the pack to import an entity or attachable.
  • Entire code was modified to be fully type-annotated. The project uses fake-bpy-module to validate the code with Mypy. Unfortuately fake-bpy-module isn't perfect, so various workarounds had to be implemented to access certain variables using the code that adds missing annotations. Mcblend used type annotations before but with recent update to Python type annotations become more powerful and current version of Mypy is more strict.

Full Changelog: v9.3.7...v9.4.0