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Releases: Nusiq/mcblend


16 Aug 20:47
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Increased the precision of the UV-mapping for polymesh models from 3 to 10 digits.


26 Jun 19:59
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  • Fixed code that caused problems with installation of Mcblend on Blender 3.0+


22 Sep 22:31
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  • Now models are exported in 1.16.0 format
  • Added support for "binding" property for the bones
  • Added "world_origin" property for the armatures. This property is used to change replace the global space of the scene with a local space of a selected object for exporting animations.
  • Added override_previous_animation animation property.
  • Rotations in locators are now supported.
  • Integer values in numbers inside exported JSON files are now saved without fractional part.
  • Improved error messages for importing and exporting models
  • Fixed problems with loading arrays of render controllers when the arrays are used multiple times in the same Molang expression


23 May 10:38
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  • Completely changed the rules used to define what is accepted as a valid model to export. From now on every model needs to have an armature. The bones of the armature represent the bones of the Minecraft model, meshes are always translated to cubes or polymeshes, and the empties are translated to locators.
  • A new "Resource Pack" panel has been added which allows you to import model from a resource pack along with their textures and materials
  • Added a way of creating materials based on a setup very similar to Minecraft render controllers. It allows to show the model with multiple textures and materials stacked on top of each other.
  • Minecraft Animations now can be connected to NLA tracks of an armature which enables quick switching between animations
  • Fixed problems with UV-mapping of the flatten cubes (planes) and their rotation in exported models
  • Reorganized the GUI.
    • The import and export buttons have been removed from the sidebar panels (operators can still be accessed via the File-> Import and File-> Export menu)
    • Removed the internal operators from F3 search menu
    • A lot of operators and settings has been moved from the sidebar panel to the object properties and scene properties panels
  • Added new object property which defines the minimal texture space used for the cube during UV-mapping
  • Added new operator which automatically creates a rigid body setup for selected armature
  • Changed default file extension of exported models and animations from .geo.json and .animation.json to just .json
  • Uninstalling Mcblend no longer leaves the license file in the blender add-ons folder (older version still have this problem)
  • A lot of internal changes and reorganizing of the code


07 May 12:33
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Fixed UV-mapping (issue #89)


12 Jan 11:27
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  • The naming conventions used internally by the addon have changed. Some of the data saved in the projects saved using the older version of Mcblend may be lost when you open the project with this version of Mcblend.
  • Importing and exporting polymesh models.
  • A new operator "Separate cubes" has been added for separating cuboids from selected objects. The mesh of the selected object must consist only of cuboids. The newly separated objects have bound box that matches the cuboid rotation.
  • Fixed invalid per face UV-mapping import for bottom cube face
  • The exporter now doesn't let you export invalid models with bad UV-mapping (you'll get an error message)
  • Added an operator for fixing invlid cube UV-mapping.
  • The animation exporter is now disabled unless you have at least one Mcblend animation in the project


04 Dec 20:47
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  • Added option to skip exporting unanimated parts of the model in animation file (like scale [1, 1, 1] or rotation [0, 0, 0]).
  • Exporting animations from NLA.


26 Oct 17:58
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This release also has some demo files with Minecraft world that presents fighter jet battle animation (mcblend_airfight_demo.mcworld) and the blend files used to create the animation (


  • Added UV-group importer and exporter
  • Added option to export mark on the timeline and export sound effects and particle effects for the animations


  • Creating new UV-group doesn't add all of the objects without a UV-group to that group.
  • Some properties displayed in GUI now update property after using operators that edit their values
  • Fixed exporting animations from models with cubes with parent-child relation where parent's scale is not equal to 1.0 (issues #71 and #76)
  • Ellipse mask doesn't crash the texture generator when the surface of the texture is too small to generate the ellipse with disabled hard edge option.


09 Oct 11:44
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  • Added option to store multiple animation export configurations on one scene (issue #65).
  • Reimplemented custom properties. Now they're accessible in different place in GUI (issue #66)
  • Added texture generator feature for UV groups
  • Fixed problems related to issue #69
    • Fixed importer - wrong UV mapping for non-integer cube sizes and dislocated cubes with inflate property.
    • Fixed exporter - using per-face UV-mapping instead of default for cubes with non-integer sizes.
    • Fixed UVMapper - wrong UV mapping for non-integer cube sizes.
  • Improved code style and docstrings, fixed spelling errors.


20 Aug 19:10
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  • Fixed some problems related to exporting (issue #62).