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@Nusiq Nusiq released this 23 May 10:38
· 292 commits to master since this release


  • Completely changed the rules used to define what is accepted as a valid model to export. From now on every model needs to have an armature. The bones of the armature represent the bones of the Minecraft model, meshes are always translated to cubes or polymeshes, and the empties are translated to locators.
  • A new "Resource Pack" panel has been added which allows you to import model from a resource pack along with their textures and materials
  • Added a way of creating materials based on a setup very similar to Minecraft render controllers. It allows to show the model with multiple textures and materials stacked on top of each other.
  • Minecraft Animations now can be connected to NLA tracks of an armature which enables quick switching between animations
  • Fixed problems with UV-mapping of the flatten cubes (planes) and their rotation in exported models
  • Reorganized the GUI.
    • The import and export buttons have been removed from the sidebar panels (operators can still be accessed via the File-> Import and File-> Export menu)
    • Removed the internal operators from F3 search menu
    • A lot of operators and settings has been moved from the sidebar panel to the object properties and scene properties panels
  • Added new object property which defines the minimal texture space used for the cube during UV-mapping
  • Added new operator which automatically creates a rigid body setup for selected armature
  • Changed default file extension of exported models and animations from .geo.json and .animation.json to just .json
  • Uninstalling Mcblend no longer leaves the license file in the blender add-ons folder (older version still have this problem)
  • A lot of internal changes and reorganizing of the code