Releases: SwissOpenEM/ScopeMArchiver
Releases · SwissOpenEM/ScopeMArchiver
Development release corresponding to milestone-III as defined here. First functional system to archive datasets and integrate with SciCat.
What's Changed
- Add GitHub ci by @phwissmann in #7
- 2 poc direct upload to s3 uppy + minio by @phwissmann in #8
- CI: detect changes only in PRs by @phwissmann in #9
- Add tusd upload by @phwissmann in #10
- 14 implement basic job queue by @phwissmann in #21
- Cleanup job system, add feature flags by @phwissmann in #35
- 15 add archive job by @phwissmann in #40
- 57 feature add lts test share as nfs mount by @phwissmann in #60
- 58 feature implement archival in lts by @phwissmann in #64
- 16 feature add retrieval flow by @phwissmann in #65
- Wait for lts files available by @phwissmann in #71
- Wait for lts files available by @phwissmann in #75
- 67 define and implement end to end test procedures by @phwissmann in #84
- Fix path of landing zone bucket by @phwissmann in #90
- 87 bug download url missing in scicat dataset by @phwissmann in #98
- 95 bug expect origdatablocks to not be compressed files but only raw files by @phwissmann in #101
- Remove incompatible field of Job json sent to Scicat by @phwissmann in #102
- Add verification for each datafile by @phwissmann in #103
- Add jobResultObject to scicat job status update by @phwissmann in #106
- Set MINIO_EXTERNAL_URL and SCICAT_ENDPOINT from docker compose by @phwissmann in #108
- Allow defining file size when creating new dataset by @phwissmann in #105
Full Changelog: