Releases: TeamNewPipe/NewPipe
Releases · TeamNewPipe/NewPipe
➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Read the blog post ⬅️ ⬅️ ⬅️
- New Fast Forward/Rewind behavior #4833
- Searchable Preferences / Settings #7586, #7860
- Highlight pinned comments as such #7577
- Added FSFE-Tube PeerTube instance #7481
- Unify error reporting and add error notification #7482
- Show an alert dialog when no appropriate file manager was found #7452
- Do not repeatedly say "Video preview thumbnail" when in reader mode #7619
- Increase playlist stuck target duration coefficient and catch
properly #7661
- Fixed order of local search results #7491
- Respect cutouts when playing in MultiWindow #7451
- Fixed hashtags that use non-English characters. #7556
- Fixed readme link #6855
- Fixed view of sub-channel icon when not in use #7582
- Fixed search not accepting key input after closing player overlay #7607
- Load full stream info before using a stream, fixing empty fields in play queue #7036
- Fixed crash when sharing a playlist which is loading #7662
- Workaround: Set recovery before switching player #7668, #7852
- Added app icon to fastlane metadata #7672
- Always show playing in background/popup toast #7614, reverting #7224 and #7568
- Fixed first item always played in the play queue when reloading play queue manager #7693
- Load uploader url when showing channel details from play queue #7538
- Fixed crash when long-pressing stream while player is starting #7704
- Bump ktlint, Checkstyle, Java version #7500
⚠️ The app requires now Java 11 to be built - Update/Fix "Get it on F-Droid" #7498
- Updated a bunch of libraries #7499
- Readd sonar CI job #7552
- Small improvements to code quality and readability #7562
- Updated NewPipeExtractor #7589
- CI: Upload test-report when an error occurs #7636
- Replaced JUnit asserts with AssertJ in HistoryRecordManagerTest #7654
- Fixed false warning #7648
- Add traditional Chinese README #7618
- Add Polish README #7694
- Some untranslatable string improvements #7317
- Ensure order of search history entries in tests #7670
- Sync weblate #7689
- Fixed some gradle deprecations #7678
- Improved HistoryRecordManager tests #7700
- Moved translated READMEs to subfolder #7784
- Updated FUNDING.yml #7682
- Small changes to license section of README #7710
- Added some stuff to paths-ignore #7803
🔴 🔴 🔴 Read the blog post for more details 🔴 🔴 🔴
- Fix YouTube not playing any streams TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#785
🔴 🔴 🔴 Read the blog post for more details 🔴 🔴 🔴
- Add a "add to playlist" option in the share menu #7194
- Add "Check for updates" button in update settings #7296
- Add support for links #7304
- Support PeerTube short links #7353
- Show action to mark stream as watched all long press menus #7160
- Fix clicking timestamp shows Toast "Playing in popup mode" #7202
- Check if background player already active before displaying player toast #7224
- Added the 'Show Channel Details' menu item to the Queue long press menu #7222
- Use custom TextViews and EditTexts in all XML resources #7061 #7348
- [Feed] Save "Show watched items" toggle's status #7370
- Simple playback-speed-controls improvements #7363
- Rework feed new items handling #7050
- Fixed shuffle button opacity UI bug #6844
- Prevent automatic replay after returning from background #7381
- [YouTube] Likes and dislikes extraction #7467 / TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#753
- Updated translations #7474
- Update AndroidX Media library to 1.4.x #7148
- Deduplicated drawer code in MainActivity #7215
- Use the correct TAG in NavigationHelper #7196
- Clean up .gitignore files #7264
- Remove deprecated setUserVisibleHint #7265
- Update pager workaround code to Fragment 1.3.6 #7149
- Update some libraries #7263
- Update RecyclerView & Groupie libraries #7261
- Gradle: Replaced deprecated 'with' with 'using' #7395
- Update ExoPlayer to 2.14.2 #7005 and #7408
- Remove JCenter #5843
- Add gradle wrapper Sha256 #7418 and #7442
- Use DefaultLoadcontrol #7406
- Some code cleanup(s) #7412
- Better player error handling #7142
🔴 🔴 🔴 Read the blog post containing all info you need to know 🔴 🔴 🔴
- Add a play next button to the long press menu #6872
- Add YouTube shorts path prefix to intent filter #7181
- Swap seekbar position with player buttons in Queue screen #6824
- Make all buttons in player have selectable item background borderless #7042
- Expand minimized player buttons clickable area #7177
- Search for updates immediately when enabling automatic update checks on GItHub builds #6980
- Added Tubus (Invidious) and EduVid (PeerTube) #6642
- Fixed Settings import #7169
- Various fixes related to MediasessionManager #7166
- Disabled media tunneling on RealtekATV #7178
- Fixed seekbar not completed after video end #7176
- Fixed crash on missing title when sharing livestream #7213
- Updated Android Gradle Plugin to version 7.0.2 #6974
⚠️ Now requires Java 11 to build - Allow passing in package name suffix through CLI #6420
- Extracted repeated variable to a constant #7132
- Removed deprecated preferenceTheme style attribute #7156
- Regenerated some drawables to their latest design #7152
- Updated Groupie library to 2.9.0 #7150
- Fixed typos in READMEs #7184
🔴 🔴 🔴 Read the blog post for more details 🔴 🔴 🔴
- Added Show Channel Details where it's missing #6919
- Allow choosing which types of search suggestions to show #3546
- Added support for CSV+ZIP subscriptions (Google Takeout) #6882
- Show popup menu when long pressing items in the video player's play queue #6955
- Added option to directly open fullscreen when the main player starts #5459
- Added darker splash screen for OS dark theme #7055
- Changed dark theme colors to darker variant #6244, #7085
- Replace UniversalImageLoader with Picasso #5928
- Change "not available" image from PNG to vector format #6917
- Provide mime type to file picker to gray out unselectable files #6820
- Explain how to remove tab from main page #6965
- Catch errors while processing timestamp-links #6851
- Added wrapping settings titles to the next line #6952
- Re-add sharing of the content name with the "Share" command #6957
- Fixed double tapping the replay button #7014
- [Android TV] Fix long seekbar jumps when using a DPad #6985
- Close audio effect control session properly #6993
- Fixed some inconsistencies in the error panel #7004
- Change player progress bar update from 500 ms to 1 s #7071
- Fixed
crashes when trying to play in popup or getting search suggestions #7056 - Fixed toggeling description visibility while a video detail is shown #7056
- Fixed restarting not working properly #7068
- Added gradle parameter to skip formatKtLint and use in CI #6858
- Using Eclipse temurin in GH actions #6995
- Use ExoPlayer default values for buffers #6515
- Use PackageInfoCompat.getSignatures(). #6634
- Fixed build problems and updated kotlin #6986
- Using integrated cache in actions/setup-java #7002
🔴 🔴 🔴 Read the blog post for more details 🔴 🔴 🔴
- Added player seekbar thumbnail preview #6434
- Added comments disabled functionality #6483
- Added ability to mark a feed item as watched #6773 #6956
- Show hearts in comments #6741
- Improved metadata layout, better tags accessibility #6463
- Various improvements to the player (e.g. faster closing) #6566
- Apply service theme to UI components #6456 #6771 #6847
- Made the thumbnail in the minimized player visible again #6616
- Fixed 'Unrecoverable player error occurred' when rotating device while playing a video #6503
- Fixed duplicate items in queue causing endless buffering #6712
- Delete pending missions with invalid storage fixing a crash when starting a download #6721
- Prevent ReCAPTCHA webview from keeping YouTube loaded in background #6733
- Fixed NullPointerException when checking if storage exists #6778
- Disabled feed click events while refresh overlay is shown #6550
- Fixed channel item span count for SubscriptionFragment #6814
- Upgraded to Gradle 7.1.1 #6538
- Updated some libraries #6540 #6702
- Specify emulator-build version in CI job fixing emulator build #6560
- Remove option to immediately commit pref changes on import #6531
- Fix API level 29 from Android CI tests #6678 #6715
- Use GestureDetectorCompat #6637
- Added instrumented tests for LocalPlaylistManager.createPlaylist #5531 #6706
- Bumped compileSdkVersion to 30 #6654
- Fixed some build warnings #6688
- Added a Kotlin section in #6659
- Use Kotlin methods in LicenseFragment #6675
- Use WindowInsetsCompat's getInsets() method #6689
- Consolidate edittext alert dialogs into one common layout #6720
- Fixed deprecated fill_parent attributes #6782
- Check formatting of kotlin files in CI #6808
- Updated some AndroidX libraries #6719
- Use NotificationChannelCompat #6633
- [PeerTube] Support livestreams TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#661
- [YouTube] Fix buffering and throttling by decoding
parameter in stream URLs TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#683 TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#696 - [YouTube] Fix comments extraction and more improvements TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#604
- [YouTube] Fix crashes with disabled comments TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#652
- [YouTube] Fix music search TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor#699