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Releases: VirtusLab/scala-cli


06 Mar 08:52
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Switch to scalameta/scalafmt images of scalafmt 3.9.1+

Since version 3.9.1 scalafmt ships with native images built with Scala Native. As a result, we are sunsetting and Scala CLI will use the artifacts from for scalafmt versions >=3.9.1

Note that older Scala CLI versions may still attempt to download a native image from the old repository for the new versions.
We will keep releasing those for a short while to help late upgraders migrate.

scala-cli fmt -F -version
# scalafmt 3.9.2

Added by @Gedochao in #3521

Support the --test command line option for run and package

It is now possible to run a main method from the test scope with the --test flag.

//> using target.scope test
@main def helloFromTestScope(): Unit = println("Hello from the test scope!")
scala-cli run HelloFromTestScope.scala --test --power

# Hello from the test scope!  

Similarly, it is now possible to package the main and test scopes together, using the same --test flag.

scala-cli package HelloFromTestScope.scala --test --power
# # Wrote ./helloFromTestScope, run it with                                       
#  ./helloFromTestScope  
# Hello from the test scope!  

Keep in mind that the test and main scopes are still separate compilation units, where the test scope depends on the main scope (while the reverse isn't true).

Added by @Gedochao in #3502 and #3519

Detect objects with main class in scripts

Scala CLI now detects objects with a main method in scripts and runs them by default.

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello")

Do note that, this is chiefly a convenience feature for migration of old scripts, using the old, legacy scala runner.

If any top-level code is present alongside an object with a main method, the top-level code will be run instead and a warning printed.

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello")
println("Top level code says hello")
scala-cli run
# [warn]  Script contains objects with main methods and top-level statements, only the latter will be run.                                   
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# Top level code says hello

Additionally, cases where multiple main methods are present in the same script are not supported, inidicated by a warning.

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello1")

object Main2 {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println("Hello2")

Note that no output is printed in this example:

scala-cli run
# [warn]  Only a single main is allowed within scripts. Multiple main classes were found in the script: Main, Main2                          
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))

Finally, main methods defined in this way cannot be chosen via the --main-class command line option directive, and neither will they be printed by the --list-main-methods flag.

Added by @tgodzik in #3479

Support for Scala Native 0.5.7

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala Native version to 0.5.7.

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello from Scala Native 0.5.7!")' --native
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala Native 0.5.7)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala Native 0.5.7)
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=true, disable if not used) (1045 ms)
# [info] Discovered 915 classes and 5608 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (41 ms)
# [info] Multithreading was not explicitly enabled - initial class loading has not detected any usage of system threads. Multithreading support will be disabled to improve performance.
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=false) (352 ms)
# [info] Discovered 498 classes and 2506 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (9 ms)
# [info] Discovered 477 classes and 1930 methods after optimization
# [info] Optimizing (debug mode) (608 ms)
# [info] Produced 9 LLVM IR files
# [info] Generating intermediate code (650 ms)
# [info] Compiling to native code (1674 ms)
# [info] Linking with [pthread, dl, m]
# [info] Linking native code (immix gc, none lto) (339 ms)
# [info] Postprocessing (0 ms)
# [info] Total (4655 ms)
# Hello from Scala Native 0.5.7!

Added in #3527


  • improvement: Detect objects with main class in scripts by @tgodzik in #3479
  • Add support for running a main method from the test scope by @Gedochao in #3502
  • Support the --test flag with the package sub-command by @Gedochao in #3519


Internal and build changes

Documentation changes


Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.7.0


12 Feb 16:13
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Support for Scala.js 1.18.2

This Scala CLI version adds support for Scala.js 1.18.2.

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello")' --js
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala.js 1.18.2)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala.js 1.18.2)
# Hello

Added in #3454

Support for Scala 3.3.5

The Scala CLI internals are now built with Scala 3.3.5.

Added by @Gedochao in #3466


  • Add a deprecation warning for using Scala 2.12.4 with Bloop by @Gedochao in #3470


  • Remove conflicting Scala 2.13 io.get-coursier:dependency dependency & add a CI check by @Gedochao in #3472

Internal and build changes

Documentation changes

  • Add warning about test files in publish docs by @majk-p in #3486
  • Back port of documentation changes to main by @github-actions in #3487


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.6.2


22 Jan 07:56
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Pass --repl-init-script directly to the Scala REPL

Passing an initialization script to the REPL with --repl-init-script is now allowed directly, rather than after -- or with -O.
The --repl-init-script is a REPL option introduced in Scala 3.6.4, so it's not available for earlier Scala versions.

scala-cli repl -S 3.6.4-RC1 --repl-init-script 'println("Hello")'
# Hello
# Welcome to Scala 3.6.4-RC1 (23.0.1, Java OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM).
# Type in expressions for evaluation. Or try :help.
# scala> 

Added by @Gedochao in #3447

Hotfix release

Although Scala CLI 1.6.1 includes a few updates and improvements, it is primarily a hotfix release for version 1.6.0, which due to technical limitations wasn't available on some of our distribution channels.

For extra context refer to:


  • Enable direct usage of --repl-init-script with Scala REPL >= 3.6.4-RC1 by @Gedochao in #3447

Internal and build changes

  • Fix update-packages step of the release job on the CI by @Gedochao in #3446


Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1


21 Jan 08:55
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v1.6.0 Pre-release

Scala CLI 1.6.0 will not be available on all distribution channels

Due to technical difficulties with our release pipeline, Scala CLI 1.6.0 release distribution channels were limited to:

  • its GitHub release page, where launchers for all platforms are available as normal
  • Maven Central
  • WinGet
  • Chocolatey

While it can be used as such, it was followed up with a hotfix 1.6.1 release, which should be available through all standard distribution channels.

Fixed commas being treated as using directive value separators & deprecated using them with whitespace

NOTE: these are breaking changes affecting using directives syntax.
They're technically fixes + a deprecation, but in a very rare scenario existing builds could break, if they were relying on the erroneous syntax.

This Scala CLI version fixes commas (,) being treated as using directive value separators on their own.

Formerly, a directive like:

//> using options -Wunused:locals,privates

Would be (erroneously) interpreted as the following 2 options for the compiler: -Wunused:locals and privates.
As a comma will now no longer be treated as a separator (which it never should have been), it will now be interpreted correctly as
a single option: -Wunused:locals,privates.
Before this change, the only way to pass this value to the options directive key was escaping the comma with double quotes:

//> using options "-Wunused:locals,privates"

The escaping is no longer necessary.

Additionally, using commas along with whitespace as separators is now deprecated for future removal.

scala-cli compile --scala-snippet '//> using options -Wunused:locals, -Wunused:privates'
# [warn] <snippet>-scala-snippet:1:34
# [warn] Use of commas as separators is deprecated. Only whitespace is neccessary.
# Starting compilation server
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))

Finally, the use of /* (..) */ comments in using directives is no longer supported.

//> using /* some comment */ options -Wunused:locals /* some other comment */ -Wunused:privates
// this syntax used to be supported, but will now fail.

Added by @Gedochao in #3381 and #3333 and

Cap vague Scala versions at defaults

NOTE: this is a breaking change regarding how the Scala version is resolved.

We have changed how a Scala version is picked when major or major.minor prefixes are passed, rather than the full version tag:

For example:

//> using scala 3
// When compiled with Scala CLI v1.6.0, this snippet will use Scala 3.6.3 (the built-in default), even if a newer version has been released.

Added by @Gedochao in #3259

Support for Scala 3.6.3 and 2.13.16

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala version to 3.6.3.

scala-cli version
# Scala CLI version: 1.6.0
# Scala version (default): 3.6.3

It has also been tested with Scala 2.13.16.

Added by @Gedochao in #3426 and #3418

Support for Scala.js 1.18.1

This Scala CLI version adds support for Scala.js 1.18.1.

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello")' --js
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala.js 1.18.1)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, Scala.js 1.18.1)
# Hello

Added in #3440 and VirtusLab/scala-js-cli#113

(⚡️ experimental) scalafix integration

We now support running scalafix rules with the fix sub-command.

scala-cli fix . --power
# The `fix` sub-command is experimental
# Please bear in mind that non-ideal user experience should be expected.
# If you encounter any bugs or have feedback to share, make sure to reach out to the maintenance team at
# Running built-in rules...
# Writing project.scala
# Removing directives from Smth.scala
# Built-in rules completed.
# Running scalafix rules...
# Starting compilation server
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# [warn] ./Main.scala:2:7
# [warn] unused local definition
# [warn]   val unused = "unused"
# [warn]       ^^^^^^
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# scalafix rules completed.

Former fix functionalities are now referred to in the code as the built-in rules.
Effectively, fix now runs 2 separate sets of rules (both enabled by default): built-in and scalafix.
They can be controlled via the --enable-scalafix and --enable-built-in command line options.

scalafix rules are ran according to the configuration in <project-root>/.scalafix.conf.

It is possible to run external scalafix rules
with the (⚡️ experimental) scalafix.dep directive:

//> using scalafix.dep com.github.xuwei-k::scalafix-rules:0.6.0

Added by @Vigorge and @dos65 in #2968

Support for running snapshot versions of the build server (Bloop)

It is now possible to pass a snapshot version to the --bloop-version command line option.

scala-cli compile . --bloop-version 2.0.7-8-fe3f53d9-SNAPSHOT
# Starting compilation server
# Compiling project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
# Compiled project (Scala 3.6.3, JVM (23))
scala-cli --power bloop about
# bloop v2.0.7-8-fe3f53d9-SNAPSHOT
# Using Scala v2.12.20 and Zinc v1.10.7
# Running on Java JDK v23.0.1 (~/Library/Caches/Coursier/arc/https/
#   -> Supports debugging user code, Java Debug Interface (JDI) is available.
# Maintained by the Scala Center and the community.

Added by @Gedochao in #3405

Support for suppressing deprecation warnings

It is now possible to suppress deprecation warnings with the --suppress-deprecated-warnings command line option.

scala-cli project-with-deprecated-stuff --suppress-deprecated-warnings

You can also suppress deprecation warnings globally by setting the suppress-warning.deprecated-features configuration key.

scala-cli config suppress-warning.deprecated-features true

Added by @Gedochao in #3406



  • Misc improvements in compiler options handling by @Gedochao in #3253
  • Allow shading of single-choice compiler options from the command line regardless of -/-- prefix by @Gedochao in #3279
  • Fix dependency main class detection throwing an NPE when JAR manifest doesn't list the main class correctly by @Gedochao in #3319
  • Fix commas being treated as using directives value separators & deprecate using them with whitespace by @Gedochao in #3333
  • Retain Bloop connection when restarting a build with --watch by @Gedochao in #3351
  • Improve deprecation warnings for commas with whitespace used as using directive value separators by @Gedochao in #3366
  • Recover from invalid paths returned from Bloop diagnostics by @Gedochao in #3372
  • Add missing support for excluding transient dependencies when publishing by @Gedochao in #3357
  • Fix using directives crashing on */ by removing /* (..) */ comments support in using_directives by @Gedochao in #3381
  • fix built-in rules: don't wrap directive values in double quotes if not necessary by @Gedochao in ht...
Read more


20 Nov 15:58
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Hotfix release

Although Scala CLI 1.5.4 includes a few updates and improvements, it is primarily a hotfix release for versions 1.5.2 and 1.5.3, which due to technical limitations weren't available on some of our distribution channels.

Extra context:

The main list of enhancements and fixes is listed in the release notes for 1.5.2.

Support for Scala Native 0.5.6

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala Native version to 0.5.6.

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello from Scala Native 0.5.6!")' --native
# Compiling project (Scala 3.5.2, Scala Native 0.5.6)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.5.2, Scala Native 0.5.6)
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=true, disable if not used) (949 ms)
# [info] Discovered 887 classes and 5408 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (40 ms)
# [info] Multithreading was not explicitly enabled - initial class loading has not detected any usage of system threads. Multithreading support will be disabled to improve performance.
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=false) (285 ms)
# [info] Discovered 499 classes and 2500 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (7 ms)
# [info] Discovered 478 classes and 1914 methods after optimization
# [info] Optimizing (debug mode) (429 ms)
# [info] Produced 9 LLVM IR files
# [info] Generating intermediate code (296 ms)
# [info] Compiling to native code (1464 ms)
# [info] Linking with [pthread, dl]
# [info] Linking native code (immix gc, none lto) (208 ms)
# [info] Postprocessing (0 ms)
# [info] Total (3728 ms)
# Hello from Scala Native 0.5.6!

Added by @Gedochao in #3295

Internal changes

  • Pin Fedora docker image at fedora:40 by @Gedochao in #3283
  • Don't fail the update-packages and windows-packages jobs on individual distributions' steps by @Gedochao in #3288

Documentation changes

  • Fix broken example in //> using dep reference doc by @Gedochao in #3281
  • Mention distribution limitations in the Scala CLI 1.5.3 release notes by @Gedochao in #3286
  • Back port of documentation changes to main by @github-actions in #3287


Full Changelog: v1.5.3...v1.5.4


14 Nov 08:49
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This is a hotfix release, which makes all the fixes and enhancements of Scala CLI 1.5.2 available through most standard distribution channels (rather than just Maven Central).

For the main release notes, please refer to the v1.5.2 ones.

Distribution limitations

Due to technical difficulties within our release pipeline, Scala CLI 1.5.3 is not available via the following channels:

  • yum (on RedHat/Cent OS/Fedora)

We will follow up with a 1.5.4 hotfix release to address this issue.


  • Tag failing native packager tests as flaky by @Gedochao in #3270
  • Make publishing depend on all integration tests & docs tests by @Gedochao in #3272

Full Changelog: v1.5.2...v1.5.3


12 Nov 06:35
Choose a tag to compare
v1.5.2 Pre-release

Scala CLI 1.5.2 will only be available on the JVM

Due to technical difficulties with our release pipeline, Scala CLI 1.5.2 was only released as a JVM launcher on Maven Central. While it can be used as such, we will follow it up with a hotfix 1.5.3 release, which should be available through all standard distribution channels.

scala-cli --cli-version 1.5.2 version
# Scala CLI version: 1.5.2
# Scala version (default): 3.5.2

--source is now deprecated and scheduled for removal in Scala CLI v1.6.x

Due to how easy it is to confuse --source (the command line option for producing source JARs with the package sub-command) and -source (the Scala compiler option, which can also be passed as --source in recent Scala 3 versions), using the former is now deprecated, and will likely be removed in Scala CLI v1.6.x.

scala-cli --power package --source .                       
# [warn] The --source option alias has been deprecated and may be removed in a future version.
# (...)

Do note that the deprecation (and future removal) only affects the option alias.
The feature of packaging source JARs remains unchanged.
It is now recommended to switch to using the --src alias instead.

scala-cli --power package --src .  

Added by @Gedochao in #3257.

Support for Scala 3.5.2

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala version to 3.5.2.

scala-cli version
# Scala CLI version: 1.5.2
# Scala version (default): 3.5.2

Added by @Gedochao in #3230

Initial support for emitting Wasm with a command line option and a directive

It is now possible to emit Wasm via Scala.js with the //> using jsEmitWasm directive:

//> using platform js
//> using jsEmitWasm
//> using jsModuleKind es
//> using jsModuleSplitStyleStr fewestmodules

Or with the --js-emit-wasm command line option:

scala-cli --power package --js --js-emit-wasm
# The `--js-emit-wasm` option is experimental
# Please bear in mind that non-ideal user experience should be expected.
# If you encounter any bugs or have feedback to share, make sure to reach out to the maintenance team at
# Compiling project (Scala 3.5.2, Scala.js 1.17.0)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.5.2, Scala.js 1.17.0)
# Wrote ~/wasm/wasm.js/main.js, run it with
#   node ./wasm.js/main.js
tree wasm.js
# wasm.js
# ├── __loader.js
# ├── main.js
# └── main.wasm
# 1 directory, 3 files

For more information about Wasm (WebAssembly) support via Scala.js, refer here.

Added by @Quafadas in #3255.


  • Add a --js-emit-wasm option and a corresponding using directive by @Quafadas in #3255


  • Deprecate the --source command line option for the package sub-command by @Gedochao in #3257


  • Fix --watch to work correctly with changing using directives & sources requiring code generation (scripts, markdown, etc) by @Gedochao in #3218
  • Ensure resource directories passed via a using directive aren't ignored in --watch mode by @Gedochao in #3221
  • Ensure consecutive -Wconf:* flags are not ignored by @Gedochao in #3245

Documentation changes

  • Mention the Fix command in the Using directives guide by @dabrowski-adam in #3239
  • Back port of documentation changes to main by @github-actions in #3242


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2

Latest launchers

13 Aug 11:38
Choose a tag to compare
Merge pull request #3257 from Gedochao/maintenance/deprecate-source

Deprecate the `--source` command line option for the `package` sub-command


01 Oct 11:17
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Support for Scala 3.5.1, 3.3.4, 2.13.15 and 2.12.20

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala version to 3.5.1.

scala-cli version
# Scala CLI version: 1.5.1
# Scala version (default): 3.5.1

It has also been tested with Scala 3.3.4, 2.13.15 and 2.12.20.
The Scala CLI internals are now built with Scala 3.3.4.

Support for Scala.js 1.17.0

This version adds Scala CLI support for Scala.js 1.17.0.


  • Apply increased verbosity when compiling via BSP by @Gedochao in #3202


  • improvement: Use distinct on ScalacOpt by @tgodzik in #3139
  • bugfix: Check if last segment of path exists by @tgodzik in #3131
  • bugfix: Fix duplicate options detection by @tgodzik in #3151
  • bugfix: Also deduplicate if options split by space by @tgodzik in #3154
  • Fix setup-ide for --cli-version by @Gedochao in #3161
  • Ensure main classes from inputs take precedence before those found in JARs added to the class path by @Gedochao in #3165
  • Ensure that passing Java props into Scala CLI as launcher args would also pass it into BSP configuration by @Gedochao in #3169
  • NIT fixes for the export sub-command by @Gedochao in #3197
  • Ensure --version passed to the default command works with --offline by @Gedochao in #3207

Documentation changes

  • Docs: Fix suppress option for directives-in-multiple-files warning by @mims-github in #3133
  • Doc: Tips on how to list available JVMs using coursier by @jatcwang in #3129
  • Back port of documentation changes to main by @github-actions in #3160
  • Use Scala 3 in the Scala Native gif by @Gedochao in #3195

Build and internal changes

  • Add tests for setup-ide with --cli-version by @Gedochao in #3163
  • Change how help is referenced to avoid initialization oddness & update case-app to 2.1.0-M29 by @coreyoconnor in #3152
  • Adjust tests for Scala 3.3.4 by @Gedochao in #3164
  • NIT Refactor existing --watch tests by @Gedochao in #3175
  • Generate an empty JUnit report when no tests were run, rather than fail by @Gedochao in #3179
  • NIT Extract REPL tests relying on Ammonite into dedicated traits by @Gedochao in #3209


New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


22 Aug 21:54
Choose a tag to compare

Support for Scala 3.5.0

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala version to 3.5.0.

scala-cli version
# Scala CLI version: 1.5.0
# Scala version (default): 3.5.0

Added by @Gedochao in #3093.

Support for Scala Native 0.5.5

This Scala CLI version switches the default Scala Native version to 0.5.5.

scala-cli -e 'println("Hello from Scala Native 0.5.5!")' --native
# Compiling project (Scala 3.5.0, Scala Native 0.5.5)
# Compiled project (Scala 3.5.0, Scala Native 0.5.5)
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=true, disable if not used) (894 ms)
# [info] Discovered 888 classes and 5407 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (31 ms)
# [info] Multithreading was not explicitly enabled - initial class loading has not detected any usage of system threads. Multithreading support will be disabled to improve performance.
# [info] Linking (multithreadingEnabled=false) (299 ms)
# [info] Discovered 499 classes and 2497 methods after classloading
# [info] Checking intermediate code (quick) (5 ms)
# [info] Discovered 478 classes and 1912 methods after optimization
# [info] Optimizing (debug mode) (403 ms)
# [info] Produced 9 LLVM IR files
# [info] Generating intermediate code (368 ms)
# [info] Compiling to native code (1565 ms)
# [info] Linking with [pthread, dl]
# [info] Linking native code (immix gc, none lto) (83 ms)
# [info] Postprocessing (0 ms)
# [info] Total (3625 ms)
# Hello from Scala Native 0.5.5!

Added by @Gedochao in #3117

(⚡️ experimental) Support for exporting to a Maven project

It is now possible to export a Scala CLI project to Maven.

scala-cli export --script-snippet 'println("No need to create the pom.xml yourself!")' --mvn --power -o mvn-demo
# Some utilized features are marked as experimental:
#  - `export` sub-command
#  - `--mvn` option
# Please bear in mind that non-ideal user experience should be expected.
# If you encounter any bugs or have feedback to share, make sure to reach out to the maintenance team at
# Exporting to a maven project...
# Exported to: ~/scala-cli-tests/mvn-demo
cd mvn-demo
mvn scala:run -DmainClass=snippet_sc
# (...)
# No need to create the pom.xml yourself!
# [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [INFO] Total time:  2.589 s
# [INFO] Finished at: 2024-08-22T12:08:36+02:00
# [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Added by @yadavan88 in #3003.

Support for launching apps from dependencies without other inputs

It is now possible to launch an app by just specifying its dependency, without the need to provide any source files.
In such a case the build server will not be started, as there's no compilation to be done.
There's also no need to specify the main class, as it's now being detected automatically in dependencies as well.
Do note that explicitly calling the run sub-command is necessary here, as otherwise Scala CLI will default to the REPL.

scala-cli run --dep io.get-coursier:coursier-cli_2.13:2.1.10 -- version
# 2.1.10

This can be used similarly to Coursier's cs launch.

Added by @kasiaMarek in #3079.

(⚡️ experimental) JMH available in various commands and via using directives

Some improvements have been done to the experimental support for JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness).

The --jmh and --jmh-version options can now be passed to a number of commands:

  • run, as it was before (note that when --jmh is passed to run, the project's main class will default to running the benchmarks rather than the project's default main method; this behaviour is likely to be changed in future versions).
  • compile, so that a Scala CLI project with benchmarking can be compiled separately from being run;
  • package, although the resulting artifacts will run the project as normal for now, rather than benchmarks;
  • setup-ide, so that benchmarking projects can be imported to your IDE of choice;
  • test and export will now also no longer fail with --jmh, although no specific implementations for benchmarking are in place there yet.

It is now also possible to control JMH with using directives:

  • //> using jmh allows to enable JMH for the project, being the equivalent of the --jmh option.
  • //> using jmhVersion <version> allows to set the JMH version to use, being the equivalent of the --jmh-version option.
//> using jmh
//> using jmhVersion 1.37
package bench

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

@Warmup(iterations = 1, time = 100, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
@Measurement(iterations = 10, time = 100, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
class Benchmarks {
  def foo(): Unit = {
    (1L to 1000L).sum

Expect more improvements in this area in the future.
Also, do play with it and give us feedback about the current implementation!

Added by @Gedochao in #3091 and #3118.

Support for auto-completions in fish

We now have command line auto-completions for the fish shell.

Added by @KristianLentino99 in #3104.

--js-es-module-import-map no longer requires --power mode

A bit of a minor thing, but you can now use the --js-es-module-import-map option without enabling --power mode.

Added by @Gedochao in #3086.



  • bugfix: Exclude sourcecode dependency by @tgodzik in #3094
  • bugfix: Exclude both sourcecode and collection-compat correctly by @tgodzik in #3105
  • Make package command handle directories in extra classpath by @joan38 in #3096
  • Add extra try-catch clause + extra logging in LocalRepo by @Gedochao in #3114
  • Fix/changing options from sources should not require reload by @MaciejG604 in #3112
  • fix: remove the --release flag by @kasiaMarek in #3119
  • Remove adding test options to the project/build target name hash by @MaciejG604 in #3107

Internal changes

Documentation changes

  • Add more env vars & generate reference docs for them by @Gedochao in #3075


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