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Rust implementation of TikTok-Live-Connector library. Receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.


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TikTok Live Rust

❤️❤️🎁 Connect to TikTok live in 3 lines 🎁❤️❤️


A Rust library. Use it to receive live stream events such as comments and gifts in realtime from TikTok LIVE No credentials are required.

Join the support discord and visit the #rust-support channel for questions, contributions and ideas. Feel free to make pull requests with missing/new features, fixes, etc

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NOTE: This is not an official API. It's a reverse engineering project.


Getting started

Signing server API key

If you don't have a signing server you can obtain a free API key from EulerStream


tiktoklive = "0.0.19"
tokio = { version = "1.35.1", features = ["full"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
log = "0.4"
env_logger = "0.10.1"

Usage example

use env_logger::{Builder, Env}; // Importing the logger builder and environment configuration
use log::LevelFilter; // Importing log level filter
use log::{error, warn};
use std::time::Duration; // Importing Duration for timeout settings
use tiktoklive::{
    // Importing necessary modules and structs from tiktoklive crate
    data::live_common::{ClientData, StreamData, TikTokLiveSettings},
use tokio::signal; // Importing signal handling from tokio

#[tokio::main] // Main function is asynchronous and uses tokio runtime
async fn main() {
    init_logger("info"); // Initialize logger with "info" level
    let user_name = "tragdate";

    let client = create_client(user_name); // Create a client for the given username

    // Spawn a new asynchronous task to connect the client
    let handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
        // Attempt to connect the client
        if let Err(e) = client.connect().await {
            match e {
                // Match on the error type
                LibError::LiveStatusFieldMissing => {
                    // Specific error case
                        "Failed to get live status (probably needs authenticated client): {}",
                    let auth_client = create_client_with_cookies(user_name); // Create an authenticated client
                    if let Err(e) = auth_client.connect().await {
                        // Attempt to connect the authenticated client
                        error!("Error connecting to TikTok Live after retry: {}", e);
                LibError::HeaderNotReceived => {
                    error!("Error connecting to TikTok Live: {}", e);

                _ => {
                    // General error case
                    error!("Error connecting to TikTok Live: {}", e);

    signal::ctrl_c().await.expect("Failed to listen for Ctrl+C"); // Wait for Ctrl+C signal to gracefully shut down

    handle.await.expect("The spawned task has panicked"); // Await the spawned task to ensure it completes

fn handle_event(client: &TikTokLiveClient, event: &TikTokLiveEvent) {
    match event {
        TikTokLiveEvent::OnConnected(..) => {
            // This is an EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE feature
            // Get room info from the client
            let room_info = client.get_room_info();
            // // Parse the room info
            let client_data: ClientData = serde_json::from_str(room_info).unwrap();
            // // Parse the stream data
            let stream_data: StreamData = serde_json::from_str(
            // Get the video URL for the low definition stream with fallback to the high definition stream in a flv format
            let video_url = stream_data
                .map(|ld| ld.main.flv)
                .or_else(|||sd| sd.main.flv))
                .or_else(|||origin| origin.main.flv))
                .expect("None of the stream types set");
            println!("room info: {}", video_url);

        // Match on the event type
        TikTokLiveEvent::OnMember(join_event) => {
            // Handle member join event
            println!("user: {} joined", join_event.raw_data.user.nickname);
        TikTokLiveEvent::OnChat(chat_event) => {
            // Handle chat event
                "user: {} -> {}",
                chat_event.raw_data.user.nickname, chat_event.raw_data.content
        TikTokLiveEvent::OnGift(gift_event) => {
            // Handle gift event
            let nick = &gift_event.raw_data.user.nickname;
            let gift_name = &;
            let gifts_amount =;
                "user: {} sends gift: {} x {}",
                nick, gift_name, gifts_amount
        TikTokLiveEvent::OnLike(like_event) => {
            // Handle like event
            let nick = &like_event.raw_data.user.nickname;
            println!("user: {} likes", nick);
        _ => {} // Ignore other events

// Function to initialize the logger with a default log level
fn init_logger(default_level: &str) {
    let env = Env::default().filter_or("LOG_LEVEL", default_level); // Set default log level from environment or use provided level
    Builder::from_env(env) // Build the logger from environment settings
        .filter_module("tiktoklive", LevelFilter::Debug) // Set log level for tiktoklive module
        .init(); // Initialize the logger

// Function to configure the TikTok live settings
fn configure(settings: &mut TikTokLiveSettings) {
    settings.http_data.time_out = Duration::from_secs(12); // Set HTTP timeout to 12 seconds
    settings.sign_api_key = "".to_string(); // Provide your own api key here

// Function to configure the TikTok live settings with cookies for authentication
fn configure_with_cookies(settings: &mut TikTokLiveSettings) {
    settings.http_data.time_out = Duration::from_secs(12); // Set HTTP timeout to 12 seconds
    settings.sign_api_key = "".to_string(); // Provide your own api key here
    let contents = ""; // Placeholder for cookies
        .insert("Cookie".to_string(), contents.to_string());
    // Insert cookies into HTTP headers

// Function to create a TikTok live client for the given username
fn create_client(user_name: &str) -> TikTokLiveClient {
    TikTokLive::new_client(user_name) // Create a new client
        .configure(configure) // Configure the client
        .on_event(handle_event) // Set the event handler
        .build() // Build the client

// Function to create a TikTok live client with cookies for the given username
fn create_client_with_cookies(user_name: &str) -> TikTokLiveClient {
    TikTokLive::new_client(user_name) // Create a new client
        .configure(configure_with_cookies) // Configure the client with cookies
        .on_event(handle_event) // Set the event handler
        .build() // Build the client

Library errors table

You can catch errors on events with

use tiktoklive::LibError;

if let Err(e) = client.connect().await {
    match e {
        LibError::UserFieldMissing => {
            println!("User field is missing");
        _ => {
            eprintln!("Error connecting to TikTok Live: {}", e);
Error type Description
RoomIDFieldMissing Room ID field is missing, contact developer
UserFieldMissing User field is missing
UserDataFieldMissing User data field is missing
LiveDataFieldMissing Live data field is missing
JsonParseError Error parsing JSON
UserMessageFieldMissing User message field is missing
ParamsError Params error
UserStatusFieldMissing User status field is missing
LiveStatusFieldMissing Live status field is missing
TitleFieldMissing Title field is missing
UserCountFieldMissing User count field is missing
StatsFieldMissing Stats field is missing
LikeCountFieldMissing Like count is missing
TotalUserFieldMissing Total user field is missing
LiveRoomFieldMissing Live room field is missing
StartTimeFieldMissing Start time field is missing
UserNotFound User not found
HostNotOnline Live stream for host is not online!, current status HostOffline
InvalidHost Invalid host in WebSocket URL
WebSocketConnectFailed Failed to connect to WebSocket
PushFrameParseError Unable to read push frame
WebcastResponseParseError Unable to read webcast response
AckPacketSendError Unable to send ack packet
HttpRequestFailed HTTP request failed
UrlSigningFailed URL signing failed
HeaderNotReceived Header was not received
BytesParseError Unable to parse bytes to Push Frame


Your improvements are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or pull request.


Zmole Cristian


Rust implementation of TikTok-Live-Connector library. Receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.







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