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XJC / JAXB plugin for generation of Bean Validation Annotations 2.0 (JSR-380)


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XJC Plugin to generate Bean Validation Annotations 2.0 (JSR-380)

This project defines 2 XJC and 1 CXF plugins:

  • Jsr308Annotations a XJC plugin that adds Bean Validation 2.0 or JSR 380 validations suporting both javax or jakarta packages

  • ReplacePrimitives a XJC plugin that replaces the generated primitives with the corresponding boxed types (i.e. int -> Integer)

  • an Apache Cxf plugin that adds the javax or jakarta @Valid annotation to the SOAP methods and their parameters (both optionally) of the generated Port Type interface. This plugin is configured using the same JSR308Annotations name.

Example of usage

There are 2 example projects containing many different plugins and configurations available for reference (each new version of this plugin is tested against these two progects):

JDK 1.8 Support

The project is bounded to support Java 8 (JDK 1.8) because of some old projects still requiring it. All dependencies are selected from the latest available versions still supporting that.


  • 2.3.8 add multiPattern option (false by default) to enable writing multiple @Pattern annotations instead of using @Pattern.List (thanks to CrEaK (Niklas Neesen))

  • 2.3.7 fix duplicate pattern and critical vulnerability on dependency

    • duplicated regex pattern and enumeration fix (thanks to Niklas Neesen)

    • CVE-2025-23184 on dependency org.apache.cxf:cxf-tools-wsdlto-frontend-jaxws:3.5.9

  • 2.3.6 various fixes and improvements:

    • allow numeric annotations to String generated values

    • fix invalid multiple pattern generation with inherited restrictions

    • all tests are now performed automatically against both javax and jakarta packages

    • fix for javax packages being generated by the CXF plugin even when jakarta was required (ValidSEIGenerator plugin)

    • reorganization of test packages to improve readability

  • 2.3.5 fix critical vulnerabilities found in dependencies, see Sonatype report.

  • 2.3.4 bug fix release:

    • fix Issue #17 where @DecimalMin and @DecimalMax superfluous annotations were added to numeric java types. A new argument has been created generateAllNumericConstraints in case all constraints would be needed (even superflous ones).
  • 2.3.3 bug fix release:

    • fix Issue #13 where it's been wrongly assumed that: SimpleTypeImpl particle = (SimpleTypeImpl) definition was always true. A check has beed added to prevent the ClassCastException.
  • 2.3.2 another bug fix release:

    • fix @Pattern added to wrong fields (regression from 2.2)
    • add @EachPattern when needed for List<String> fields
    • rename generateStringListAnnotations option to generateListAnnotations because it is not limited to list of strings
    • disable generateListAnnotations by default (was enabled)
  • 2.3.1 bug fix release:

    • @Valid annotation was not added by default
    • remove singlePattern option because @Pattern.List is not semantically correct
    • disable jpa option because not really useful
    • disable JSR_349 option it was referring to Validation API 1.1 while now we use 2.0
    • add a lot of tests to establish a solid baseline (defaults was backported and tested on 2.2)
  • 2.3 A huge refactoring and bug fixing:

    • added singlePattern option
    • fixed generateServiceValidationAnnotations used by ValidSEIGenerator to accept string parameter
    • dependencies updated to the latest version still supporting JDK 1.8
    • a maven rule has been set to force compilation with JDK 1.8
  • 2.2 Some new features added because of PR requests

    • Added @Valid annotation to sequences to force items validation
    • Added support for Jakarta EE 9 with parameter validationAnnotations
  • 2.1 Revert back to Java 1.8 (sorry folks!).

  • 2.0 A refactorized version of the original krasa-jaxb-toos last synced on August 2022, with some enhancements (support for EachDigits, EachDecimalMin and EachDecimalMax in primitive lists), improved tests and bug fixed. It is compiled using JDK 11. The pom.xml groupId has been changed to com.fillumina.




  • verbose (boolean, default=false) print verbose messages to output example: -XJsr303Annotations:verbose=true
  • validationAnnotations (javax | jakarta, default=javax): selects the library to use for validation annotations example: -XJsr303Annotations:validationAnnotations=javax
  • targetNamespace (string): adds @Valid annotation only if the element has the given namespace example: -XJsr303Annotations:targetNamespace=a
  • generateNotNullAnnotations (boolean, default=true): adds a @NotNull annotation if an element has minOccours not 0, is required or is not nillable. examples: -XJsr303Annotations:generateNotNullAnnotations=true
  • notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages (boolean or string, default=false): values are true, FieldName, ClassName, or an actual message (see further explanation in a note down below) example: -XJsr303Annotations:notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages=ClassName
  • generateListAnnotations (boolean, optional, default false) generates validator-collection annotations annotations example: -XJsr303Annotations:generateListAnnotations=true
  • generateServiceValidationAnnotations (string, accepts: in, out, inout, works with apache-cxf only) adds @Valid annotations to respective message direction (in, out or both). example: -XJsr303Annotations:generateServiceValidationAnnotations=inout
  • generateAllNumericConstraints (boolean, defaults to false) generates all @DecimalMin and @DecimalMax even those regarding the natural boudaries of the referred java type. example: -XJsr303Annotations:generateAllNumericConstraints=true
  • multiPattern (boolean, default: false) uses a multiple javax validation @Pattern instead of @Pattern.List (see 3.2. Applying multiple constraints of the same type)


  • Arguments accepting booleans can either be given the value true as with verbose=true or simply be left without a value at all and that will be interpteted as being true (you can omit the = too).

  • All arguments are optional.

About notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages

@NotNull default validation message is not always helpful, so it can be customized with -XJsr303Annotations:notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages=OPTION where OPTION is one of the following:

  • false default: no custom message
  • true message is present but equivalent to the default: "{javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}"
  • FieldName field name is prefixed to the default message: "fieldName {javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}"
  • ClassName class and field name are prefixed to the default message: "ClassName.fieldName {javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}"
  • other-non-empty-text arbitrary message, with substitutable, case-sensitive parameters {ClassName} and {FieldName}, i.e.: "Class {ClassName} field {FieldName} non-null"

About generateServiceValidationAnnotations

Bean validation policy can be customized with -XJsr303Annotations:generateServiceValidationAnnotations=OPTION where OPTION is one of the following (the option is case insensitive):

  • InOut (default: validate requests and responses)
  • In (validate only requests)
  • Out (validate only responses)

Using this option requires to specify krasa as front end generator in the CXF plugin with the option -frontend krasa (See example in krasa-jaxb-tools-example/krasa-cxf-codegen-plugin-example/pom.xml at master · fillumina/krasa-jaxb-tools-example · GitHub )

About ReplacePrimitives

That is a different plugin within this same packakge that can be enabled with the option -XReplacePrimitives. It replaces primitive types with boxed ones (int -> Integer). It's enabled in the krasa-cxf-codegen-plugin-example project as an example. WARNING: must be defined before XhashCode or Xequals.

Supported Annotations

The plugin generates sources annotated with the following Java Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) annotations (with either javax or jakarta packages depending on the configuration, see -XJsr303Annotations:validationAnnotations=javax):

  • @Valid annotation for all complex types, can be further restricted to generate only for types from defined schema: -XJsr303Annotations:targetNamespace=
  • @NotNull annotation for objects that has a MinOccur value >= 1 or for required attributes
  • @Size for lists that have minOccurs > 1
  • @Size if there is a maxLength or minLength or length restriction
  • @DecimalMax for maxInclusive restriction
  • @DecimalMin for minInclusive restriction
  • @DecimalMax for maxExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
  • @DecimalMin for minExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
  • @Digits if there is a totalDigits or fractionDigits restriction.
  • @Pattern and @PatternList if there is a Pattern restriction (see singlePattern option)

Note on submitting issues and bugfixes

Any issue or bug fix reported is extremely welcome but to help me understand the problem and reduce the time to publish the fix I kindly ask to comply to these roles:

  • Issues should contain a detailed description and an example to show how and when the code is failing. It might be a failing test or a simple github project.

  • Fixes should contain a test that proves the solution to the problem (and the test should be present in a previous commit to the fix to show that it fails). It is appreciated that the solution contains as little refactoring as possible and is focused only on fixing one issue. Each fix should focus on one specific issue.

  • Case insensitive filesystem users (wich is the default on Windows and MacOS) should be careful about file naming especially considering that firm files (the ones containing the expected annotations) usually are named after the class they refer to so their first letter is often a capital one (ie: multiplePatternsWithBase-a-annotation.txt should probably be MultiplePatternsWithBase-a-annotation.txt)


  • change the plugin name to Jsr380Annotations because it's now about the Java Specification Request 380. Being a breaking change it should cause the version to jump to 2.4.


XJC / JAXB plugin for generation of Bean Validation Annotations 2.0 (JSR-380)







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