NOTE: I no longer use and maintain this plugin. Consider using this fork:
- plugin for replacing primitives -XReplacePrimitives (e.g. int -> Integer)
- plugin for generation of Bean Validation Annotations (JSR-303) -XJsr303Annotations
- @Valid annotation for all complex types, can be further restricted to generate only for types from defined schema: -XJsr303Annotations:targetNamespace=
- @NotNull annotation for objects that has a MinOccur value >= 1 or for attributes with required use
- @Size for lists that have minOccurs > 1
- @Size if there is a maxLength or minLength or length restriction
- @DecimalMax for maxInclusive restriction
- @DecimalMin for minInclusive restriction
- @DecimalMax for maxExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
- @DecimalMin for minExclusive restriction, enable new parameter (inclusive=false) with: -XJsr303Annotations:JSR_349=true
- @Digits if there is a totalDigits or fractionDigits restriction.
- @Pattern if there is a Pattern restriction
@NotNull's default validation message is not always helpful, so it can be customized with -XJsr303Annotations:notNullAnnotationsCustomMessages=OPTION where OPTION is one of the following:
(default: no custom message -- not useful)true
(message is present but equivalent to the default: "{javax.validation.constraints.NotNull.message}" -- not useful)FieldName
(field name is prefixed to the default message: "field {javax....message}")ClassName
(class and field name are prefixed to the default message: "Class.field {javax....message}")other-non-empty-text
(arbitrary message, with substitutable, case-sensitive parameters{ClassName}
: "Class {ClassName} field {FieldName} non-null")
Bean validation policy can be customized with -XJsr303Annotations:generateServiceValidationAnnotations=OPTION where OPTION is one of the following:
(default: validate requests and responses)In
(validate only requests)Out
(validate only responses)
Using this option requires to specify krasa as front end generator (See example below)
- replaces primitive types by Objects
- WARNING: must be defined before XhashCode or Xequals
<!--optional, this is default values-->
<!--optional, default is false, possible values are true, FieldName, ClassName, or an actual message -->
<!--optional, only needed for generateServiceValidationAnnotations, which possible values are InOut (default), In, Out -->