FlatPress 1.1 "Da capo"
With release 1.1, we took the time to fix a few more things, and to clean up a little bit. The BBCode toolbar has now graphical icons and knows a few more elements, some more languages are included, and a number of bugs and glitches have been fixed. Even one security fix is on board.
Download 1.1.zip and follow the easy installation steps documented on the FlatPress download page.
To update from 1.0(.x) to 1.1, please use the update package 10to11.zip. You find update instructions on the FlatPress download page.
Detailled Changelog
- Languages added: Greek, German, Czech (feel free to send in your language packs!)
- Admin: Fancyfied editor toolbar with more BBCode elements
- Changelog: Missing releases added
- Plugin added: Protected Mail Links
- jQuery plugin: jQuery files are loaded locally now
- Readmore plugin: Now localized (feel free to send in your translation!)
- Searchbox plugin: Full text search enabled by default
- Footnotes plugin: Usage how-to added
- Lightbox plugin: Slimbox version updated, broken overlay fixed
- Security fix: Possible CSRF attack prevented (see details)