1.0.0 (2023-01-04)
todo-comments now requires Neovim >= 0.8.0. Use the neovim-pre-0.8.0
branch for older versions
accept argument to filter keywords (#116 ) (67cd3a4 )
add config option to set gui style (#117 ) (231888a )
add error logging for rg (006250f )
add max line len option (Fixes #33 ) (8b63dfc )
added merge_keywords option that allows disabling the default groups (3f3b8b4 )
added methods to jump to next/prev todo comment (c88d199 )
added multiline context and pattern (144cba6 )
added options.highlight.exclude. Fixes #41 (1275879 )
added support for specifying multiple patterns for highlighting (808a2e5 )
added TEST to (5547b53 )
added TodoLocList. Fixes #47 (c641728 )
allow changing config on the fly or disable all #27 (2f701d0 )
allow custom todo patterns #4 (1732f21 )
allow searching for todos in another directory. Implements #21 (6de90a5 )
allow specifying wide_fg (#92 ) (dca8c3f )
also deepcopy keywords (0f6a87b )
check if ripgrep is available and show error if not (b5cdae7 )
expose methods to jump to next/prev todo comment (89ee420 )
Group search and highlight options (fbf91af )
Improve rg and highlight pattern matching (7a00efb )
inital version (7473917 )
intergration with lsp trouble (194e653 )
make it possible to disable warnings when searching (#63 ) (9983edc )
make sign priority configurable (edbe161 )
multiline todo comments (8dffc5d )
quickfix, telescope and trouble commands (a7c12f2 )
set default multiline pattern to ^.
(8f00cdb )
Telescope plugin (95f04b1 )
todo-comments now requires Neovim >= 0.8.0. Use the neovim-pre-0.8.0
branch for older versions (916cd4f )
use flame icon for hacks (745df54 )
use treesitter to highlight keywords in comments only. If not a TS buffer, then highlight all comments #22 (b3fbe23 )
use vim.notify instead of echo (b745d75 )
use vim.treesitter.get_captures_at_pos to detect comments (6120afa )
Bug Fixes
add . to args for ripgrep to make it work on Windows (03fc95a )
add proper error logging when ripgrep fails (358b8c9 )
allow highlighting in quickfix buffers (f4d35a2 )
avoid E5108 after pressing q: (#111 ) (fb6f16b )
better keyword highlight pattern (52d814d )
check if buf is valid before clearing todo namespace (23dfdaf )
check is current_win is still valid before setting it again (37e7347 )
clear namespace with pcall to fix lazy loading weirdness. Fixes #130 (f990cd9 )
debug code (b09c700 )
defer highlight updates to prevent weird behavior of treesitter (a4e433e )
dont show signs for multiline comments (3fe59db )
escape special characters in commentstring (5fd5086 )
exit when buffer no longer exists (3bc3bce )
fall back to syntax Comment if treesitter is not available (b4dec37 )
if todo is lazyloaded, then skip VimEnter (564dc45 )
improved comment support with treesitter (219bc7e )
is_comment now checks highlighter TS queries instead of parse tree (d5f9bfc )
is_comment. Fixes #145 (1814fec )
jumping to todo comments didnt use the correct line for is_comment checks (c8c5446 )
keep previous options from setup (8560546 )
listen to treesitter changes to redo highlights (9b276eb )
matchstr fails with error about passing a dictionary as a string when string is binary #23 (ca2b794 )
never use comments to highlight quickfix buffers (7a5e9c9 )
pass kw start to is_comment. Fixes #153 (d3c6ec6 )
properly clear todo highlights in stop (98b1ebf )
properly escape commentstring #19 (a5c255c )
Properly pass options into jump function (#143 ) (96391ae )
re-apply highlights when treesitter bytes changes. Fixes #134 (e90b17e )
remove FIX from alts for FIX (e3b96b2 )
remove set_current_win (d2b9b26 )
revert extmarks to add_highlight (4a27e05 )
ripgrep gives exit code 2 on error. Exit code 1 means no results (3ad4967 )
set fg_dark and fg_light to black and white for colorschemes that dont set Normal (b64859a )
show error when running Todo without doing setup() (f0cc7d3 )
show warning message when no results were found (09aa8de )
skip possibly bad regex results (014959e )
sort keywords by length in descending order (#157 ) (2adb83e )
todo comments was broken for non treesitter files. Fixes #150 (f244aa3 )
Update docs (2273076 )
update README to 0.6 diagnostic hl (#78 ) (672cd22 )
updated default colors to use 0.6 diagnostic highlights (6570fd2 )
use nvim_win_call instead of changing current window to apply highlights (bff9e31 )
use for telescope (ed24570 )
use seperate hl group for signs using correct SignColumn bg color (bf138df )
use white as fg for color schemes that dont define a fg for Normal (ec820ad )
When todo-comments.nvim as optional and report an error the first time you use it. (#129 ) (5f90941 )
Performance Improvements
defer settings up todo-comments (5e84162 )
defer setup to BufReadPre ++once (455f49e )
redraw was always doing the whole file! Fixes #155 (bca0e00 )
throttle todo redraw calls. Fixes #154 (a9df434 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.