Releases: jeroennoten/Laravel-AdminLTE
What's Changed
- Bump vite from 5.4.8 to 5.4.14 by @dependabot in #1333
- Improve auth views for legacy laravel/ui by @dfsmania in #1332
- Bump Vitepress from 1.4.x to 1.6.x by @dfsmania in #1337
- add support for Laravel 12 by @resslinger in #1338
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1333
Full Changelog: v3.14.3...v3.15.0
What's Changed
- Auto show right sidebar when section is present by @dfsmania in #1301
- Add suport to Vite by @ruanpepe in #1308
- Add support to disable darkmode routes by @dfsmania in #1310
Full Changelog: v3.12.1...v3.14.0
Breaking Changes
The right-sidebar
section was renamed to right_sidebar
to keep consistency with other section names (see details on #1301). So you should update your views extending this template if you were using that section. Also, it's recommended to review and update the package published views if it's your case.
While including Vite Support the old Laravel Mix configuration was reworked. This new version would still be compatible with the old configurations options, however we recommend migrating to the new one:
Old config
| Laravel Mix
| Here we can enable the Laravel Mix option for the admin panel.
| For detailed instructions you can look the laravel mix section here:
'enabled_laravel_mix' => false,
'laravel_mix_css_path' => 'css/app.css',
'laravel_mix_js_path' => 'js/app.js',
New config
| Laravel Asset Bundling
| Here we can enable the Laravel Asset Bundling option for the admin panel.
| Currently, the next modes are supported: 'mix', 'vite' and 'vite_js_only'.
| When using 'vite_js_only', it's expected that your CSS is imported using
| JavaScript. Typically, in your application's 'resources/js/app.js' file.
| If you are not using any of these, leave it as 'false'.
| For detailed instructions you can look the asset bundling section here:
'laravel_asset_bundling' => false,
'laravel_css_path' => 'css/app.css',
'laravel_js_path' => 'js/app.js',
See details on Wiki / Misc Config. Also, if you want to use the new configuration options with VITE and you had previously published the package views, then you'll need to update them.
What's Changed
- Refactor of codebase by @dfsmania in #1265
- Improve menu filters (stage 1) by @dfsmania in #1266
- Improve the Lang menu filter (stage 2) by @dfsmania in #1269
- Improve the Gate menu filter (stage 3) by @dfsmania in #1272
- Improve menu filters (last stage) by @dfsmania in #1274
- Improve the menu builder class by @dfsmania in #1277
- Improve some helper methods by @dfsmania in #1282
- Improve CommandHelper class by @dfsmania in #1283
- Improve package resources by @dfsmania in #1285
- Improve profile items by @dfsmania in #1291
- Allow changing icon on ProfileWidget component by @dfsmania in #1290
- Improve the artisan commands by @dfsmania in #1293
Full Changelog: v3.11.0...v3.12.0
The basic_views
package resource was removed, since it was nothing but just a very basic example of how to use the layout. The basic_routes
package resource was renamed to auth_routes
to be more meaningful. The enhanced
installation type was removed and replaced by types: basic_with_auth
(basic installation resources and legacy Laravel/UI
related resources) and basic_with_views
(basic installation and publishing of the layout views). However, neither of the changes affect the normal installation of the package.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.9.3...v3.9.4