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dVRK Endocsope Focus Controller

Anton Deguet edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Testing IOs and scale:

sawRobotIO1394QtConsole -c jhu-dVRK/sawRobotIO1394-PSM1-focus-controller-28007.xml

To figure out encoder ratio, we used a broken camera head and physically measured the displacement. Number are provided in spreadsheet.

Testing and tuning PID:

sawIntuitiveResearchKitQtPID -i jhu-dVRK/sawRobotIO1394-PSM1-focus-controller-28007.xml -p pid/sawControllersPID-dVRK-focus-controller.xml -n Focus

For the PID gains, we use a high D gain to make sure the focus doesn't change too fast if the setpoint is accidentally set too far. We also need a small PID tracking error and make sure most commands use move_jp or move_jr but no servo_jp nor servo_jf. servo_jp might be used internally.