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Robotic Surgery Dataset Repository

Peter Kazanzides edited this page Feb 14, 2025 · 7 revisions


This page lists some currently available datasets for robotics surgery, sorted by the information they include. It also lists data that we recommend to be collected for groups running user studies going forward. Please contact us if you would like your dataset to be included on this page.

Dataset requirements

Data description

In order to easily share data from studies between groups, we recommend the following data to be reported for every dataset.

  • Clinical Application (Suturing? Knot tying? Cutting? Etc.)
  • Data Types (video, position, velocity, torque, current, multiple...)
  • Configuration Data: camera intrinsic (and extrinsic) parameters, if available, base frames (e.g., for PSMs, ECM)
  • Kinematics parameters - include JSON dVRK config files
  • Environment (phantom, animal, patient...)
  • Users: experts, non-experts, mix (be careful to avoid personal data)
  • System (dVRK, da Vinci (with permission from ISI), simulated, Raven, etc.)
  • Trial size: number of participants and number of trials per participant
  • Data Size: megabytes
  • Background Information: e.g., part of clinical trial
  • Citation: credit if data is used
  • Version of software/firmware the data was collected on

Data/privacy protection

Please consider your institution's and country's rules regarding data privacy and company policies before uploading any data. It is up to each individual group to obtain permission and user consent to share the data publicly. Time stamps should include an offset to further anonymize studies. Consider asking for the following in all consent forms before conducting user studies to maximize usability of the data:

  • Capture and use data for any future research (as opposed to a single study)
  • Permission to share anonymized data with other sites
  • Permission to store data indefinitely


Dataset Clinical application Data type Environment Users System
JIGSAWS Suturing, Knot-Tying, Needle-Passing Video, Kinematics, Phase Annotation Phantom Mixed (8) da Vinci Research API
CUHK-JHU MCPeT Peg Transfer Video, Kinematics, Phase Annotation Phantom Novice (2) dVRKs, 2 systems
Stanford Single PSM Manip Single tool retraction/palpation Video, Kinematics, Force data Phantom N/A dVRK 1.7
ROSMA Training tasks Video, Kinematics Phantom
ROSMAT24 Training tasks Video, Kinematics, Instrument Annotation Phantom
ROSMAG40 Training tasks Video, Kinematics, Phase Annotation Phantom
BGU-PatCut Training tasks (Pattern Cutting) Video, Kinematics, Phase Annotation Phantom 54 dVRK


If you use the datasets, please cite the below references.


  title={Jhu-isi gesture and skill assessment working set (jigsaws): A surgical activity dataset for human motion modeling},
  author={Gao, Yixin and Vedula, S Swaroop and Reiley, Carol E and Ahmidi, Narges and Varadarajan, Balakrishnan and Lin, Henry C and Tao, Lingling and Zappella, Luca and B{\'e}jar, Benjam{\i}n and Yuh, David D and others},
  booktitle={MICCAI workshop: M2cai},


  title={Relational graph learning on visual and kinematics embeddings for accurate gesture recognition in robotic surgery},
  author={Long, Yonghao and Wu, Jie Ying and Lu, Bo and Jin, Yueming and Unberath, Mathias and Liu, Yun-Hui and Heng, Pheng Ann and Dou, Qi},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},

Stanford Single PSM Manip.

 title = {Toward Force Estimation in Robot-Assisted Surgery Using Deep Learning with Vision and Robot State},
 booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
 author = {Chua, Zonghe and Jarc, Anthony M. and Okamura, Allison M.},
 year = {2021},
 month = may,
 pages = {12335--12341},
 doi = {10.1109/ICRA48506.2021.9560945}


  title={A surgical dataset from the {da Vinci Research Kit} for task automation and recognition},
  author={Rivas-Blanco, Irene and Del-Pulgar, Carlos J P{\'e}rez and Mariani, Andrea and Tortora, Giuseppe and Reina, Antonio J},
  booktitle={International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME)},


  title={Instrument Detection and Descriptive Gesture Segmentation on a Robotic Surgical Maneuvers Dataset},
  author={Rivas-Blanco, Irene and L{\'o}pez-Casado, Carmen and Herrera-L{\'o}pez, Juan M and Cabrera-Villa, Jos{\'e} and P{\'e}rez-del-Pulgar, Carlos J},
  journal={Applied Sciences},


  author={Sharon, Yarden and Nevo, Tifferet and Naftalovich, Daniel and Bahar, Lidor and Refaely, Yael and Nisky, Ilana},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering}, 
  title={Augmenting Robot-Assisted Pattern-Cutting With Periodic Perturbations: Can We Make Dry Lab Training More Realistic?}, 