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[Merged by Bors] - chore: move 300 lines off Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Connectivity #14647

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Mathlib.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1844,6 +1844,7 @@ import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Coloring
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.ConcreteColorings
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity.Subgraph
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity.WalkCounting
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Dart
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.DegreeSum
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Density
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/AdjMatrix.lean
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson, Jalex Stark, Kyle Miller, Lu-Ming Zhang
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Basic
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Connectivity.WalkCounting
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Trace
import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Matrix.Symmetric

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255 changes: 1 addition & 254 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Connectivity.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Subgraph
import Mathlib.Data.List.Rotate

#align_import combinatorics.simple_graph.connectivity from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"b99e2d58a5e6861833fa8de11e51a81144258db4"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2395,260 +2394,8 @@ theorem Connected.set_univ_walk_nonempty (hconn : G.Connected) (u v : V) :
hconn.preconnected.set_univ_walk_nonempty u v
#align simple_graph.connected.set_univ_walk_nonempty SimpleGraph.Connected.set_univ_walk_nonempty

/-! ### Walks as subgraphs -/

namespace Walk

variable {u v w : V}

/-- The subgraph consisting of the vertices and edges of the walk. -/
protected def toSubgraph {u v : V} : G.Walk u v → G.Subgraph
| nil => G.singletonSubgraph u
| cons h p => G.subgraphOfAdj h ⊔ p.toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph

theorem toSubgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraphOfAdj (h : G.Adj u v) :
(cons h nil).toSubgraph = G.subgraphOfAdj h := by simp
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraph_of_adj SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraphOfAdj

theorem mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : w ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts ↔ w ∈ := by
induction' p with _ x y z h p' ih
· simp
· have : w = y ∨ w ∈ p'.support ↔ w ∈ p'.support :=
⟨by rintro (rfl | h) <;> simp [*], by simp (config := { contextual := true })⟩
simp [ih, or_assoc, this]
#align simple_graph.walk.mem_verts_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_verts_toSubgraph

lemma start_mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : u ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts := by
simp [mem_verts_toSubgraph]

lemma end_mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : v ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts := by
simp [mem_verts_toSubgraph]

theorem verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : p.toSubgraph.verts = { w | w ∈ } :=
Set.ext fun _ => p.mem_verts_toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.verts_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.verts_toSubgraph

theorem mem_edges_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) {e : Sym2 V} :
e ∈ p.toSubgraph.edgeSet ↔ e ∈ p.edges := by induction p <;> simp [*]
#align simple_graph.walk.mem_edges_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_edges_toSubgraph

theorem edgeSet_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : p.toSubgraph.edgeSet = { e | e ∈ p.edges } :=
Set.ext fun _ => p.mem_edges_toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.edge_set_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.edgeSet_toSubgraph

theorem toSubgraph_append (p : G.Walk u v) (q : G.Walk v w) :
(p.append q).toSubgraph = p.toSubgraph ⊔ q.toSubgraph := by induction p <;> simp [*, sup_assoc]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_append SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_append

theorem toSubgraph_reverse (p : G.Walk u v) : p.reverse.toSubgraph = p.toSubgraph := by
induction p with
| nil => simp
| cons _ _ _ =>
simp only [*, Walk.toSubgraph, reverse_cons, toSubgraph_append, subgraphOfAdj_symm]
rw [sup_comm]
ext <;> simp [-Set.bot_eq_empty]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_reverse SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_reverse

theorem toSubgraph_rotate [DecidableEq V] (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u ∈ :
(c.rotate h).toSubgraph = c.toSubgraph := by
rw [rotate, toSubgraph_append, sup_comm, ← toSubgraph_append, take_spec]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_rotate SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_rotate

theorem toSubgraph_map (f : G →g G') (p : G.Walk u v) :
( f).toSubgraph = f := by induction p <;> simp [*, Subgraph.map_sup]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_map SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_map

theorem finite_neighborSet_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : (p.toSubgraph.neighborSet w).Finite := by
induction p with
| nil =>
rw [Walk.toSubgraph, neighborSet_singletonSubgraph]
apply Set.toFinite
| cons ha _ ih =>
rw [Walk.toSubgraph, Subgraph.neighborSet_sup]
refine Set.Finite.union ?_ ih
refine Set.Finite.subset ?_ (neighborSet_subgraphOfAdj_subset ha)
apply Set.toFinite
#align simple_graph.walk.finite_neighbor_set_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.finite_neighborSet_toSubgraph

lemma toSubgraph_le_induce_support (p : G.Walk u v) :
p.toSubgraph ≤ (⊤ : G.Subgraph).induce {v | v ∈} := by
convert Subgraph.le_induce_top_verts
exact p.verts_toSubgraph.symm

end Walk

/-! ### Walks of a given length -/

section WalkCounting

theorem set_walk_self_length_zero_eq (u : V) : {p : G.Walk u u | p.length = 0} = {Walk.nil} := by
ext p
#align simple_graph.set_walk_self_length_zero_eq SimpleGraph.set_walk_self_length_zero_eq

theorem set_walk_length_zero_eq_of_ne {u v : V} (h : u ≠ v) :
{p : G.Walk u v | p.length = 0} = ∅ := by
ext p
simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq, Set.mem_empty_iff_false, iff_false_iff]
exact fun h' => absurd (Walk.eq_of_length_eq_zero h') h
#align simple_graph.set_walk_length_zero_eq_of_ne SimpleGraph.set_walk_length_zero_eq_of_ne

theorem set_walk_length_succ_eq (u v : V) (n : ℕ) :
{p : G.Walk u v | p.length = n.succ} =
⋃ (w : V) (h : G.Adj u w), Walk.cons h '' {p' : G.Walk w v | p'.length = n} := by
ext p
cases' p with _ _ w _ huw pwv
· simp [eq_comm]
· simp only [Nat.succ_eq_add_one, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Walk.length_cons, add_left_inj,
Set.mem_iUnion, Set.mem_image, exists_prop]
· rintro rfl
exact ⟨w, huw, pwv, rfl, rfl⟩
· rintro ⟨w, huw, pwv, rfl, rfl, rfl⟩
#align simple_graph.set_walk_length_succ_eq SimpleGraph.set_walk_length_succ_eq

variable (G) [DecidableEq V]

/-- Walks of length two from `u` to `v` correspond bijectively to common neighbours of `u` and `v`.
Note that `u` and `v` may be the same. -/
def walkLengthTwoEquivCommonNeighbors (u v : V) :
{p : G.Walk u v // p.length = 2} ≃ G.commonNeighbors u v where
toFun p := ⟨p.val.getVert 1, match p with
| ⟨.cons _ (.cons _ .nil), hp⟩ => ⟨‹G.Adj u _›, ‹G.Adj _ v›.symm⟩⟩
invFun w := ⟨w.prop.1.toWalk.concat w.prop.2.symm, rfl⟩
left_inv | ⟨.cons _ (.cons _ .nil), hp⟩ => by rfl
right_inv _ := rfl

section LocallyFinite

variable [LocallyFinite G]

/-- The `Finset` of length-`n` walks from `u` to `v`.
This is used to give `{p : G.walk u v | p.length = n}` a `Fintype` instance, and it
can also be useful as a recursive description of this set when `V` is finite.

See `SimpleGraph.coe_finsetWalkLength_eq` for the relationship between this `Finset` and
the set of length-`n` walks. -/
def finsetWalkLength (n : ℕ) (u v : V) : Finset (G.Walk u v) :=
match n with
| 0 =>
if h : u = v then by
subst u
exact {Walk.nil}
else ∅
| n + 1 =>
Finset.univ.biUnion fun (w : G.neighborSet u) =>
(finsetWalkLength n w v).map ⟨fun p => Walk.cons p, fun _ _ => by simp⟩
#align simple_graph.finset_walk_length SimpleGraph.finsetWalkLength

theorem coe_finsetWalkLength_eq (n : ℕ) (u v : V) :
(G.finsetWalkLength n u v : Set (G.Walk u v)) = {p : G.Walk u v | p.length = n} := by
induction' n with n ih generalizing u v
· obtain rfl | huv := eq_or_ne u v <;> simp [finsetWalkLength, set_walk_length_zero_eq_of_ne, *]
· simp only [finsetWalkLength, set_walk_length_succ_eq, Finset.coe_biUnion, Finset.mem_coe,
Finset.mem_univ, Set.iUnion_true]
ext p
simp only [mem_neighborSet, Finset.coe_map, Embedding.coeFn_mk, Set.iUnion_coe_set,
Set.mem_iUnion, Set.mem_image, Finset.mem_coe, Set.mem_setOf_eq]
rename_i w _ q
have := (ih w v) q
simp only [Finset.mem_coe, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at this
rw [← this]
#align simple_graph.coe_finset_walk_length_eq SimpleGraph.coe_finsetWalkLength_eq

variable {G}

theorem Walk.mem_finsetWalkLength_iff_length_eq {n : ℕ} {u v : V} (p : G.Walk u v) :
p ∈ G.finsetWalkLength n u v ↔ p.length = n := (G.coe_finsetWalkLength_eq n u v) p
#align simple_graph.walk.mem_finset_walk_length_iff_length_eq SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_finsetWalkLength_iff_length_eq

variable (G)

instance fintypeSetWalkLength (u v : V) (n : ℕ) : Fintype {p : G.Walk u v | p.length = n} :=
Fintype.ofFinset (G.finsetWalkLength n u v) fun p => by
rw [← Finset.mem_coe, coe_finsetWalkLength_eq]
#align simple_graph.fintype_set_walk_length SimpleGraph.fintypeSetWalkLength

instance fintypeSubtypeWalkLength (u v : V) (n : ℕ) : Fintype {p : G.Walk u v // p.length = n} :=
fintypeSetWalkLength G u v n

theorem set_walk_length_toFinset_eq (n : ℕ) (u v : V) :
{p : G.Walk u v | p.length = n}.toFinset = G.finsetWalkLength n u v := by
ext p
simp [← coe_finsetWalkLength_eq]
#align simple_graph.set_walk_length_to_finset_eq SimpleGraph.set_walk_length_toFinset_eq

/- See `SimpleGraph.adjMatrix_pow_apply_eq_card_walk` for the cardinality in terms of the `n`th
power of the adjacency matrix. -/
theorem card_set_walk_length_eq (u v : V) (n : ℕ) :
Fintype.card {p : G.Walk u v | p.length = n} = (G.finsetWalkLength n u v).card :=
Fintype.card_ofFinset (G.finsetWalkLength n u v) fun p => by
rw [← Finset.mem_coe, coe_finsetWalkLength_eq]
#align simple_graph.card_set_walk_length_eq SimpleGraph.card_set_walk_length_eq

instance fintypeSetPathLength (u v : V) (n : ℕ) :
Fintype {p : G.Walk u v | p.IsPath ∧ p.length = n} :=
Fintype.ofFinset ((G.finsetWalkLength n u v).filter Walk.IsPath) <| by
simp [Walk.mem_finsetWalkLength_iff_length_eq, and_comm]
#align simple_graph.fintype_set_path_length SimpleGraph.fintypeSetPathLength

end LocallyFinite

section Finite

variable [Fintype V] [DecidableRel G.Adj]

theorem reachable_iff_exists_finsetWalkLength_nonempty (u v : V) :
G.Reachable u v ↔ ∃ n : Fin (Fintype.card V), (G.finsetWalkLength n u v).Nonempty := by
· intro r
refine r.elim_path fun p => ?_
refine ⟨⟨_, p.isPath.length_lt⟩, p, ?_⟩
simp [Walk.mem_finsetWalkLength_iff_length_eq]
· rintro ⟨_, p, _⟩
exact ⟨p⟩
#align simple_graph.reachable_iff_exists_finset_walk_length_nonempty SimpleGraph.reachable_iff_exists_finsetWalkLength_nonempty

instance : DecidableRel G.Reachable := fun u v =>
decidable_of_iff' _ (reachable_iff_exists_finsetWalkLength_nonempty G u v)

instance : Fintype G.ConnectedComponent :=
@Quotient.fintype _ _ G.reachableSetoid (inferInstance : DecidableRel G.Reachable)

instance : Decidable G.Preconnected :=
inferInstanceAs <| Decidable (∀ u v, G.Reachable u v)

instance : Decidable G.Connected := by
rw [connected_iff, ← Finset.univ_nonempty_iff]

instance instDecidableMemSupp (c : G.ConnectedComponent) (v : V) : Decidable (v ∈ c.supp) :=
c.recOn (fun w ↦ decidable_of_iff (G.Reachable v w) $ by simp)
(fun _ _ _ _ ↦ Subsingleton.elim _ _)
end Finite

end WalkCounting

section BridgeEdges

/-! ### Bridge edges -/
section BridgeEdges

/-- An edge of a graph is a *bridge* if, after removing it, its incident vertices
are no longer reachable from one another. -/
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94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions Mathlib/Combinatorics/SimpleGraph/Connectivity/Subgraph.lean
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Expand Up @@ -105,7 +105,101 @@ protected lemma Connected.sup {H K : G.Subgraph}
rintro ⟨v, (hv|hv)⟩
· exact (Subgraph.inclusion (le_sup_left : H ≤ H ⊔ K)) (hH ⟨u, hu⟩ ⟨v, hv⟩)
· exact (Subgraph.inclusion (le_sup_right : K ≤ H ⊔ K)) (hK ⟨u, hu'⟩ ⟨v, hv⟩)
end Subgraph

/-! ### Walks as subgraphs -/

namespace Walk

variable {u v w : V}

/-- The subgraph consisting of the vertices and edges of the walk. -/
protected def toSubgraph {u v : V} : G.Walk u v → G.Subgraph
| nil => G.singletonSubgraph u
| cons h p => G.subgraphOfAdj h ⊔ p.toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph

theorem toSubgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraphOfAdj (h : G.Adj u v) :
(cons h nil).toSubgraph = G.subgraphOfAdj h := by simp
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraph_of_adj SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_cons_nil_eq_subgraphOfAdj

theorem mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : w ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts ↔ w ∈ := by
induction' p with _ x y z h p' ih
· simp
· have : w = y ∨ w ∈ p'.support ↔ w ∈ p'.support :=
⟨by rintro (rfl | h) <;> simp [*], by simp (config := { contextual := true })⟩
simp [ih, or_assoc, this]
#align simple_graph.walk.mem_verts_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_verts_toSubgraph

lemma start_mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : u ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts := by
simp [mem_verts_toSubgraph]

lemma end_mem_verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : v ∈ p.toSubgraph.verts := by
simp [mem_verts_toSubgraph]

theorem verts_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : p.toSubgraph.verts = { w | w ∈ } :=
Set.ext fun _ => p.mem_verts_toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.verts_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.verts_toSubgraph

theorem mem_edges_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) {e : Sym2 V} :
e ∈ p.toSubgraph.edgeSet ↔ e ∈ p.edges := by induction p <;> simp [*]
#align simple_graph.walk.mem_edges_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.mem_edges_toSubgraph

theorem edgeSet_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : p.toSubgraph.edgeSet = { e | e ∈ p.edges } :=
Set.ext fun _ => p.mem_edges_toSubgraph
#align simple_graph.walk.edge_set_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.edgeSet_toSubgraph

theorem toSubgraph_append (p : G.Walk u v) (q : G.Walk v w) :
(p.append q).toSubgraph = p.toSubgraph ⊔ q.toSubgraph := by induction p <;> simp [*, sup_assoc]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_append SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_append

theorem toSubgraph_reverse (p : G.Walk u v) : p.reverse.toSubgraph = p.toSubgraph := by
induction p with
| nil => simp
| cons _ _ _ =>
simp only [*, Walk.toSubgraph, reverse_cons, toSubgraph_append, subgraphOfAdj_symm]
rw [sup_comm]
ext <;> simp [-Set.bot_eq_empty]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_reverse SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_reverse

theorem toSubgraph_rotate [DecidableEq V] (c : G.Walk v v) (h : u ∈ :
(c.rotate h).toSubgraph = c.toSubgraph := by
rw [rotate, toSubgraph_append, sup_comm, ← toSubgraph_append, take_spec]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_rotate SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_rotate

theorem toSubgraph_map (f : G →g G') (p : G.Walk u v) :
( f).toSubgraph = f := by induction p <;> simp [*, Subgraph.map_sup]
#align simple_graph.walk.to_subgraph_map SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_map

theorem finite_neighborSet_toSubgraph (p : G.Walk u v) : (p.toSubgraph.neighborSet w).Finite := by
induction p with
| nil =>
rw [Walk.toSubgraph, neighborSet_singletonSubgraph]
apply Set.toFinite
| cons ha _ ih =>
rw [Walk.toSubgraph, Subgraph.neighborSet_sup]
refine Set.Finite.union ?_ ih
refine Set.Finite.subset ?_ (neighborSet_subgraphOfAdj_subset ha)
apply Set.toFinite
#align simple_graph.walk.finite_neighbor_set_to_subgraph SimpleGraph.Walk.finite_neighborSet_toSubgraph

lemma toSubgraph_le_induce_support (p : G.Walk u v) :
p.toSubgraph ≤ (⊤ : G.Subgraph).induce {v | v ∈} := by
convert Subgraph.le_induce_top_verts
exact p.verts_toSubgraph.symm

end Walk

namespace Subgraph
lemma _root_.SimpleGraph.Walk.toSubgraph_connected {u v : V} (p : G.Walk u v) :
p.toSubgraph.Connected := by
induction p with
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