A portable package builder/manager for Unix-like system.
This software is being actively developed. It's in beta stage and may not be stable. Some features are subject to change without notice.
Please do NOT place your own files under
directory, asppkg
will change files under~/.ppkg
directory without notice. -
Please do NOT run
command in parallel so as not to generate dirty data.
This software provides two implementations:
implemented in language | branch |
implemented in POSIX Shell |
master |
implemented in C |
c |
In theroy, these two implementations should have the same behaver except for have bugs.
In this way, you will be liberated from the rut of setting up the build environmemt.
In this way, all you need to do is just clicking the buttons and waiting for finishing. After finishing, a url refers to a zip archive will be provided to download.
For more details please refer to https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-package-manually-build
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leleliu008/ppkg/master/ppkg
chmod a+x ppkg
./ppkg setup
wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/leleliu008/ppkg/ppkg
chmod a+x ppkg
./ppkg setup
dependency | required? | purpose |
GCC or LLVM+clang | required | for compiling C source code |
cmake | required | for generating build.ninja |
ninja | required | for doing jobs that read from build.ninja |
pkg-config>=0.18 | required | for finding libraries |
jansson | required | for parsing and creating JSON. |
libyaml | required | for parsing formula files whose format is YAML. |
libgit2 | required | for updating formula repositories. |
libcurl | required | for http requesting support. |
openssl | required | for https requesting support and SHA-256 sum checking support. |
libarchive | required | for uncompressing .zip and .tar.* files. |
zlib | required | for compress and uncompress data. |
pcre2 | for Regular Expressions support. only required on OpenBSD. |
Build from C source locally via ppkg
ppkg install ppkg
Build from C source locally via xcpkg
xcpkg install ppkg
Build from C source locally using vcpkg
# install g++ curl zip unzip tar git
git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg
export VCPKG_ROOT="$PWD/vcpkg"
vcpkg install curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$VCPKG_ROOT/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
Build from C source locally via HomeBrew
brew install --HEAD leleliu008/fpliu/ppkg
apt -y update
apt -y install git cmake ninja-build pkg-config gcc libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev libgit2-dev libarchive-dev libyaml-dev libjansson-dev zlib1g-dev
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
dnf -y update
dnf -y install git cmake ninja-build pkg-config gcc libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel jansson-devel zlib-devel
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
pacman -Syyuu --noconfirm
pacman -S --noconfirm git cmake ninja pkg-config gcc curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson zlib
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
apk add git cmake ninja pkgconf gcc libc-dev curl-dev openssl-dev libgit2-dev libarchive-dev yaml-dev jansson-dev zlib-dev
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
xbps-install -Suy xbps
xbps-install -Suy cmake ninja gcc pkg-config libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel jansson-devel zlib-devel
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
emerge dev-vcs/git cmake dev-util/ninja gcc pkg-config net-misc/curl dev-libs/libgit2 libarchive dev-libs/libyaml dev-libs/jansson dev-libs/zlib
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
zypper update -y
zypper install -y git cmake ninja gcc pkg-config libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel libjansson-devel zlib-devel
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD
pkg install -y git cmake ninja pkgconf gcc curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson zlib
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
pkg_add git cmake ninja pkgconf llvm curl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson zlib
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
pkgin -y install git mozilla-rootcerts cmake ninja-build pkg-config clang curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson zlib
mozilla-rootcerts install
git clone --depth=1 --branch=c https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg
cd ppkg
cmake -S . -B build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build build.d
cmake --install build.d
all relevant directories and files are located under ~/.ppkg
show help of this command
ppkg -h ppkg --help
show version of this command
ppkg -V ppkg --version
generate url-transform sample
ppkg gen-url-transform-sample
install essential tools
ppkg setup
This command is actually to do two things:
show basic information about this software
ppkg about
show basic information about your current running operation system
ppkg sysinfo
scriptppkg integrate zsh ppkg integrate zsh --output-dir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions ppkg integrate zsh -v
This software provides a zsh-completion script for
. when you've typedppkg
then typeTAB
key, the rest of the arguments will be automatically complete for you.Note: to apply this feature, you may need to run the command
autoload -U compinit && compinit
in your terminal (your current running shell must be zsh). -
update all available formula repositories
ppkg update
list all available formula repositories
ppkg formula-repo-list
create a new empty formula repository
ppkg formula-repo-init my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo ppkg formula-repo-init my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --branch=master ppkg formula-repo-init my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --branch=main --pin ppkg formula-repo-init my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --unpin --disable ppkg formula-repo-init my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --enable
create a new empty formula repository then sync with server
ppkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo ppkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --branch=master ppkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --branch=main --pin ppkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --unpin --disable ppkg formula-repo-add my_repo https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo --enable
delete the given formula repository
ppkg formula-repo-del my_repo
sync the given formula repository with server
ppkg formula-repo-sync my_repo
show information of the given formula repository
ppkg formula-repo-info my_repo
change the config of the given formula repository
ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --url=https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-my_repo ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --branch=main ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --pin ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --unpin ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --enable ppkg formula-repo-conf my_repo --disable
search all available packages whose name matches the given regular expression partten
ppkg search curl ppkg search curl -v ppkg search curl -p macos
show information of the given available package
ppkg info-available curl ppkg info-available curl --yaml ppkg info-available curl --json ppkg info-available curl version ppkg info-available curl license ppkg info-available curl summary ppkg info-available curl web-url ppkg info-available curl git-url ppkg info-available curl git-sha ppkg info-available curl git-ref ppkg info-available curl src-url ppkg info-available curl src-sha
show information of the given installed package
ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl --prefix ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl --files ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl --yaml ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl --json ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl version ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl license ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl summary ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl web-url ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl git-url ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl git-sha ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl git-ref ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl src-url ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl src-sha ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl builtat ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl builtat-iso-8601 ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl builtat-rfc-3339 ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl builtat-iso-8601-utc ppkg info-installed freebsd-13.2-amd64/curl builtat-rfc-3339-utc
show packages that are depended by the given package
ppkg depends curl ppkg depends curl -t d2 ppkg depends curl -t dot ppkg depends curl -t box ppkg depends curl -t png ppkg depends curl -t svg ppkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.d2 ppkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.dot ppkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.txt ppkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.png ppkg depends curl -o curl-dependencies.svg ppkg depends curl -t d2 -o dependencies/ ppkg depends curl -t dot -o dependencies/ ppkg depends curl -t box -o dependencies/ ppkg depends curl -t png -o dependencies/ ppkg depends curl -t svg -o dependencies/
download resources of the given package to the local cache
ppkg fetch curl ppkg fetch curl -v
install the given packages
ppkg install curl ppkg install curl bzip2 -v
Note: C and C++ compiler should be installed by yourself using your system's default package manager before running this command.
reinstall the given packages
ppkg reinstall curl ppkg reinstall curl bzip2 -v
uninstall the given packages
ppkg uninstall curl ppkg uninstall curl bzip2 -v
upgrade the outdated packages
ppkg upgrade ppkg upgrade curl ppkg upgrade curl bzip2 -v
upgrade this software
ppkg upgrade-self ppkg upgrade-self -v
check if the given package is available
ppkg is-available curl -p macos
check if the given package is installed
ppkg is-installed curl
check if the given package is outdated
ppkg is-outdated curl
list all available packages
ppkg ls-available ppkg ls-available -v ppkg ls-available -p macos
list all installed packages
ppkg ls-installed ppkg ls-installed -v ppkg ls-installed --target=linux-musl-x86_64
list all outdated packages
ppkg ls-outdated ppkg ls-outdated -v ppkg ls-outdated --target=linux-musl-x86_64
list installed files of the given installed package in a tree-like format
ppkg tree curl ppkg tree curl -L 3
show logs of the given installed package
ppkg logs curl
bundle the given installed package into a single archive file
ppkg bundle curl .tar.gz ppkg bundle curl .tar.xz ppkg bundle curl .tar.lz ppkg bundle curl .tar.bz2 ppkg bundle curl .zip ppkg bundle curl xx.zip ppkg bundle curl a/.zip ppkg bundle curl a/xx.zip
export the given installed package as another package format (e.g. .deb, .rpm, .apk, .pkg.tar.xz, etc)
ppkg export curl .deb ppkg export curl curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.deb ppkg export curl a/curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.deb ppkg export curl a/.deb ppkg export curl .rpm ppkg export curl curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.rpm ppkg export curl a/curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.rpm ppkg export curl a/.rpm ppkg export curl .apk ppkg export curl curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.apk ppkg export curl a/curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.apk ppkg export curl a/.apk ppkg export curl .pkg.tar.xz ppkg export curl curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ppkg export curl a/curl-8.1.2-linux-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz ppkg export curl a/*.pkg.tar.xz
delete the unused cached files
ppkg cleanup
this environment variable already have been set on most systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.
this environment variable already have been set on most systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.
curl -LO https://curl.se/ca/cacert.pem export SSL_CERT_FILE="$PWD/cacert.pem"
In general, you don't need to set this environment variable, but, if you encounter the reporting
the SSL certificate is invalid
, trying to run above commands in your terminal will do the trick. -
export GOPROXY='https://goproxy.cn'
If this environment variable is not set or set a empty string,
will be used as the default value.export PPKG_HOME=$HOME/ppkg-home
export PPKG_URL_TRANSFORM=/path/of/url-transform
command would be invoked as/path/of/url-transform <URL>
command must output a<URL>
you can generate a url-transform sample via
ppkg gen-url-transform-sample
If you want to change the request url, you can set this environment variable. It is very useful for chinese users.
for debugging purposes.
set -x
:export PPKG_XTRACE=1
Some ACTIONs of ppkg are associated with an installed package which need
to be specified.PACKAGE-SPEC : a formatted string that has form:
, represents an installed package.PACKAGE-NAME : should match the regular expression pattern
TARGET-PLATFORM : a formatted string that has form:
TARGET-PLATFORM-ARCH : indicates which cpu arch was built for. value might be any one of
TARGET-PLATFORM-NAME : indicates which platform name was built for. value shall be any one of
TARGET-PLATFORM-VERSION : indicates which platform version was built with.
To simplify the usage, you are allowed to omit
is omitted, environment variablePPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET
would be checked, if this environment variable is not set, then your current running os target will be used as the default.Example:
export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=linux-glibc-x86_64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=linux-musl-x86_64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=macos-13.0-arm64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=macos-13.0-x86_64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=freebsd-13.2-amd64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=openbsd-7.4-amd64 export PPKG_DEFAULT_TARGET=netbsd-9.3-amd64
Note: some commonly used environment variables are overridden by this software, these are CC
, AS
, AR
, LD
a ppkg formula is a YAML format file which is used to config a ppkg package's meta-information including one sentence description, package version, installation instructions, etc.
a ppkg formula's filename suffix must be .yml
a ppkg formula'a filename prefix would be treated as the package name.
a ppkg formula'a filename prefix must match the regular expression partten ^[A-Za-z0-9+-._@]{1,50}$
a ppkg formula's file content only has one level mapping and shall has following KEY:
KEY | required? | overview |
pkgtype |
optional | indicates what type of this package. value shall be any one of exe , pie , lib , exe+lib .To exe type package, ppkg would add --static -static options to LDFLAGS if --static install option is given.To pie type package, it means that it doesn't support fully statically linking, it is supposed to be dynamically linked.If this mapping is not present, ppkg will determine the package type by package name, if a package name starts/ends with lib , it would be recognized as type lib , otherwise, it would be recognized as type exe |
summary |
required | describe this package in one sentence. |
license |
optional | a space-separated list of SPDX license short identifiers |
version |
optional | the version of this package. If this mapping is not present, it will be calculated from src-url , if src-url is also not present, it will be calculated from running time as format date +%Y.%m.%d |
web-url |
optional | the home webpage of this package. If this mapping is not present, git-url must be present. |
git-url |
optional | the source code git repository. If src-url is not present, this mapping must be present. |
git-ref |
optional | reference: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-References example values: HEAD refs/heads/master refs/heads/main refs/tags/v1 , default value is HEAD |
git-sha |
optional | the full git commit id, 40-byte hexadecimal string, if git-ref and git-sha both are present, git-sha takes precedence over git-ref |
git-nth |
optional | tell ppkg that how many depth commits would you like to be fetched. default is 1 , this would save your time and storage. If you want to fetch all commits, set this to 0 |
src-url |
optional | the source code download url of this package. If value of this mapping ends with one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2 .crate , it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/src when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/src also support format like dir://DIR |
src-uri |
optional | the mirror of src-url . |
src-sha |
optional | the sha256sum of source code.src-sha and src-url must appear together. |
fix-url |
optional | the patch file download url of this package. If value of this mapping ends with one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2 .crate , it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/fix when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/fix . |
fix-uri |
optional | the mirror of fix-url . |
fix-sha |
optional | the sha256sum of patch file.fix-sha and fix-url must appear together. |
fix-opt |
optional | options to be passed to patch command. default value is -p1 . |
patches |
optional | multiple lines of <fix-sha>|<fix-url>[|fix-uri][|fix-opt] . |
res-url |
optional | other resource download url of this package. If value of this mapping ends with one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2 .crate , it will be uncompressed to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/res when this package is installing, otherwise, it will be copied to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/res . |
res-uri |
optional | the mirror of res-url . |
res-sha |
optional | the sha256sum of resource file.res-sha and res-url must appear together. |
reslist |
optional | multiple lines of <res-sha>|<res-url>[|res-uri][|unpack-dir][|N] . unpack-dir is relative to $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR/res , default value is empty. N is --strip-components=N |
dep-pkg |
optional | a space-separated list of ppkg packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via ppkg. |
dep-lib |
optional | a space-separated list of libraries that will be linked. library name starts with -l will be directly passed to the linker. otherwise, it will be recognized as a pkg-config package name and it will be calculated via pkg-config --libs-only-l then passed to the linker. |
dep-upp |
optional | a space-separated list of uppm packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via uppm. |
dep-pym |
optional | a space-separated list of python packages that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via pip3. |
dep-plm |
optional | a space-separated list of perl modules that are depended by this package when installing and/or runtime, which will be installed via cpan. |
ccflags |
optional | append to CFLAGS |
xxflags |
optional | append to CXXFLAGS |
ppflags |
optional | append to CPPFLAGS |
ldflags |
optional | append to LDFLAGS |
bsystem |
optional | build system name. values can be one or a combination of autogen autotools configure cmake cmake+gmake cmake+ninja meson xmake gmake ninja cargo cabal go rake |
bscript |
optional | the directory where the build script is located in, relative to PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR . build script such as configure , Makefile , CMakeLists.txt , meson.build , Cargo.toml , etc. |
binbstd |
optional | whether to build in the directory where the build script is located in, otherwise build in other directory. value shall be 0 or 1 . default value is 0 . |
movable |
optional | whether can be moved/copied to other locations. value shall be 0 or 1 . default value is 1 . |
parallel |
optional | whether to allow build system running jobs in parallel. value shall be 0 or 1 . default value is 1 . |
onstart |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run when this package's formula is loaded.PWD is $PACKAGE_WORKING_DIR |
onready |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run when this package's needed resources all are ready.PWD is $PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR |
do12345 |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run for native build. It is only meaningful when requesting for cross building. It is running in a separated process. |
dopatch |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run to apply patches manually.PWD is $PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR |
dosetup |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run to do some additional preparation before installing.PWD is $PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR |
install |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run when user run ppkg install <PKG> . If this mapping is not present, ppkg will run default install code according to bsystem .PWD is $PACKAGE_BSCRIPT_DIR if binbstd is 0 , otherwise it is $PACKAGE_BCACHED_DIR |
doextra |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run to do some extra works immediately after installing.PWD is $PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR |
dotweak |
optional | POSIX shell code to be run to do some tweaks after doextra .PWD is $PACKAGE_INSTALL_DIR |
bindenv |
optional | bind environment variables to executables. multiple lines of formatted string <KEY>=<VALUE> . %s represents the install directory. |
caveats |
optional | multiple lines of plain text to be displayed after installation. |
phases |
commands that can be used out of the box:
command | usage-example |
bash |
Reference |
CoreUtils |
Reference |
xargs |
Reference |
find |
Reference |
gawk |
Reference |
gsed |
Reference |
grep |
Reference |
tree |
Reference |
jq |
Reference |
yq |
Reference |
d2 |
Reference |
bat |
Reference |
xxd |
Reference |
git |
Reference |
curl |
Reference |
bsdtar |
Reference |
pkg-config |
Reference |
patchelf |
Reference |
sysinfo |
Reference |
echo |
echo 'your message.' |
info |
info 'your information.' |
warn |
warn "no package manager found." |
error |
error 'error message.' |
abort |
abort 1 "please specify a package name." |
success |
success "build success." |
isInteger |
isInteger $x || abort 1 "should be an integer." |
isCrossBuild |
isCrossBuild && abort 1 "This package is not supposed to be cross built." |
wfetch |
wfetch <URL> [--uri=<URL-MIRROR>] [--sha256=<SHA256>] [-o <PATH> [-q] |
configure |
configure --enable-pic |
mesonw |
mesonw -Dneon=disabled -Darm-simd=disabled |
cmakew |
gmakew |
gmakew |
xmakew |
xmakew |
cargow |
cargow |
gow |
gow |
shell variables can be used directly:
variable | overview |
the 1st arguments of ppkg that you've supplied. |
the 2nd arguments of ppkg that you've supplied. |
the all arguments of ppkg that you've supplied. |
the full path of ppkg that you're running. |
the home directory of ppkg that you're running. |
the version of ppkg that you're running. |
the executable filepath of uppm |
the unix timestamp of this action. |
current running os kind. value shall be any one of linux darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd dragonflybsd |
current running os type. value shall be any one of linux macos freebsd netbsd openbsd dragonflybsd |
current running os name. value might be any one of Debian GNU/Linux Ubuntu CentOS Fedora FreeBSD NetBSD OpenBSD , DragonFlyBSD , etc |
current running os version. |
current running os arch. value might be any one of x86_64 amd64 arm64 aarch64 , ppc64le , riscv64 , s390x , etc |
current running os's cpu core count. |
current running os's libc name. value shall be any one of glibc and musl . |
current running os's effective user ID. |
current running os's effective group ID. |
target platform name that is built for. value shall be any one of linux macos freebsd netbsd openbsd dragonflybsd |
target platform version that is built with. |
target platform arch that is built for. value might be any one of x86_64 amd64 arm64 aarch64 , ppc64le , riscv64 , s390x , etc |
value shall be 0 or 1. indicates whether is cross-compiling. |
CC |
the C Compiler. |
the flags of CC . |
the C++ Compiler. |
the flags of CXX . |
the C/C++ PreProcessor. |
the flags of CPP . |
AS |
the assembler. |
AR |
the archiver. |
the archiver extra tool. |
LD |
the linker. |
the flags of LD . |
NM |
a command line tool to list symbols from object files. |
a command line tool to discard symbols and other data from object files. |
the working directory when installing. |
the directory where the build script (e.g. Makefile , configure , CMakeLists.txt , meson.build , Cargo.toml , etc) is located in. |
the directory where the temporary files are stored in when building. |
the directory where the final files will be installed to. |
the installation directory of x package. |
$x_INSTALL_DIR/include |
$x_INSTALL_DIR/lib |
build system name | build script file name |
meson |
meson.build |
cmake |
CMakeLists.txt |
gmake |
GNUMakefile or Makefile |
ninja |
build.ninja |
xmake |
xmake.lua |
cargo |
Cargo.toml |
cabal |
cabal.project cabal.project.freeze cabal.project.local |
go |
go.mod |
rake |
Rakefile |
autogen |
autogen.sh |
autotools |
configure.ac |
configure |
configure |
a typical hierarchical structure of a ppkg formula repository looks like below:
├── formula
│ ├── packageA.yml
│ └── packageB.yml
└── README.md
a ppkg formula repository's config file is located at ${PPKG_HOME}/repos.d/${PPKGFormulaRepoName}/.ppkg-formula-repo.yml
a typical ppkg formula repository's config file content looks like below:
url: https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-official-core
branch: master
pinned: 0
enabled: 1
created: 1673684639
updated: 1673684767
If a ppkg formula repository is pinned
, which means it would not be updated.
If a ppkg formula repository is disabled
, which means ppkg would not search formulas in this formula repository.
run ppkg formula-repo-add
command to create a new formula repository locally from an exsting remote git repository.
run ppkg formula-repo-init
command to create a new formula repository locally without taking any further action.
ppkg official formula repository is hosted at https://github.com/leleliu008/ppkg-formula-repository-official-core
It would be automatically fetched to your local repository as name official-core
when you run ppkg update
Note: If you find that a package is not in ppkg official formula repository yet, PR is welcomed.
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-loongarch64
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-x86_64
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-aarch64
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-riscv64
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-ppc64le
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-s390x
- https://github.com/leleliu008/uppm-package-repository-linux-armv7l