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Universal Prebuild Package Manager for Unix-like systems.


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Universal Prebuild Package Manager for Unix-like systems.


  • This software is being actively developed. It's in beta stage and may not be stable. Some features are subject to change without notice.

  • Please do NOT place your own files under ~/.uppm directory, as uppm will change files under ~/.uppm directory without notice.

Build from C source locally dependencies

dependency required? purpose
GCC or LLVM+clang required for compiling C source code
cmake required for generating
ninja required for doing jobs that read from
pkg-config>=0.18 required for finding libraries
jansson required for parsing and creating JSON.
libyaml required for parsing formula files whose format is YAML.
libgit2 required for updating formula repositories.
libcurl required for http requesting support.
openssl required for https requesting support and SHA-256 sum checking support.
libarchive required for uncompressing .zip and .tar.* files.
zlib required for compress and uncompress data.
pcre2 for Regular Expressions support. only required on OpenBSD.

Build from C source locally via ppkg

ppkg install uppm

Build from C source locally via xcpkg

xcpkg install uppm

Build from C source locally using vcpkg

# install g++ curl zip unzip tar git

git clone
cd vcpkg
export VCPKG_ROOT="$PWD/vcpkg"

vcpkg install curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson

git clone --depth=1
cd ppkg

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$VCPKG_ROOT/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d

Build from C source locally via HomeBrew

brew install --HEAD leleliu008/fpliu/uppm

Build from C source locally using your system's default package manager


apt -y update
apt -y install git cmake ninja-build pkg-config gcc libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev libgit2-dev libarchive-dev libyaml-dev libjansson-dev

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


dnf -y update
dnf -y install git cmake ninja-build pkg-config gcc libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel jansson-devel

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


pacman -Syyuu --noconfirm
pacman -S     --noconfirm git cmake ninja pkg-config gcc curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


apk add git cmake ninja pkgconf gcc libc-dev curl-dev openssl-dev libgit2-dev libarchive-dev yaml-dev jansson-dev

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


xbps-install -Suy xbps
xbps-install -Suy cmake ninja gcc pkg-config libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel jansson-devel

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d

Gentoo Linux

emerge dev-vcs/git cmake dev-util/ninja gcc pkg-config net-misc/curl dev-libs/libgit2 libarchive dev-libs/libyaml dev-libs/jansson

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


zypper update  -y  
zypper install -y git cmake ninja gcc pkg-config libcurl-devel libgit2-devel libarchive-devel libyaml-devel libjansson-devel

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d

FreeBSD and DragonFlyBSD

pkg install -y git cmake ninja pkgconf gcc curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


pkg_add git cmake ninja pkgconf llvm curl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d


pkgin -y install git mozilla-rootcerts cmake ninja-build pkg-config clang curl openssl libgit2 libarchive libyaml jansson

mozilla-rootcerts install

git clone --depth=1
cd uppm

cmake -S . -B   build.d -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local
cmake --build   build.d
cmake --install build.d

uppm command usage

  • show help of this command

    uppm -h
    uppm --help
  • show version of this command

    uppm -V
    uppm --version
  • show information about this software

    uppm about
  • show basic information about your current running operation system

    uppm sysinfo
  • integrate zsh-completion script

    uppm integrate zsh
    uppm integrate zsh --output-dir=/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
    uppm integrate zsh -v

    I provide a zsh-completion script for uppm. when you've typed uppm then type TAB key, the rest of the arguments will be automatically complete for you.

    Note: to apply this feature, you may need to run the command autoload -U compinit && compinit in your terminal (your current running shell must be zsh).

  • update all available formula repositories

    uppm update
  • search all available packages whose name matches the given regular expression pattern

    uppm search curl
    uppm search '^lib' -v
  • show information of the given available package

    uppm info-available curl
    uppm info-available curl --json
    uppm info-available curl --json | jq .
    uppm info-available curl --yaml
    uppm info-available curl --yaml | yq .
    uppm info-available curl version
    uppm info-available curl summary
    uppm info-available curl webpage
    uppm info-available curl bin-url
    uppm info-available curl bin-sha
    uppm info-available curl bin-ft  # filetype of bin-url
    uppm info-available curl bin-fp  # filepath of bin-url
    uppm info-available curl install
    uppm info-available curl formula
  • show information of the given installed package

    uppm info-installed curl --json
    uppm info-installed curl --json | jq .
    uppm info-installed curl --yaml
    uppm info-installed curl --yaml | yq .
    uppm info-installed curl --prefix
    uppm info-installed curl --files
    uppm info-installed curl
    uppm info-installed curl version
    uppm info-installed curl summary
    uppm info-installed curl webpage
    uppm info-installed curl bin-url
    uppm info-installed curl bin-sha
    uppm info-installed curl install
    uppm info-installed curl timestamp-unix
    uppm info-installed curl timestamp-iso-8601
    uppm info-installed curl timestamp-rfc-3339
  • show packages that are depended by the given package

    uppm depends curl
    uppm depends curl -t dot
    uppm depends curl -t box
    uppm depends curl -t png
    uppm depends curl -t svg
    uppm depends curl -t dot -o .
    uppm depends curl -t box -o .
    uppm depends curl -t png -o .
    uppm depends curl -t svg -o .
    uppm depends curl -t dot -o a/
    uppm depends curl -t box -o a/
    uppm depends curl -t png -o a/
    uppm depends curl -t svg -o a/
    uppm depends curl -o
    uppm depends curl -o
    uppm depends curl -o xx.png
    uppm depends curl -o xx.svg
  • download resources of the given package to the local cache

    uppm fetch curl
    uppm fetch curl -v
  • install packages

    uppm install curl
    uppm install curl bzip2 -v
  • reinstall packages

    uppm reinstall curl
    uppm reinstall curl bzip2 -v
  • uninstall packages

    uppm uninstall curl
    uppm uninstall curl bzip2 -v
  • upgrade the outdated packages

    uppm upgrade
    uppm upgrade curl
    uppm upgrade curl bzip2 -v
  • upgrade this software

    uppm upgrade-self
    uppm upgrade-self -v
  • view the formula of the given package

    uppm formula-view curl
    uppm formula-view curl --no-color
  • edit the formula of the given package

    uppm formula-edit curl
    uppm formula-edit curl --editor=/usr/local/bin/vim
  • list all avaliable formula repositories

    uppm formula-repo-list
  • create a new empty formula repository

    uppm formula-repo-init my_repo
    uppm formula-repo-init my_repo --branch=master
    uppm formula-repo-init my_repo --branch=main --pin
    uppm formula-repo-init my_repo --unpin --disable
    uppm formula-repo-init my_repo --enable
  • create a new empty formula repository then sync with server

    uppm formula-repo-add my_repo
    uppm formula-repo-add my_repo --branch=master
    uppm formula-repo-add my_repo --branch=main --pin
    uppm formula-repo-add my_repo --unpin --disable
    uppm formula-repo-add my_repo --enable
  • delete the given formula repository

    uppm formula-repo-del my_repo
  • sync the given formula repository with server

    uppm formula-repo-sync my_repo
  • show information of the given formula repository

    uppm formula-repo-info my_repo
  • change the config of the given formula repository

    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --url=
    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --branch=main
    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --pin
    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --unpin
    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --enable
    uppm formula-repo-conf my_repo --disable
  • list all available packages

    uppm ls-available -v
  • list all installed packages

    uppm ls-installed -v
  • list all outdated packages

    uppm ls-outdated -v
  • check if the given package is available ?

    uppm is-available curl
  • check if the given package is installed ?

    uppm is-installed curl
  • check if the given package is outdated ?

    uppm is-outdated  curl
  • list the installed files of the given installed package in a tree-like format

    uppm tree curl
    uppm tree curl -L 3
  • generate url-transform sample

    uppm gen-url-transform-sample
  • extra common used utilities

    uppm util zlib-deflate -L 6 < input/file/path
    uppm util zlib-inflate      < input/file/path
    uppm util base16-encode "string to be encoded with base16 algorithm"
    uppm util base16-encode < input/file/path
    uppm util base16-decode ABCD
    uppm util base16-decode ABCD > output/file/path
    uppm util base64-encode "string to be encoded with base64 algorithm"
    uppm util base64-encode < input/file/path
    uppm util base64-decode YQ==
    uppm util base64-decode YQ== > output/file/path
    uppm util sha256sum   input/file/path
    uppm util sha256sum < input/file/path
    uppm util which tree
    uppm util which tree -a
  • delete the unused cached files

    uppm cleanup

environment variables

  • HOME

    This environment variable already have been set on most systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.

  • PATH

    This environment variable already have been set on most systems, if not set or set a empty string, you will receive an error message.


    curl -LO
    export SSL_CERT_FILE="$PWD/cacert.pem"

    In general, you don't need to set this environment variable, but, if you encounter the reporting the SSL certificate is invalid, trying to run above commands in your terminal will do the trick.


    If this environment variable is not set or set a empty string, $HOME/.uppm will be used as the default value.

    export UPPM_HOME=$HOME/uppm-home

    export UPPM_URL_TRANSFORM=/path/of/url-transform

    /path/of/url-transform command would be invoked as /path/of/url-transform <URL>

    /path/of/url-transform command must output a <URL>

    you can generate a url-transform sample via uppm gen-url-transform-sample

    If you want to change the request url, you can set this environment variable. It is very useful for chinese users.

uppm formula scheme

a uppm formula is a YAML format file which is used to config a uppm package's meta-information including one sentence description, package version, installation instructions, etc.

a uppm formula's filename suffix must be .yml

a uppm formula'a filename prefix would be treated as the package name.

a uppm formula'a filename prefix must match regular expression pattern ^[A-Za-z0-9+-._@]{1,50}$

a uppm formula's file content only has one level mapping and shall has following KEY:

KEY required? overview
summary required Describe this package in one sentence.
webpage required the home webpage url of this package.
license optional a space-separated list of SPDX license short identifiers
version optional the version of this package.
If this mapping is not present, it will be calculated from bin-url
bin-url required the prebuild binary file download url of this package.
bin-sha required the sha256sum of the prebuild binary file.
dep-pkg optional a space-separated list of package names. these packages will be used when installing or runtime.
unpackd optional relative to $PKG_INSTALL_DIR. the directory where shall be unpacked to. default is empty, which means that the artifact will be unpacked to $PKG_INSTALL_DIR
install optional POSIX shell code to be run when installing.
If this mapping is not present, and if bin-url mapping's value ends with one of .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .tlz .tbz2, uppm will uncompress it to $PKG_INSTALL_DIR for you. otherwise, just copy it to $PKG_INSTALL_DIR

shell variables that can be used in install block :

variable overview
NATIVE_OS_ARCH current machine os arch.
NATIVE_OS_KIND current machine os kind.
NATIVE_OS_TYPE current machine os type.
NATIVE_OS_NAME current machine os name.
NATIVE_OS_VERS current machine os version.
NATIVE_OS_NCPU current machine os has how many cpu cores.
UPPM_VERSION the version of uppm.
UPPM_HOME the home directory of uppm.
UPPM the executbale path of uppm.
PKG_SUMMARY the value of summary
PKG_VERSION the value of version
PKG_LICENSE the value of license
PKG_WEBPAGE the value of webpage
PKG_BIN_URL the value of bin-url
PKG_BIN_SHA the value of bin-sha
PKG_BIN_FILEPATH the local file path of bin-url
PKG_BIN_FILENAME the local file name of bin-url
PKG_BIN_FILETYPE the file type of bin-url
PKG_DEP_PKG the value of dep-pkg
PKG_INSTALL_DIR the directory where the current package will be installed to.

uppm formula repository

a uppm formula repository is a git repository.

a uppm formula repository's root directory should have a formula named sub directory, this repository's formulas all should be located in this directory.

a uppm formula repository's local path is ~/.uppm/repos.d/${UPPMFormulaRepoName}

Note: uppm supports multiple formula repositories.

uppm formula repository's config

After a uppm formula repository is successfully fetched from server to local, a config file for this repository would be created at ~/.uppm/repos.d/${UPPMFormulaRepoName}/.uppm-formula-repo.yml

a typical uppm formula repository's config as following:

branch: master
pinned: 0
enabled: 1
created: 1673684639
updated: 1673684767

If a uppm formula repository is pinned, which means it would not be updated.

If a uppm formula repository is disabled, which means uppm would not search formulas in this formula repository.

uppm official formula repository

uppm official formula repository's url:

uppm official formula repository would be automatically fetched to local cache as name official-core when you run uppm update command.

Note: If you find that a package is not in uppm official formula repository yet, PR is welcomed.