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Releases: maziac/DeZog

C - debugging

14 Feb 21:06
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C - debugging Pre-release

A pre-release of DeZog for testing the C-code debugging with z88dk/sdcc.

as example.

Small fixes

17 Nov 16:28
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  • Fixed extensions. Now also .p81 and .81 files are supported (ZX81).
  • zsim restore: In case of an error during "restore" a rollback is done.
  • Fixed #134: ZX81 keyboard: highlighting of keys is shifted

ZX81 - 3.5.0

30 Sep 16:33
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This release is dedicated to the ZX81.
The main new feature is support for the ZX81 in the internal zsim simulator.


Main ZX81 features are:

  • standard and hires graphic modes (wrx, arx, chr$64/128)
  • Chroma 81 support

Please have a look at the

Please report any issues/errors.

Here is the changelog:

  • zsim:
    • Simulation of ZX81. (Supports hires graphics modes, WRX, ARX)
    • Removed "vsyncInterrupt". A VSYNC interrupt is now generated if the Spectrum ULA is enabled.
    • "ulaScreen":
      • Type changed from boolean to 'spectrum' | 'zx81'.
    • Z80 CPU simulation fix: HALT instruction: r is now incremented on each instruction.
    • New debug command, "-ml address filepath", to load binary data into the memory.
    • Fixed setting of A' from the UI.
    • The "zxKeyboard"
      • now supports reading several rows at the same time.
      • type changed to string. "zx81" and "spectrum" style keyboard supported.
      • keyboard visualization improved.
    • The "kempstonJoy" now decodes only the lower 8 bits of the address.
    • A new "customJoy" type: You can assign the bits and ports yourself.
    • Added "preset" to easily configure a spectrum or zx81 device.
    • "cpuLoadInterruptRange": renamed to "cpuLoad". The CPU load is not anymore calculated when the VSYNC occurs. Now it is calculated from HALT to next HALT instruction.
    • "cpuLoad": The simulation speed is indicated by a color. If too slow the cpuLoad is shown in yellow.
    • Loading a .p file sets 'topOfStack' automatically. A warning is send if 'topOfStack' is set manually.
    • "ulaOptions" added.
    • "chroma81" support (including colourization file support).
    • Fixed bug that IX could grow bigger than 0xFFFF.
    • Fixed: debugging now stops when windows is closed.
  • "topOfStack": default is now taken from the memory model.
  • Loading .nex file: Fix for bit in load screens for ignoring the palette

zxnDMA (zsim)

31 Jul 16:51
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This release includes an implementation of the zxnDMA for the internal simulator (zsim).
Please enable it in the "zsim" section like this:

 "zsim": {
                "zxnDMA": true,

"zxnDMA": true/false. Defaults to false. If enabled the zxnDMA is available at port $xx6B. All internal register can be viewed:

What just has been changed is highlighted in red.
At the bottom you can see the last DMA copy operation.

- when DMA is active it uses t-states. I.e. while CPU stepping the DMA operation is executed just before the next CPU instructions.
So, if you see a higher t-state number than expected it is probably because of a DMA activity in the background.
- The zxnDMA supports all modes: continuous, burst and also the prescalar.
- The DMA activity (setting of the registers) is additionally logged into the "OUTPUT" tab of vscode.
You can activate it by selecting "DeZog zsim: Hardware".

Full Changelog: v3.3.4...v3.4.0

ZX128 SNA loading

06 Jul 17:29
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Fix for #126: Data misalignment for ZX128K SNA with Active BANK6 in zsim. Banks in SNA loading fixed.

Serial cable test

17 Jun 16:44
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Added palette command "dezog.serialport.test" to test the serial connection.


19 Aug 10:59
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  • Fixed version numbering parsing for zesarux
  • Removed human.join package


13 Jun 19:38
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  • New setting for launch.json/"zxnext": "timeout". If there are connection problems try increasing this value (the default has been increased from 1 to 5 seconds).
  • Sonar linting.
  • Improved zesarux disconnect for unit tests.
  • Improved performance of search in memory dump view.


18 May 11:43
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This release requires to update ZEsarUX to 10.3 and dezogif to 2.1.0.


  • ZEsarUX:
    • Support for ZEsarUX version 10.3
    • Closes all ZEsarUX menus (close-all-menus) when a debug session starts
  • Improvements in disconnection handling.
  • launch.json: 'loadObjs' 'start' also supports labels.
  • ZXNext: Requires now dezogif v2.2.0. Older versions not supported anymore.
  • Exchanged aduh95 with node-graphviz library.

Preparing DZRP 2.1.0

01 Apr 08:53
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  • Fix for #110: Attempts to start debugging result in error Cannot evaluate 'execAddress'.
    setLaunchExecAddress moved after readListFiles.
  • Small fixes for unit tests and custom code.
  • Experimental implementation of DZRP 2.1.0 (cmd_interrupt_on_off) for zxnextserialremote.
  • debug console: "-e test ...": Tests for the serial interface.