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Beta Test A

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@maziac maziac released this 08 Dec 15:24

Note: This version does not work on Windows, sorry.

  • Fixed bug in register parsing. (Thanks to Cesar Wagener for finding).
  • Changed to use ZEsarUX 'cpu-code-coverage' for decorating code coverage.
  • Changed to use ZEsarUX 'extended-stack' for displaying the callstack. This makes it possible to highlight interrupts in the callstack.
  • Fixed bug in sjasmplus parser (fake instructions).

This release starts beta testing. I.e. this release will most probably not work with the latest official stable ZEsarUX release. Instead you need to get the latest ZEsarUX sources from GitHub and compile yourself.
This is also the reason why these beta testing releases are not published in the market place.

To install in vscode:
Download the vsix file below.
Go to the command palette in vscode (i.e. press F1).
Enter "Extensions: Install from VSIX..."