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Legacy Alpha Break Process

Jason Hartman edited this page Feb 18, 2025 · 2 revisions

Legacy+Alpha Breaks for FF Client

Legacy+Alpha APIs are both used in production by partners and not settled/finalized. They are supported under an agreement that allows them to be carefully changed ahead of major version bumps. New deprecations should follow API Deprecation leveraging the table below to schedule removal.

Create Issue for Existing Deprecation

If the API deprecation does not have an issue per API Deprecation (preferred), use these steps to track without duplicating a lot of information.

  1. Search partner repositories yourself or have Fluid Framework team member do so.

  2. Go to applicable issue from table:

    Context Tracking Issue
    2.40 (unused deprecations merged before 2.32 branch) Client 2.40 Legacy-Alpha Breaking Changes · Issue #23594
    2.50 (used deprecations merged before 2.32 branch or unused deprecations merged before 2.42 branch) Client 2.50 Legacy-Alpha Breaking Changes · Issue #23868
    2.60 (otherwise (used deprecations merged before 2.42 branch)) Client 2.60 Legacy-Alpha Breaking Changes · Issue #

    When in doubt if an API or pattern is in use, assume that it is in use and allow three months (12 weeks) before breaking.

  3. Add sub-issue

    Use "Create sub-issue" button at bottom of description

  4. Use Breaking Change template

    Under "Templates and forms" select "Breaking Change"

    1. Use information in the existing release notes (or pending changeset of deprecation) to fill out the issue. Focus on conveying the change to customers.
    2. Set Assignee to whomever is expected to complete the work (ideally also a good contact for any questions)
    3. Create the issue.
  5. Ideally associate a PR that does the removal. See API Deprecation "Legacy+Alpha staging" for steps.

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