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TSDoc Guidelines
Use TSDoc syntax when writing TypeScript code within the Fluid Framework.
Note: TSDoc is still under active development / design. Many syntactical elements are still under active design. If you have questions about limitations, etc., be sure to check out their github.
* Represents a Foo, as implemented by wrapping a {@link Bar}.
export class Foo {
* Underlying data representation of the Foo.
public bar: Bar;
* Creates a {@link Baz} from {@link bar} and the provided {@link qux}.
* @param qux - Contains the extra information needed to create the Baz.
public createBaz(qux: Qux): Baz {
The single-line TSDoc syntax should never be used for publicly exported symbols. Even for short comments, use the standard, multi-line format.
/** Single-line comment */
export function foo() {
* Single-line comment
export function foo() {
Documentation content (within the scope of a given documentation block) should be formatted as plain text. No custom indentation or other formatting should be used.
Custom formatting will be largely disregarded by tooling, and may cause undesired behavior in some cases.
When writing more complex API source-code documentation, please utilize TSDoc's suite of tags instead.
When writing a comment for an '@param' tag, it might be tempting to use custom indentation, etc. to make the formatting look more appealing. Please do not do this. Not only will the custom formatting not be picked up by documentation generation, but it also makes our documentation inconsistent.
This documentation attempts to custom indent parameter constraints.
* Moves the element by the provided offsets.
* @param xOffset - Offset along the x-axis to move the item.
* Must be \>= {@link xMin}.
* Must be \<= {@link xMax}.
* @param yOffset - Offset along the y-axis to move the item.
* Must be \>= {@link yMin}.
* Must be \<= {@link yMax}.
function move(xOffset: number, yOffset: number) {
Instead, simply line-wrapping and indenting the documentation contents of each parameter tag as normal is preferred.
* Moves the element by the provided offsets.
* @param xOffset - Offset along the x-axis to move the item.
* Must be \>= {@link xMin}.
* Must be \<= {@link xMax}.
* @param yOffset - Offset along the y-axis to move the item.
* Must be \>= {@link yMin}.
* Must be \<= {@link yMax}.
function move(xOffset: number, yOffset: number) {
Because source-code comments are frequently line-broken based on some maximal line length, TSDoc comments are parsed as follows:
- Adjacent lines (lines separated by exactly 1 newline) are rendered on the same line
- Lines separated by 2 or more newlines are rendered as separate paragraphs (with a break between them)
If you wish for line breaks to appear in the generated API documentation, be sure to add an extra line between your content.
Note that this includes things like lists. If you wish to include a bulleted or numbered list in your documentation, you will need to add extra lines between the list items.
* Updates the contents by applying the following steps in sequence:
* 1. clears obsolete content
* 2. appends new content
* 3. invokes provided callback for content element
function update(callback: Callback) {
This will produce Markdown like the following:
Updates the contents by applying the following steps in sequence:
- clears obsolete content 2. appends new content 3. invokes provided callback for content element
* Updates the contents by applying the following steps in sequence:
* 1. clears obsolete content
* 2. appends new content
* 3. invokes provided callback for content element
function update(callback: Callback) {
This will produce Markdown like the following:
Updates the contents by applying the following steps in sequence:
clears obsolete content
appends new content
invokes provided callback for content element
TSDoc tags are broken down into 3 categories: Block tags, Modifier tags, and Inline tags.
For an overview on the difference between the 3, see here.
See here for an overview of block tags.
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_param/
This should be used for any documentation pertaining to a particular parameter for the purpose of documenting contracts, side effects, or any other non-redundant semantic information.
- @param tags should be listed in the same order as the corresponding parameters appear in the function / method signature.
- @param blocks should always be formatted to include a '-' after the parameter name.
* Rotates each element of each of the provided shapes by the specified rotation.
* @param shapes - The shapes to be rotated.
* Note: the elements of the list are rotated in place, so this list’s contents are mutated.
* The number of elements is not changed.
* @param clockwiseRotationInDegrees - Must be on [0, 360).
public rotateEntries(shapes: ShapeList, clockwiseRotationInDegrees: number): void;
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_returns/
Similar to @param, this should be used for any documentation pertaining to the return value of a function, method, etc. for the purpose of documenting contracts, side effects, or any other non-redundant semantic information.
Helps to clearly differentiate what a function/method does from what it produces. Additionally helps with IDE hover-over behaviors.
* Rotates each element of each of the provided shapes by the specified rotation.
* @param shapes - The shapes to be rotated.
* @param clockwiseRotationInDegrees - Must be on [0, 360).
* @returns A list parallel to the provided {@link ShapeList} whose elements are that of those shapes, rotated by the specified rotation.
public rotateEntries(shapes: ShapeList, clockwiseRotationInDegrees: number): ShapeList;
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_typeparam/
This tag should be used to document generic type parameters when the semantics of the type being constrained to are unclear. For example, when constraining to a complex union type.
Whenever possible, it is recommended to extract as much semantic information out of function/method-level documentation and into type-level documentation.
This enables easier documentation reuse. The @typeParam
block should be reserved for additional information not already represented by any type constraints.
Especially for complex generic types, this can be incredibly helpful for providing a semantic explanation of what the type represents.
In this example, we are constraining type parameter T
to Foo
, a type we have imported from elsewhere that is already documented.
In this case, we only need the @typeParam
tag if there is any additional type-level context a user of the API would need to know that is not already encapsulated by Foo
's type documentation. If no additional context is needed, the @typeParam
block can be omitted!
* ...
export interface Foo {
* ...
* @typeParam Supplementary type semantics of T not represented by Foo.
export function bar<T extends Foo>(input: T): Baz {
In this example, we are constraining type parameter T
to Bar | Baz | undefined
In this case, it is important that we document what this type means, as the semantics of Bar | Baz | undefined
are not necessarily clear.
There are two reasonable approaches here, but one is definitely preferred when possible.
* ...
* @typeParam T Semantic documentation for union type: `Bar | Baz | undefined`.
export function Foo<T extends Bar | Baz | undefined>(input: T): number {
Extracting the type and its documentation out of the function allows it to be re-used without writing redundant documentation!
* Semantic documentation for the union type `Bar | Baz | undefined`, as it is used by functions in this module.
export const type Qux = Bar | Baz | undefined;
* Foo documentation
export function Foo<T extends Qux>(input: T): number {
* Foo2 documentation
export function Foo2<T extends Qux>(input1: T, input2: T): number {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_remarks/
This tag should be used to offer additional context about the API beyond the short summary offered as a part of the main comment body.
Complex APIs often require more than a one or two sentence explanation. In these cases, it is often useful to offer a separate, more detailed explanation of the API and its requirements, while preserving a brief explanation for display in hover-over behavior, etc.
* Calculates the nth value of the Fibonacci Sequence.
* @remarks This function uses the naive, recursive implementation.
* This should not be used in performance-critical code.
export function calculateFibonacci(n: number): number {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_privateremarks/
This tag should be used to offer context that is not needed by consumers of the API, but would be useful to developers working on the API itself.
Note: privateRemarks
comments are not included in generated API documentation.
They are strictly there for additional comments useful to developers working with the code.
It is often useful to leave additional context about an API for developers who will be working on it in the future. That said, such documentation is not useful to consumers of the API, and should therefore not be included in what consumers see when they look at it.
These blocks are often a good place to put TODO comments that consumers of the code do not need to be aware of.
* Creates an {@link Element} from this.
* @privateRemarks Note that it would be possible to memoize the results of this.
* If this is ever shown to be performance critical, this can be updated to do so.
public generateElement(): Element {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_example/
This tag should be used to offer example usage of the associated API using code samples.
Note that you may use this tag multiple times on the same API.
Multiple examples should appear in separate @example
blocks, rather than using a single @example
block for multiple semantic examples.
Note that the first line of an @example
comment block is reserved for the title of an example, and influences how rendered API documentation will appear.
If your example would benefit from a title, or if you would like to differentiate multiple examples, consider adding text to the same line as the tag to provide a title.
If not, then you may leave the remainder of that line blank.
All other contents should appear on subsequent lines.
Especially for complex APIs, it can be incredibly useful for consumers to see sample usages of the API.
The following example is a trivial one, but it illustrates the idea, and offers an example of the intended format (as supported by API-Documenter).
* Calculates and returns the square root of the provided value.
* @example
* ```typescript
* squareRoot(4); // Returns 2
* ```
export function squareRoot(value: number): number {
You may also add a title to your example(s), which will appear in the generated API documentation we publish.
* Calculates and returns the square root of the provided value.
* @example Negative input
* ```typescript
* squareRoot(-1); // Throws
* ```
export function squareRoot(value: number): number {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_deprecated/
Use this tag to indicate that the associated API has been deprecated.
This tag should always be followed with any information a developer would need to know to migrate their code off of the deprecated API.,
- See API Deprecation for a more complete overview of our deprecation process.
* Standard foo documentation.
* @deprecated Please use {@link bar} instead.
export function foo() {
For an overview of our general deprecation guidelines, see here.
See https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_defaultvalue/
This tag is used to document the contractual default for a property/field value. It should be used any time the default value is not codified directly on the property/field.
interface Foo {
* ...
* @defaultValue 1
bar?: number;
In this example, the bar
property is optional.
But for the consumer, what does it mean if they don't specify a value?
This is vital information for the consumer to have when using our APIs!
The defaultValue
tag gives them an explicit answer to this question.
This also serves a single point of truth in terms of the contract regarding bar
Internal code handling the property's absence will be required to respect its documented default.
See here for an overview of modifier tags.
Modifier tags
stand alone, and are not expected to be accompanied by any documentation content.
Note: We recommend placing Modifier tags
at the end of a TSDoc comment.
Doing so helps them stand out better inline tags, etc.
We use it to indicate a type must not be implemented outside of the of the code that it is versioned with.
This has the consequence that from a semantic versioning perspective it is a non-breaking change to make the @sealed
type provide more information.
For example, a @sealed
interface could have a member that was number | string
be types more specifically as number
, or add new property (even a required property).
Generally, any change to a @sealed` type which where instances of the new type will be usable where instances of the old type worked can be considered nonbreaking.
Our TypeTests understand this, and relax the testing of @sealed
types so that compatibility is only tested in one direction (using the new type in code written based off the old one).
These semantics are a generalization of how @sealed
is defined by API-Extractor.
Use this to document a class, interface, or member that is not intended to be implemented/extended by external users.
Note: the TypeScript compiler will not enforce this, and neither does API-Extractor (though they have stated they might in the future).
Corollary: If you wish to explicitly annotate an API member as expressly intended to be externally implemented/extended, use the @virtual tag.
User code (defined to mean code not versioned with the type in question), must comply with some restrictions to avoid being broken by what we will document as non-breaking changes to @sealed
Abstractly, this amounts to ensuring the code will not be broken when members are added, or types become more specific.
More concretely this means never implementing or extending @sealed
types, and never making assumptions about their set of keys using features like keyof
or iterating over the object's properties.
* @sealed This type may be used, but must not be extended.
export class Foo {}
export class Foo {
* Creates an {@link Bar} from this.
* @sealed This member may be used, but must not be overridden.
public createBar(): Bar {
Indicates that type is not to be directly imported from outside of Fluid Framework. It supersedes release tags' expressions of stability as it may be changed at any time.
Use this to document an interface or type that is not intended to be referenced by external users. It may play a part in connecting two Fluid Framework APIs or be a support utility type in cases that users do not need to inspect the type. These are often collateral from api-extractor rule "ae-forgotten-export".
These are best placed within an Internal*
namespace that itself is tagged as @system
* @system
* @public
export namespace InternalTypes {
* @system
* @public
export interface DoNotLookHere {}
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_virtual/
Use the @virtual
tag to mark a class member as being extendable by consumers.
Note: unless a member is explicitly marked as @sealed
, it is assumed that consumers may extend it.
That said, this tag can be useful to indicate to the user that the type is intended to be used in that manner.
It is recommended that any subclass which extends a member annotated with @virtual
tag use the @override tag.
public class Foo {
* Creates an {@link Bar} from this.
* @virtual This implementation is naive. Subclasses may wish to do something smarter.
public createBar(): Bar {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_override/
The @override
tag may be used on any class member which is overriding the base behavior of a parent class.
Note: API-Extractor does not currently guard against the use of override
on the member of a class which is marked as sealed
in the parent class.
Though they have said they might add support for that in the future.
If there is no need for further clarifying documentation beyond the parent class's member documentation, we recommend using the {@inheritDoc} tag, rather than duplicating documentation.
Clearly declaring a member as being an override of some base class member makes it significantly easier for consumers of the class to differentiating class-local members from overridden parent members.
public class Baz: Foo {
* Creates an {@link Bar} from this.
* @override
public createBar(): Bar {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_readonly/
The @readonly
tag can be used to indicate that the associated entity is to be considered readonly
I.e. it's value is not changed after being initialized.
This tag should not be used on any class member which already configured as readonly
via the TypeScript type system, but can be used in instances where it is not possible to use TypeScript's readonly to enforce invariants.
- Note: whenever possible, TypeScript's native
should be used in place of this tag. This tag should only be used when that is not possible.
* ...
* @readonly
public readonly foo: Bar;
* ...
* @readonly
public foo: Bar;
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_packagedocumentation/
A comment with this tag should only appear once, and only in the index.ts
file representing the API entry-point for a package.
* ...
* @packageDocumentation
export * from ...
See https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_eventproperty/
Properties whose values are event objects should be annotated with this tag. It is a useful signal to the consumer as to how the property should be used.
* This event is fired whenever the button is clicked.
* @eventProperty
public get clicked(): Event {
is not supported within Fluid Framework at this time and should not be used.
For an overview of our supported release tags, see here.
The following tags are meant to be used inline, i.e. within documentation blocks potentially associated with other tags.
See here for an overview of inline tags.
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_link/
Note: there are some current limitations to {@link}. The concept of declaration references is only partially complete.
If you are having trouble adding a reference tag, take a look at the following articles:
- See here for some examples of
declaration references
and other sample {@link} usages. - See here for an even deeper dive into declaration reference syntax.
Use this to link to another API member.
While ESLint will enforce correct syntax for this tag, it does not enforce that the entity being referenced is correct / unambiguous. Fortunately, for packages using API-Extractor and API-Documenter, the 2 tools will offer some validation.
* ...
export interface Bar {
* Foo implementation of {@link Bar}.
export class Foo extends Bar {
import { Bar } from 'baz'
* Foo implementation of {@link baz#Bar}.
export class Foo extends Bar {
See: https://api-extractor.com/pages/tsdoc/tag_inheritdoc/
Use the @inheritDoc
tag to indicate that the associated member's documentation is the same as some other API member.
This can be extremely useful in reducing duplicated documentation - especially when implementing an interface, or overriding members of a parent class.
While ESLint will enforce correct syntax for this tag, it does not enforce that the entity being referenced is correct / unambiguous. Fortunately, for repositories using API-Extractor and API-Documenter, the 2 tools will offer some validation.
* ...
export interface Logger {
* ...
public log(data: any);
* ...
export class ConsoleLogger extends Logger {
* {@inheritDoc Logger.log}
public log(data: any) {
import { Logger } from 'telemetry';
* ...
export class ConsoleLogger extends Logger {
* {@inheritDoc telemetry#Logger.log}
public log(data: any) {
It is also possible to alias links, including both symbol and URL links. So if you wish to control how the link will appear textually, this is an option.
Note that this syntax works for both {@link} and the {@inheritDoc} tags.
* ...
* Also see {@link https://bar.baz | Baz}.
export class Foo {
The markdown documentation that would be generated using API-Documenter in this example would look like the following:
Foo documentation.
Also see [Baz](https://bar.baz).
For module-level documentation, simply add a standard TSDoc
comment before any declaration in that file.
Note that this will only work if that first declaration also has a TSDoc comment.
I.e. the following is valid and will work as desired:
* This file contains utilities for working with Foo.
* Creates a Foo.
function CreateFoo(): Foo {
But this will not work as desired:
* This file contains utilities for working with Foo.
function CreateFoo(): Foo {
If CreateFoo
does not have a doc comment, the file-level comment will be interpreted as being associated with the function.
When documenting functions with overloads, note that users will only see documentation for the overload signatures. They will never see documentation on the underlying implementation. For this reason, all overload signatures should be completely documented.
And since the implementation's docs will never be seen by users, it's fine to leave them undocumented. Or, if you can prefer, you can just leave a note that it is the implementation (to hint that docs can be found elsewhere).
Note that release tags may still be required for the implementation.
* Creates a Foo from a Bar.
* @param bar - ...
* @public
export function createFoo(bar: Bar): Foo;
* Creates a Foo from a Baz.
* @param baz - ...
* @public
export function createFoo(baz: Baz): Foo;
/** @public */
export function createFoo(barOrBaz: Bar | Baz): Foo {
This wiki is focused on contributing to the Fluid Framework codebase.
For information on using Fluid Framework or building applications on it, please refer to fluidframework.com.
- Submitting Bugs and Feature Requests
Contributing to the Repo
- Repo Basics
- Common Workflows and Patterns
- Managing dependencies
- Client Code
- Server Code
- PR Guidelines
- CI Pipelines
- Breaking vs Non-Breaking Changes
- Branches, Versions, and Releases
- Compatibility & Versioning
- Testing
- Debugging
- npm package scopes
- Maintaining API support levels
- Developer Tooling Maintenance
- API Deprecation
- Working with the Website (fluidframework.com)
- Coding Guidelines
- Documentation Guidelines