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igorprata edited this page Jan 4, 2012 · 1 revision

The modSIC GUI Console is a simple graphical user interface used for submitting requests for basic assessments.

It has fewer options than the modSIC Client Console but assists users in the assessment process, saving the data last entered in its fields.

Currently it only handles synchronous requests for individual target machines.

Its interface was designed to be simple yet useful, guiding users through the steps needed to perform an assessment based on OVAL documents.

Main Window

The main window organizes all the configurations needed for an assessment into steps. Users must first configure the modSIC Service to be used under File > Configurations.

Options Window

modSIC Server Address: enter the IP address (or host name) of the machine where modSIC Service was installed preceeded by “http://”.

Port: enter the port where modSIC Service is listening.

modSIC Username and Password: enter a valid username and password as configured in the modSIC Service to be used.

When the Save button is clicked the user returns to the main window. The Reset button restores the previous configuration, and the Cancel button closes the modSIC Options window without saving any changes.

Ready to do the assessment

There are 3 steps to be completed in the main window:

Step 1: Select an OVAL Definitons File

OVAL Defs: enter the path for the OVAL Definitions XML file that will be used as the reference for the assessment.

After this step the selected OVAL Definitions file is evaluated through an automatic Schema test. If the file passes its name appears in the main window.

Step 2: Select Target

Address: enter an IP address or a valid host name through which the modSIC Service can access the target machine.

Username: enter a username with sufficient privileges to perform the assessment described in the OVAL Definitions file.

Password: enter the password to access the target machine.

Adm. Password (Optional): enter an additional password (optional) for systems that have an extra layer of privileges to perform certain operations (such as Cisco IOS “enable” or some Unix “su” commands).

Step 3: Choose Where to Save OVAL Results:

Destination Folder: select a folder where the files (System Characteristics and Results - in XML and HTML format) will be saved. The size of these files usually is not that large, so only a few megabytes available should work.

Step 4: Optionally fill the external variables:

External Variables: some OVAL Definitions require the completion of external variables in order to start the assessment. If the OVAL Definitions XML file selected includes external variables, a new window will appear where you can complete them.

External Variables

After completing all the steps, users can click the Submit button to request the assessment. A pop-up window will display the progress of the request.

Execution Log Window

When the assessment is completed users can view the results in a formatted HTML file in the main browser.

Close the window by clicking the OK button to perform another assessment.

Common Issues:

Users can select any XML file to perform an assessment, but a Schema test will be performed on any file selected.


If a certain OVAL Definitions XML file does not pass the Schema test, a pop-up will appear with a warning message detailing the problems and “Schema validation failure.” will appear in the main window.

Common Issues and Warnings:

Wrong username or password for modSIC Service:

UnauthorizedAccessException: Invalid username or password

Wrong address or port number for modSIC Service:

There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.

Inner Exception:

Unable to connect to the remote server

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

Wrong address for a Windows target machine:

[WMIConnectionProvider] - Error connecting to host: The RPC server is unavailable. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BA)

Wrong target machine username or password:

[WMIConnectionProvider] - Error while trying to connect to '': Invalid Credentials (domain = / username = username FullyQualified: '.\username