We rely on open source software every day to develop 1Password. It's fair to say that 1Password wouldn't exist without the open source community, so we want to give back and help teams be more productive and secure.
Are you working on an open source project that needs a password manager? How about a secure place to keep and share secrets — social media logins, code signing certificates, ssh keys, etc? We've got your back: get 1Password Teams free on us.
- Create a team account: https://start.1password.com/signup/?t=B
- Invite at least one other person to your team and add them to the Owners group.
- Fork this repo and add an entry to the
Open source projects using 1Password Teams
section at the bottom of this page:
### Project name
A short description of what we do.
- Create a pull request and fill out the template with the requested details.
To apply, you need to be a core contributor for an active open source project that is at least 30 days old. We’ll also accept applications from the organisers of community meetups and events, as well as some conferences.
Projects need to use a standard open source license and must be non-commercial. If your company is looking for an enterprise password manager, check out 1Password Business.
If you're not sure if your project meets these requirements, ask us @1Password or [email protected].
- You'll receive a membership to 1Password Teams.
- You can invite core contributors to your team account.
- Team members can use the 1Password apps on all devices — Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, Linux, Chrome OS and web.
- Your membership does not expire. If you signed up before November 26, 2021, please contact [email protected] to convert your two-year membership into one that doesn't need to be renewed.
- Memberships cannot be transferred or sold.
We'll review all requests and accept them at our discretion. If accepted, your project may be listed below. Memberships may be canceled if accounts are found to no longer meet the requirements.
WWDCScholars is a community of Apple WWDC Scholarship winners. Together we developed and maintain an iOS app, the main website and a sign-up form. Link to project
Community-driven unofficial browser extension for Reddit. https://redditenhancementsuite.com
A group managing the development of most of Python's major cryptographic libraries including pyca/cryptography, pyNaCl, and pyOpenSSL. https://github.com/pyca
PKIjs is a pure JavaScript library implementing the formats that are used in PKI applications (signing, encryption, certificate requests, OCSP and TSP requests/responses). It is built on WebCrypto (Web Cryptography API) and requires no plug-ins. https://github.com/PeculiarVentures/PKI.js
canvas.place is a community-focused game, where people work together to make art. The aim of the game is to bring people together in a fun and new way. https://github.com/dynastic/place
Open Source firmware for x86 and other architectures. https://www.coreboot.org
Cross platform video snapshot software, stitching snapshots automatically with subtitle detection. A short description of what we do. http://pluto.shootsoft.net
libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings. https://libgit2.github.com
A flexible, elegant, fast and easy-to-use content management system written in PHP. https://textpattern.com
Express Gateway is an API Gateway that sits at the heart of any microservices architecture, regardless of what language or platform you're using. Express Gateway secures your microservices and exposes them through APIs using Node.js, ExpressJS and Express middleware. Developing microservices, orchestrating and managing them now can be done insanely fast all on one seamless platform without having to introduce additional infrastructure. https://express-gateway.io
An unofficial app to follow proposals for Swift Evolution. https://github.com/Evolution-App/iOS
ezXSS is an easy way to test (blind) XSS. https://github.com/ssl/ezXSS
SimplePresence is an open source and non profit app that allows developers (and other consumers) set their status on the popular chat app, Discord. https://github.com/justjs/simplepresence
MLTSHP is a social community for sharing images, GIFs, and videos. The site is developed and operated by volunteers of the community and the site itself is open source. https://github.com/mltshp/mltshp
The official Go client for accessing the Bankrs OS API. https://github.com/bankrs/bosgo
Rekrei is a platform for crowdsourcing digital reconstructions for the memory of lost heritage. The project is built using Ruby on Rails, with a tiny dash of Angular. https://rekrei.org
Open Collective enables communities to collect and disburse money online in full transparency. https://github.com/opencollective/opencollective
IdentityServer is a free, open source OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core. Founded and maintained by Dominick Baier and Brock Allen, IdentityServer4 incorporates all the protocol implementations and extensibility points needed to integrate token-based authentication, single-sign-on and API access control in your applications. IdentityServer4 is officially certified by the OpenID Foundation and thus spec-compliant and interoperable. It is part of the .NET Foundation, and operates under their code of conduct. It is licensed under Apache 2 (an OSI approved license).
The iOS Titanium module "Ti.OnePassword" enables developers to integrate 1Password in their JavaScript powered Titanium apps. It is built using Objective-C and is based on the official AgileBits library. https://github.com/hansemannn/ti.onepassword
The broadcast app is a way of connecting groups in chat rooms over SMS, no app required! Users can be invited, leave, and mute chat rooms with others that have similar interests or friends of friends that haven't shared phone numbers yet. Text one number and broadcast your text to the whole group! https://github.com/rkk09c/Broadcast
PyGotham is a New York City based, eclectic, Py-centric conference covering many topics. There’s a diverse speaker list, and some things which will be quite different. Source code
Bokeh (Main Site | GitHub) is a BSD licensed interactive visualization library for Python that enables beautiful and meaningful visual presentation of data in modern web browsers. Bokeh provides an elegant and concise way to construct versatile graphics while delivering high-performance interactivity for large or streamed datasets.
Vizzy is a powerful Ruby on Rails web server that facilitates Visual Automation, a continuous integration testing strategy that aims to prevent visual regressions. It does this by performing pixel by pixel comparisons of screenshots captured during test runs. In doing so, it tests application data as well as application views. https://github.com/Workday/vizzy)
Phalcon is an open source web framework delivered as a C extension for the PHP language providing high performance and lower resource consumption. https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon
A 45$ open source oscilloscope built on Orange Pi Zero, mcp3201 adc with custom shield and cheap spi-display. https://hackaday.io/project/90259-cloud-oscilloscope
The (Unofficial) Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you develop Telegram Bots easily! https://github.com/irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk
Bike Index is the world's most widely-used bicycle registry. We're universal and open-source, meaning that anyone, anywhere can register their bikes and tap into our grassroots network of users and organizations to report and find their bike if stolen. https://github.com/bikeindex/bike_index
Xanyah is an open-source mobile and desktop app allowing store owners to manage their products easily and at no-cost. https://github.com/xanyah
A sharing and analyzation tool for speedrunners. https://splits.io
eHealth is a Ukrainian state-wide API platform for Medical Services Providers, such as clinics and pharmacies. https://github.com/edenlabllc/ehealth.api
Think of Neos as an open source Content Application Platform based on its own PHP framework Flow. https://www.neos.io
The IndieWeb community maintains several tools and plugins for helping individuals own their online data and use their websites as a social network. https://indieweb.org
Community project dedicated to the maintenance and continuous development several popular WordPress plugins. https://pluginkollektiv.org
MyBB is a free and open source, community-based forum software project. https://mybb.com
A CLI to keep semantic git commits. Never think about the projects commit guidelines again. sgc
will take care of the commit guidelines, so you can focus on the more important stuff.
Network abstraction layer written in Swift. https://github.com/Moya/Moya
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps in .NET. https://github.com/foundatiofx
An #OSINT Framework to perform various recon techniques on Companies, People, EmailAddress, Phone Number, Username, IP Address etc., aggregate all the raw data, and give data in multiple formats. https://github.com/datasploit/datasploit
QueueUp is an open-source mobile app helping you to find the perfect teammates in various online games. http://queueup.gg/
Group of open-source Python package maintainers. https://github.com/pycontribs/
A Deep Learning Library for Researchers and Engineers based on Tensorflow. https://github.com/tensorlayer/tensorlayer
A service for students at George Mason University, by students of Mason SRCT, to find information about facilities on campus. https://whatsopen.gmu.edu/
An elegant networking library in Swift. https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire
Get the most of Robinhood: accounts, positions, portfolio, buy and sell securities, etc. https://github.com/ThomasMarcel/robinhood-api
An Android kotlin-powered lightweight SharedPreferences encryption library, to help you securing android applications from the ground up https://github.com/AndreaCioccarelli/CryptoPrefs
Open source web app to publish documentation or books. Built with React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, and MongoDB. https://builderbook.org/
A game modification that incorporates network play onto the single player Grand Theft Auto game series. https://multitheftauto.com
A mighty, modern CSS linter https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint
codebar is an organization that runs regular programming workshops for underrepresented groups in tech (people of color, women, LGBTQA+, persons with disabilities) in 14 cities around the world. Our goal is to enable members of these groups to learn programming in a safe and collaborative environment and expand their career opportunities. https://codebar.io
Unofficial Google translate API for Python. https://github.com/ssut/py-googletrans
Collection of Terraform AWS modules supported by the community https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules
Support, improve, and administer Python community services such as PyPI and The Python Homepage.
Open Shop Channel is a project for the Nintendo Wii™ that aims to reverse engineer, document, and reimplement the soon-defunct Wii Shop Channel, to aid distribution of OSS homebrew projects, as well as provide an insight into the Paid DLC and Update systems some games used. https://oscwii.org
We are a large gaming community for the game Elite Dangerous who run our own custom built website and integrations which are all released open source offering other communities to build upon on our work. https://fuelrats.com
Fast, simple and clean video downloader built with Go. https://github.com/iawia002/annie
The Midwest Open Source Alliance promotes the education, support and development of Drupal and related open source software within the Midwest Drupal community. We are a federal 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. As such, we will be acting as fiscal sponsor for open source software events in the Midwest (such as MidCamp), as well as looking to help launch new events or initiatives around the software community. https://midwestopensourcealliance.org/
A digital repository specifically built for archaeological data Link to project source
SNEP is a Brazilian Free Software-based PBX that meets the needs of any size of business, with features that make communication more free, flexible and intelligent. Snep has a GPLv2 license and all its code is in this repository and your download can be done in sourceforge.
Transmission is a fast, easy and free BitTorrent client.
Open source protocol translation addon for various Minecraft server platforms written in Java - https://github.com/MylesIsCool/ViaVersion
The Go London User Group (GLUG) is a London UK-based community for anyone interested in the Go programming language. GLUG held their first Meetup on Wednesday, March 27, 2013, and since then the group has grown to over 2,500 members. Nowadays, GLUG is more commonly known as London Gophers. https://gophers.london
BMLT Enabled is a community of members that write software for twelve-step organizations. The BMLT or Basic Meeting List Toolbox helps those that are looking for a meeting (where the twelve steps happen) by providing a database and toolset that leverage these datasets. https://bmlt.app
A non-profit, community-driven conference in Stockholm, Sweden. Also with an open-source conference web site. https://swetugg.se
RailsBridge Boston runs workshops to teach people Ruby on Rails for free. Our workshops are 100% volunteer taught and led. https://www.railsbridgeboston.org
Pony is an open-source, object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language.
Modern, scalable and modular event ticketing system written in PHP https://janoticketing.co.uk
Competitive coding and gaming combined like never before. Vikebot is a platform where you compete against others using your coding skills. You program your own player, a bot, which plays autonomously against other bots in a deathmatch. According to the results of these games we place you in a global ranking system. https://github.com/vikebot
AM is an open-source web client for Apple Music, built with React and Apple's MusicKit JS framework. https://github.com/bottleneckco/am
Monolingual is a program for removing unnecessary language resources from macOS, in order to reclaim several hundred megabytes of disk space. https://ingmarstein.github.io/Monolingual
30-seconds-of-code is a curated collection of useful JavaScript snippets that you can understand in 30 seconds or less. https://30secondsofcode.org
Techqueria is one of the largest communities of Latinx professionals in the tech industry. https://techqueria.org
OSOSystem is a free and open source locating system platform open for different kind of devices. https://ososystem.de/
GDG Northern Colorado is an open-membership group that encourages the use of Google and related technology for learning and education. We create multiple sample open source projects for people to use. See Link to projects
Snap! is an educational programming langauge that allows students to build engaging projects while exploring deep concepts in computer science. Students can share their projects on the Snap!Cloud. https://snap.berkeley.edu
The Beauty and Joy of Computing is an introduction to computer science designed to broaden participation. High school and college students learn fudentals of CS and build personal projects while also exploring social impacts of computing. https://bjc.berkeley.edu
RiiConnect24 is an alternative provider for the now-defunct WiiConnect24 service, designed to allow communication between Nintendo Wii™ consoles via the net. This allows you to use services such as the Forecast, News, and Everybody Votes Channel again, and exchange mail between other Wiis and e-mail. https://rc24.xyz/
A fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler library written in C. Zydis on GitHub, Zydis Online
An official WordPress meetup chapter providing free education and support for Atlanta, GA suburb users and developers — since 2012. https://wpgwinnett.com
An event-driven networking engine written in Python, implementing many protocols, including HTTP, IMAP, SMTP, DNS, SSH, and more. https://twistedmatrix.com/
LibertyLand, a new Minecraft server with different scopes other than competition. More open for our players and developers interested in the project. https://libertyland.xyz
Dropwizard is a mature Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services. https://www.dropwizard.io
GearBot is an open source moderation bot for discord, helping to keep the gears turning on big and small servers. Featuring extensive configurability to allow server to fine tune the bot based on their specific server needs. https://github.com/AEnterprise/GearBot
OpenCAD is an open-source computer aided dispatch system for roleplay communities written in PHP. https://opencad.io
The ResearchOps Community is volunteer run group of user researchers, and other people who do user/design research in their jobs, where we share what we know about making research work better within organisations. As a community we create and share learning resources, and run regular events and workshops to share what we learn, about making research accessible inside organisations, whilst respecting the wishes and privacy of the participants. ResearchOps on Medium | ResearchOps on github
Babel is a compiler for writing next generation JavaScript. https://babeljs.io/
Electron JS - Build cross platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
QMEM is an equipment management and asset tracking application written entirely in PHP. QMEM on GitHub
PyLight is a beginner-friendly Python meetup. On our meetings we focus on thorough explanation of programming foundations, showing different approaches in problem solving, and exploring different branches of the IT world. Our meetings take place once a month and always include practical tasks apart from lectures. PyLight on GitHub
Ember CLI is the command line interface for the Ember.js web framework. https://github.com/ember-cli/ember-cli
Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. https://home-assistant.io
OMS is an open-source project born from the youth NGO AEGEE-Europe. It aims to provide an intranet which other YNGOs (and more) can use to manage their members and internal events, and it allows customisation through pluggable modules. https://github.com/AEGEE/oms-docker
utPLSQL is a testing framework for Oracle PL/SQL. It's a completely community-driven, voluntary project with the goal to make it easier to automatically test your database code and allow techniques like TDD. utPLSQL on GitHub
RVM is a command-line tool which allows you to easily install, manage, and work with multiple ruby environments from interpreters to sets of gems. https://rvm.io
AutoFooter is a fast and responsive js footer-generation script that aims at providing always updated information, while requiring 0 maintenance and updates after the initial configuration.
CC-Build (in the future probably cc-build.net) is the community distribution of Chef Software.
A small and lightweight macOS System monitor for the status bar with a lot of customizable options so that everyone can adjust the display settings to their needs https://github.com/iglance/iGlance
An extension for the Visual Studio Code editor that allows you to highlight trailing spaces and delete them in a flash! https://github.com/shardulm94/vscode-trailingspaces
Raku is a multi paradigm programming language. It's completely community-driven. (Renamed from Perl 6) https://github.com/raku
osquery provides SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
NumFOCUS provides a stable, independent, and professional home for the open source projects powering contemporary scientific inquiry and business processes. We aim to ensure that funding and resources are available to sustain projects in the scientific data stack over the long haul.
Jupyter is a project and community whose goal is to develop open-source software, open-standards, and services for interactive computing across dozens of programming languages.
NUSMods is a student maintained course catalogue, module search and timetable builder for the National University of Singapore.
1build – Frictionless way of managing project-specific commands. 1build is an automation tool that arms you with the convenience to configure project-local command line aliases – and then run the commands quickly and easily.
Buffalo is a Go web development eco-system, designed to make your life easier. Buffalo helps you to generate a web project that already has everything from front-end (JavaScript, SCSS, etc.) to the back-end (database, routing, etc.) already hooked up and ready to run. From there it provides easy APIs to build your web application quickly in Go.
ZEIW is an open source, community-based, online multiplayer table tennis game.
OpenELIS Global OpenELIS is an open-source laboratory information system that supports the entire laboratory workflow, including the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases. Meaning patient demographic data; laboratory order details; technical requirements and validations for the laboratory tests and analyses; and clinical and lab performance reports. It is installed in 83 labs in Cots d'Ivoire, many labs in Haiti and widely as part of the Bahmni hospital system for low resource settings.
Map3 is a decentralized map network which is impartial, secure and extremely robust, so that it is impractical to shut down just like the BitTorrent and the Bitcoin network. Map3 is free from control, free to participate, free base map. It host rich community map contents, support strong privacy and trust protocol, compatible with existing map technologies. We envision Map3 to be entirely built for and governed by the global Map3 community. Passionate individuals and organizations of all levels can host Map3 nodes and provide useful map contents to be distributed on the Map3 network.
Orange3 is an open source machine learning and data visualization toolbox with an easy-to-use visual programming interface.
The Astropy Project is a community effort to develop a common core package for Astronomy in Python and foster an ecosystem of interoperable astronomy packages.
The administration for the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity. Skoruba.IdentityServer4.Admin
We are the Belgian branch of Extinction Rebellion, an international movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and minimise the risk of social collapse. https://www.extinctionrebellion.be
Australia’s WordPress community – For beginners, professionals, and everyone in-between. https://wpaustralia.org/
Flarum is the next-generation forum software that makes online discussion fun. It's simple, fast, and free. https://flarum.org
Third party open source item manager for the video game Destiny (created by Bungie) https://destinyitemmanager.com
Oxygen Updater App - faster access to OnePlus system updates. Be the first to update! https://oxygenupdater.com
PyData PDX is the Portland chapter of the PyData meetup series (sponsored by the non-profit NumFOCUS, dedicated to to cause of sustainable open-source software). https://pdx.pydata.org
An open-source tool for automating native, mobile web, and hybrid applications on iOS mobile, Android mobile, and Windows desktop platforms https://appium.io
Free and Open Source CMS that helps you build websites for businesses and non-profits. https://backdropcms.org
The internet runs on electricty, and right now most of that electricity comes from fossil fuels. The Green Web Foundation is a project to use open source and open data, to help people building digital products understand and reduce the carbon emissions from the services they build. The Green Web Foundation Main site | The Green Web Foundation on Github
TYPO3 is a open source Enterprise Content Management System based on PHP. https://typo3.org
Open-source Discord bot framework, performant and easily extendible. https://github.com/TheSharks/WildBeast
OpenStreetMap US advocates for and promotes the free wiki-style map of the world in the United States. https://openstreetmap.us
Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.
Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution aimed at advanced Penetration Testing and Security Auditing. https://www.kali.org/
KEDA is a Kubernetes-based event-driven autoscaler. KEDA determines how any container in Kubernetes should be scaled based on the number of events that need to be processed. KEDA is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) sandbox project. https://keda.sh/
Wasmer is the Universal server-side WebAssembly runtime https://wasmer.io
LibreWiki is a Korean wiki site running on MediaWiki, also developing an independent wiki-engine. https://librewiki.net/
BoxOfDevs is a development community of likeminded teens. We've developed numerous PocketMine plugins and Minecraft related projects such as CommandShop and motd-generator. https://boxofdevs.com
Gitote is an open source end-to-end self-hosted software development platform with built-in version control, issue tracking, code review, and more. https://gitlab.com/gitote/gitote
ACCA is a fully configurable Android app that empowers users to have control over the charge cycle and it allows to proloungue the life of phone batteries. In fact several studies showed that Lithium-ion batteries have a longer life if partially charged. ACCA is a frontend app for ACC, a bash script that efficiently applies user settings in the background. ACCA | ACC
Fluid is an open, collaborative project to improve the user experience and inclusiveness of open source software.
The Fluid community consists of an international team of partners, individuals, and institutions focused on designing inclusive, flexible, customizable, user-centered interfaces.
Kolibre is a non-profit association developing open sourced information systems for individuals with print disablitites. Source code available at github https://github.com/kolibre.
Discussion forums, for your WordPress.org powered site. bbPress is forum software from the creators of WordPress. Quickly setup a place for asyncronous discussion, subscriptions, and more! https://bbpress.org/
Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build web sites and powerful online applications. https://www.joomla.org/
The ZMap Project is a collection of open source tools that enable researchers to perform large-scale studies of the hosts and services that compose the public Internet. https://zmap.io
Reducing barriers faced by formerly incarcerated individuals by streamlining process of vacating eligible convictions in Washington state. http://openseattle.org/convictionvacation/
FemiWiki launched as a community effort to counter prevalent misogynistic, male-centered sources of Korean language information online that was also lacking in inclusivity towards most categories of minorities. https://femiwiki.com
Transparency is one of the keys to fight corruption. The project Dados Abertos de Feira aims to be a portal of the public datasets available in the city of Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil, making the data available searchable and open for all. https://dadosabertosdefeira.com.br
We couldn't find a todo list that had everything that we wanted. We decided to make an online todo list that is very minimal and has features that we want. https://github.com/realJoshLee/TODO-OPENSOURCE
TwoFactorAuth.org is a list of popular sites that support Two Factor Authentication (2FA), as well as the methods that they provide. We hope to aid consumers who are deciding between alternative services based on the security they offer for their customers. This project also serves as an indicator of general security efforts used on a site. You can help contribute to the project on our GitHub repo.
Bevry builds tools (such as software) and processes (such as communities and discussions) that grow the market share of collaborative wisdom. https://bevry.me
Boston Golang is a Boston based community for people working with the Go programming language to discuss ideas, issues and share solutions. Boston Golang held their first Meetup on October 21, 2014 and as of April 2020 the group counts more than 1,700 members. Boston Golang is the only community for fellow gophers in New England. Meetups are held on the last Tuesday of each Month. https://www.meetup.com/bostongo
Our community for russian speaking peoples, who working or interesting in Rust programming lanuage. Our goal is popularize Rust language in post-USSR countries. We translate articles and announcements, organize meetups, support forum for russian rust-related talks. https://github.com/rust-lang-ru
APIs You Won't Hate is dedicated to learning, writing, sharing ideas and bettering understanding of API practices. Together we can erradicate APIs we hate. Join us on the largest API chat group on the internet for help with your APIs. https://apisyouwonthate.com
Kyma /kee-ma/ is a platform for extending applications with serverless functions and microservices. It provides a selection of cloud-native projects glued together to simplify the creation and management of extensions. https://kyma-project.io/
Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js. https://webdriver.io
Built with React, Node, PouchDB/CouchDB and using offline first design, we're working to deliver an HIS system that makes usability the #1 requirement, is built specifically for developing world requirements, and seeks to give back time to patient care. https://hospitalrun.io
We make templates to help developers create better documentation for open source projects. https://thegooddocsproject.dev
The ODK-X community produces free and open-source software for collecting, managing, and using data in resource-constrained environments. https://odk-x.org
A community-driven open source Minecraft: Java Edition modding API and platform. We make the SpongeAPI library and its core implementations with our own trait/mixin weaving framework for Java. https://spongepowered.org
A lot of employees and students of Schools and Universities create a lot of nice products. As a hobby, for their work or because of a school project. These can be software solutions, small scripts, research papers, thesis but possibly also project ideas and proposals for others to pick up. Unfortunately, most of them remain private and are not known by the majority of the population. The goal of the Digital Excellence-platform (short: DeX) is to make all this work more findable and thus improving collaboration. https://dex.software
A Progressive TypeScript Framework for Modern Web Apps https://dojo.io/
The Node.js JavaScript Runtime. https://nodejs.org
We provide support for development and marketing, and are modeled after similar ventures such as the Apache Software Foundation. We are the legal owner of the Plone codebase, trademarks, and domain names. Our goal is to ensure Plone remains the premier open source content management system to broaden its acceptance and visibility. https://plone.org
The OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) is a suite of tools to assist with reviewing software dependencies, automating OSS compliance checks, and creating Bill-of-Materials (BOMs). https://oss-review-toolkit.org
An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach. https://prometheus.io/
Starship is a minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell. http://starship.rs/
CNCF Indonesia is a tech community for Indonesians to learn and share about cloud native concepts and technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, and so on. We host monthly meetups, workshops, organize Kubernetes docs translation to Bahasa Indonesia for everyone, and other various activities. We are already in 4 cities with thousands of members and still rapidly growing.
ESLint is a pluggable JavaScript code linter that helps you find and fix problems in your JavaScript code. https://eslint.org
Build system and task runner for Go projects https://go-gilbert.github.io/
A CNCF standard for defining how to add well-defined metadata to events for interop and automated tooling. https://cloudevents.io
The Vancouver Go Meetup is a Vancouver, Canada meetup group for anyone interested in the Go programming language. https://www.meetup.com/golangvan/
FreeFeed is a social network that enables you to discover and discuss the interesting stuff your friends find on the web. https://freefeed.net/about/
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend. https://tauri.studio
Manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely. https://chezmoi.io
NISEI is a fan-run organization with the mission to keep Android: Netrunner alive and thriving after the game reached official end-of-life in 2018. Among other things, we maintain NetrunnerDB, an open source deck builder for Android: Netrunner. We are strongly committed to contributing back to the open source ecosystems that support small volunteer-run organisations like ours. https://nisei.net/
We create open source civic tech projects. Come see us at: https://hackforla.org
We create open source test library based on robotframework hosted on github. These are our libraries robotframework-puppeteer, robotframework-puppeteer-percy, robotframework-pdf2textlibrary and more.... Our site: https://qahive.com
A simple, Redis backed task/job queue for Python. https://python-rq.org/
Paper is the next generation of Minecraft server, compatible with Spigot plugins and offering uncompromising performance. https://papermc.io/
Alchemy is a Second Life™ and OpenMetaverse compatible viewer striving to be at the forefront of stability, performance, and technological advancement in the open-source metaverse viewer field. https://www.alchemyviewer.org
Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based, full-stack framework for building modular, easily testable microservice and serverless applications. https://micronaut.io/
A powerful Groovy-based web application framework for the JVM built on top of Spring Boot. https://grails.org/
Crazy Marvin is a collective of open sourcerers that create chatbots and apps for many platforms. https://crazymarvin.com/
YACReader is a free and open source comic reader and manager for Windows, macos and Linux. https://yacreader.com
Is a simple turing machine simulator, open source in Python. https://github.com/ElDwarf/TuringMaSim
CCDSAP-Roadmap is a roadmap to crack Codechef Certified Data Structure and Algorithms Programme. CCDSAP certification is an assessment of programming proficiency in Data Structures and Algorithms under a proctored environment. It’s a lifetime certification as it tests a programmers grasp on subjects that are very fundamental to the field of computer science, and therefore, they do not change with technological advancements. https://github.com/adeepak7/CCDSAP-Roadmap
We are a global community of tech professionals using our skills, expertise and platforms to support solutions to the climate crisis. https://climateaction.tech/
The Perl Foundation is dedicated to the advancement of the Perl and Raku programming languages through open discussion, collaboration, design, and code. Perl is a popular dynamic programming language, and Raku is the next language in the Perl family of programming languages. https://www.perlfoundation.org/
PathCheck Foundation is unleashing the power of a global community of organizations, researchers, health officials, and volunteers. We’re working together to build open source software, standards, and public health programs that help contain the pandemic, restart the economy, and protect individual freedom and privacy. https://pathcheck.org/
Code for Venezuela is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing together technologists and innovators who care about Venezuela leveraging their talent and network to solve the most pressing needs of the country. https://www.codeforvenezuela.org/
An Open Source project and ecosystem for creating base infrastructure to support software development teams in their daily activities https://github.com/nxtlytics
OpenID Connect Identity (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 Provider with Pluggable Connectors https://github.com/dexidp
An Open Source Cloud-Native runtime security project that makes it easy to trigger alerts based on kernel events enriched with information from Kubernetes and the rest of the cloud native stack. https://falco.org
Tinkerbell is a flexible bare metal provisioning engine. https://github.com/tinkerbell
Mumble is a free, open source, low latency, high quality voice chat application. https://www.mumble.info
Batteries included full stack web framework built-in Crystal https://www.luckyframework.org
Lenster is a decentralized, and permissionless social media app built with Lens Protocol https://lenster.xyz
Tremor is an event processing system for unstructured data with rich support for structural pattern matching, filtering and transformation. https://tremor.rs
Wong Bejo Online is a community of Indonesian students who can create great products from crazy ideas. https://github.com/wongbejo-online
Linux Management System Framework https://liman.dev
The #1 open source file uploader for webbrowsers https://uppy.io
Team Platypus is behind HwpKit, an open-sourced alternative to Hancom's document format HWP. HWP is a format widely used in Korea for its unique special Korean languare support. HwpKit aims to provide an HWP editor without being chained into Hancom's licensing agreements and/or poor macOS/iOS support.
MultiROM allows android devices to dual-boot multiple supported android releases on unlocked devices.
Cloud-Barista is a multi-cloud service common platform that supports to federate multiple clouds, to make them one logical object, and to use it. https://github.com/cloud-barista
A set of protocols and libraries for a data-first internet. Nimona’s main goal is to provide a number of layers/components to help with the challenges presented when dealing with decentralized and peer to peer applications. https://github.com/nimona
OpenSource Application Security Management. The leading application vulnerability management tool built for DevOps and continuous security integration. https://github.com/DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo
GiftForGood is an online in-kind donations platform that connects donors and non-profit organisations to effectively meet the needs of beneficiaries. https://www.giftforgood.io
devonfw is an Open Source Standard Software Development Platform for state of the art Cloud Native Micro Service and Multi Platform Rich Web Apps https://devonfw.com/
Sqitch is an Open Source database-native change management for framework-free development and dependable deployment. https://sqitch.org
secureReturn is a community of like-minded reverse engineering and security enthusiasts developing open source security tools. https://sec-r.et
CloudNET (The Cloud Network Environment Technology) is an application that dynamically and easily deploys Minecraft oriented server software. https://spigot.cloudnetservice.eu/
We make automatic udemy enroller that enrolls you to various udemy courses that are currently free https://github.com/aapatre/Automatic-Udemy-Course-Enroller-GET-PAID-UDEMY-COURSES-for-FREE
An independent, modular, embeddable web engine, which allows developers to deliver content and applications using web standards. https://servo.org
OpenTTD is an open source simulation game based upon the popular Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe", written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. https://www.openttd.org/
The Flux project aspires to be a vendor-neutral home for GitOps in a Cloud Native world. https://fluxcd.io/
An unofficial React Native library for building maps with the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS and Mapbox Maps SDK for Android https://github.com/react-native-mapbox-gl/maps
Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website. We take great pride in being the Content Management System of choice for beginners and professionals. https://fork-cms.com
A modern, powerful, experimental, and modular Discord bot framework https://github.com/xpyxel/blueprint
Opereon is an easy to use and powerful tool for IT automation, designed with power users in mind. It performs most of the difficult heavy lifting, while giving the user absolute control of what exactly happens in the managed infrastructure. https://opereon.io/
Airflow is a platform created by the community to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows. https://apache.airflow.org
Apache Superset is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. It is fast, lightweight, intuitive, and loaded with options that make it easy for users of all skill sets to explore and visualize their data.
A repository of information on India's biodiversity. The Portal aims to aggregate data through public participation and provide open and free access to biodiversity information. https://indiabiodiversity.org
dry-rb is a collection of next-generation Ruby libraries, helping you write clear, flexible, and more maintainable Ruby code. Each dry-rb gem fulfils a common task, and together they make a powerful platform for any kind of Ruby application. https://dry-rb.org
Ruby Object Mapper (rom-rb) is an open-source persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby built for speed and simplicity. https://rom-rb.org
Hanami is a modern web framework for Ruby. https://hanamirb.org
Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works in the browser as well as on the server. It works with pretty much any markup, doesn’t depend on any framework, and has automatic language detection. https://highlightjs.org/
Randomicu is a set of API endpoints for all who want to get random data. https://random.icu
Vaken is a hackathon management system featuring hacker registration, applications, NFC, event management, and sponsor management developed by VandyHacks, the hackathon organization at Vanderbilt University. https://vandyhacks.org/
AssertJ is a library providing easy to use rich typed assertions. https://github.com/assertj
FlaggyFlag is setup to output calendar (.ics) file to see what flag (royal normal/banner/half-mast) needs to be flown on which day. Personalised per country. https://github.com/walgemoed/FlaggyFlag
FutaDNS is a public adblock list made in Taiwan, which also provide awesome and ultra low latency public DNS-over-HTTPS service.
RSSHub is an open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed generator. It's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything. RSSHub delivers millions of contents aggregated from all kinds of sources, our vibrant open source community is ensuring the deliver of RSSHub's new routes, new features and bug fixes. https://docs.rsshub.app/en/
https://jimmyliao.medium.com/ Doing good things with childcare / eldercare.
Mind Elixir is a framework agnostic mind map core written in JavaScript. https://mindelixir.ink/#/
yet another Flask File Proxy https://github.com/YUX/ffp
Front Conference Zurich is a non-profit conference targeting Designers & Frontend engineers taking place yearly in Zurich. As a not-for-profit community event we rely on volunteers to enable us to run a great event. https://frontconference.com/
A static blog generator built with Python, with feed, sitemap, extended Markdown syntax and enhanced image processing pipeline. https://github.com/AlanDecode/Maverick
Apache APISIX is a dynamic, real-time, high-performance API gateway, based on the Nginx library and etcd.APISIX provides rich traffic management features such as load balancing, dynamic upstream, canary release, circuit breaking, authentication, observability, and more. http://apisix.apache.org/
Tuist is a command line tool to make developers building apps for Apple platforms productive. It leverages Xcode project generation to provide teams with an easy interface to describe their projects and streamlined workflows. https://tuist.io/
1Password Github Action is an action to allow you to connect to your 1Password Account to load usernames, passwords, and files. This adds security as you don't need to save in Github Secrets and can have 1 source of truth. https://github.com/RobotsAndPencils/1password-action
CGI HTTP PROXY Flibusta for example. For proxyfying and rewriting requests to blocked domains via proxy. My current repository on Gitlab, but special for 1password cloned to Github. https://github.com/ruslan-safin/cgi_http_proxy
Battlefield Player Community Self-founded Non-Profit Anti Hacker Developer Organization. We are from all over the world's battlefield players those who wants to anti cheaters,we have developed battlefield 1 private server procon tool which doesn't need to open game to kick or ban cheaters.Our BFBAN site has collect over 6,000 BF1/BFV cheater lists with their video/image evidences.everything is opensource on our github page. https://github.com/BFBAN https://bfban.com
Two OSS PowerShell modules that wrap the op
cli utility to work with Vault Items. SecretManagement.1Password is an extention module for PowerShell SecretMangement which provides a consistent way to managed secrets cross-platform regardless of the storing vault. The op-powershell module is a basic wrapper for the op
binary providing PowerShell Cmdlets for the op
functionality necessary for SecretManagement.1Password.
https://github.com/cdhunt/SecretManagement.1Password |
Decrypts an encrypted Bitwarden data.json file. You can safely store data.json as an encrypted, offline backup of your vault knowing you will always be able to decrypt it. https://github.com/GurpreetKang/BitwardenDecrypt
JumpServer is a popular open-source PAM (Privileged Access Management System) and is licensed under the GNU GPL v2.0. It is a 4A-compliant professional operation and maintenance security audit system. https://github.com/jumpserver/jumpserver
Collection of helpful AWS utilities packages to help with AWS development https://github.com/adikari/utilities
A network tool to help you establish a secure tunnel proxy in an insecure network environment. https://github.com/Si-Huan/nothing
A cross-platform tool to show your Discord friends what you're playing on Wiimmfi. https://github.com/DismissedGuy/wiimmfi-rpc
A common utils library for Android development, include task and http components. https://github.com/mcxiaoke/Android-Next
Open source libraries to aid in the creation of Discord bots https://github.com/sapphiredev
Pinnacle is a competitive hackathon where the world's brightest 200 hackers get together for 36 hours. Unlike the traditional hackathon, Pinnacle invites 4 winners from each of the world's top 50 collegiate hackathons to compete in an epic tournament-styled hackathon. Our participants, who represent the sharpest developers, designers, and creators in the nation, will be flown out for a weekend at Pinnacle in late 2021. https://pinnacle.us.org
An open source Q&A platform helping each other learn, made by the community, for the community. https://codidact.org
discord.js is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily interact with the Discord API. https://discord.js.org
R-Ladies is a worldwide organization whose mission is to promote gender diversity in the R community. As a diversity initiative, the mission of R-Ladies is to achieve proportionate representation by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering people of genders currently under-represented in the R community. R-Ladies’ primary focus, therefore, is on supporting minority gender R enthusiasts to achieve their programming potential, by building a collaborative global network of R leaders, mentors, learners, and developers to facilitate individual and collective progress worldwide. https://rladies.org
Auroville is an international community in India where people from more than 60 countries come together to build a city that nourishes human unity and conscious living. Auroville is a recognised non-profit in India. Worldwide there are centres in different countries that are recognised as non-profit in their respective country who support our work in Auroville: http://auroville-international.org/. Auroville with its vision "There should be somewhere on earth a place which no nation could claim as its own, where all human beings of goodwill who have a sincere aspiration could live freely as citizens of the world" offers a lot of educational programmes (see https://edu.auroville.org/fundamentals, https://www.swadharma.auroville.org/ ).
The Inclusive Naming Initiative’s mission is to help companies and projects remove all harmful and unclear language of any kind and replace it with an agreed-upon set of neutral terms. The initiative’s goal is to define processes and tools to remove harmful language from projects. This includes creating a comprehensive list of terms with replacements, language evaluation frameworks and templates, and infrastructure to aid the transition.
macOS Open-source drivers for Razer devices. https://fruityrazer.github.io/
The place to find Swift packages. An open-source search engine for Swift libraries and tools. https://swiftpackageindex.com
Robust Automation Engine From simple if/then rules to complicated workflows, StackStorm lets you automate DevOps your way. Now completely open source! https://stackstorm.com/
Cryptomator is a multi-platform, client-side encryption software that protects your files in the cloud. It offers what is called "transparent file encryption", i.e. it mirrors parts of a file system and allows users to read and write to it just as if it was a normal drive. When writing, it encrypts. When reading, it decrypts. https://cryptomator.org/
The Open Mainframe Project was founded in 2015, as a focal point for deployment and use of Linux and Open Source in a mainframe computing environment. https://openmainframeproject.org
Zeek is a powerful open source network security monitoring tool. It, by default, creates high-fidelity transaction logs about network traffic and is easily extendable with scripts to allow users to add their own logic.
HMS Jayne is an open source randomizer for Final Fantasy I: Dawn of Souls remake for the Gameboy Advance.
Metal³ project (pronounced: Metal Kubed) exists to provide components that allow you to do bare metal host management for Kubernetes. Metal³ works as a Kubernetes application, meaning it runs on Kubernetes and is managed through Kubernetes interfaces. https://metal3.io/
Elucubratus is an open source repository of unix tools for use on iOS https://git.elucubratus.com/elucubratus
The mission of the Academy Software Foundation (ASWF) is to increase the quality and quantity of contributions to the content creation industry’s open source software base; to provide a neutral forum to coordinate cross-project efforts; to provide a common build and test infrastructure; and to provide individuals and organizations a clear path to participation in advancing our open source ecosystem. https://www.aswf.io/
Sharealedger is a collaborative project to explore innovation in business systems, and to find ways of improving society through the process. It includes sharing information about ledgers, regenerating long-forgotten knowledge embedded in all major business systems today, and considering if actually sharing data among organizations might spark a new round of improvements in society. https://sharealedger.org/
Kludge Cyber Systems is a currently nonprofit technology firm developing open source solutions for the Node ecosystem including Petitio, rewriting corporate software for better code quality, et cetera. Our website is not yet running but you can find our work on GitHub https://github.com/kludge-cs and https://github.com/helperdiscord/petitio
An application-oriented unified storage layer for Golang. https://aos.dev/docs
Kivy is an open source Python library for rapid development of applications that make use of innovative user interfaces, such as multi-touch apps running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS. https://kivy.org/
rOpenSci is a non-profit intiative that fosters a culture that values open and reproducible research using shared data and reusable software. https://ropensci.org/
eAbsentee is an open-source system used to request absentee ballots. eAbsentee is sponsored by Vote Absentee Virginia, a not-for-profit, non-partisan 501(c)4 organization established to help broaden voter access across all parties in Virginia. https://eabsentee.org/
The first high-school hackathon, organized by students of Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology. https://hacktj.org/
Coinworks is an open-source cryptocurrency donation page site. https://coinworks.club/
A simple toolkit to act as a GPG/PGP Manager/Create/Sign/Verify/Encrypt/Decrypt deamon, to use GPG/PGP as a service over HTTP. https://github.com/quan-to/chevron | https://quan.to
Testing framework for PowerShell code. https://pester.dev
Uçurtma is a platform that aims to help students find the financial support they need to make their dreams come true. It provides a decentralized guarantee of getting support by bringing students and supporters together. https://ucurtmaprojesi.com/
Greece's first teenager maker club. Run by students, for students. Part of Hack Club https://hackropolis.club
The complete application stack. Build applications faster with object and file storage, user authentication, dashboard and more out of the box. With SDKs for every platform including Swift, Flutter/Dart, Objc-c, Android, JavaScript and PHP. https://parseplatform.org
Cloud Native Buildpacks transform your application source code into images that can run on any cloud. The project is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation Incubation project. https://buildpacks.io | https://github.com/buildpacks
Kubernetes operator for synthetic checks. https://github.com/kuberhealthy/kuberhealthy and https://kuberhealthy.com
Low-code programming for event-driven applications. https://nodered.org
Texas Justice Initiative is a nonprofit organization that collects, analyzes, publishes and provides oversight for criminal justice data throughout Texas. TJI's code, including the code that powers our website and the code that powers our data processing, is open source. https://texasjusticeinitiative.org
By providing frameworks and reference implementations, LF Energy minimizes pain points such as cybersecurity, interoperability, control, automation, virtualization, and the orchestration of supply and demand. https://lfenergy.org
Simple plugin to load tracking scripts based on user consent. No dark patterns. https://wordpress.org/plugins/og-gdpr/
This project aims to modernise the internal post system of Fontys. Currently most of the administrative work is done manually. This project moves these processes to a semi-automated system with similar functionalities as PostNL. Some of the features include: seeing a package status and tracing locations. https://github.com/FIPost
Winter CMS is a free, open-source content management system based on the Laravel PHP framework. Developers and agencies all around the world rely upon Winter CMS for its quick prototyping and development, safe and secure codebase and dedication to simplicity. https://wintercms.com
This opensource library acts as client for Nameday API which is developed and maintained by me in my free time since 2017. Library is opensource and API is for free serving 60 000 requests a day. Namday is providing data for 20 countries. https://github.com/xnekv03/nameday-api
DARIA is a case management system originally created for the DC Abortion Fund (DCAF), an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that gives grants to people in DC, Maryland, and Virginia who cannot afford the full cost of abortion care. Its primary goal is to simplify routine case management processes, such as keeping track of patient data, pledges, and contact information. It is now in use by multiple funds across the country. https://github.com/DCAFEngineering/dcaf_case_management
An extension for the VS Code editor that adds syntax highlighting support for a lot of dotfiles. https://github.com/dotiful/vscode-dotfiles-syntax
Hack the 6ix is the largest student-run, non-for-profit summer hackathon located in the hear of Toronto. https://hackthe6ix.com
A Django library to integrate with the Stripe API and process Stripe webhooks. https://github.com/dj-stripe/dj-stripe
Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem.
WATonomous is a Canadian non-profit seeking to educate and train the next generation of autonomous vehicle engineers, leading to a safer roads and a brighter future. WATonomous is created by and run for students. We provide opportunities through our Chevrolet Bolt vehicle development platform (nicknamed the "Bolty"), compute resources, and engineering expertise. Students have the unique opportunity to further their education by collaborating with likeminded peers as they build up the Bolty into a fully autonomous level 4 self-driving car. https://www.watonomous.ca
Trainer for teaching the ten-finger method of typing on the keyboard. https://typerun.top
A Lightweight BlockChain- LightChain based on a Brightnet Blockstore- BrightChain. All the benefits of blockchain dApps and contracts without the mining and waste. Unlimited storage for everyone, and a mathematically reinforced and moderated community that will last for the ages. https://apidocs.therevolution.network https://github.com/The-Revolution-Network/BrightChain
An observability framework for cloud-native software. https://opentelemetry.io/
An open standard for feature flag management. https:/openfeature.dev/
Botanism is a small collection of repositories revolving around the Botanist bot. The latter is used to bring moderation utilities to the Discord messaging app. Under the GPLv3 license it is used by a few hundred users (as of 2020). https://github.com/Botanism/Botanist
Low-latency in-memory key-value store, used as a database or cache https://keva.jinyframework.com https://jinyframework.com/
A software implementation of hardware FIDO U2F(YubiKey for example) authentication for Windows. https://github.com/SoftU2F/SoftU2F-Win
We are a group of like minded enthusiasts from across the world who build and maintain the largest collection of Docker images on the web, and at our core are the principles behind Free and Open Source Software. Our primary goal is to provide easy-to-use and streamlined Docker images with clear and concise documentation. https://www.linuxserver.io
FD.io VPP is the Swiss Army knife of networking toolchains - enabling astounding software packet processing. Recent achievements include forwardering 1TBps of IPSEC traffic with millions of routes in the routing table on a commodity server with no special accelerators. https://fd.io
ScanAPI is a testing framework that provides automated integration testing and live documentation for any REST API. Given an API specification, written in YAML/JSON format, the library hits the specified endpoints, runs the test cases, and generates a detailed report of this execution - that can be also used as the API documentation itself. http://scanapi.dev
A community led collection of recipes, build infrastructure and distributions for the conda package manager. https://conda-forge.org
A software for exploring UE4-5 games' files. https://fmodel.app/
SnowflakeDev is a community of open-source lovers. We develope projects that help developers on various takss like document generation, image manipulation, database ORM etc. In short we aid in project scaffolding so that developers can spend time on wording on their idea rather than having to reinvent the wheel everytime. https://snowflakedev.org
OpenGitOps is a CNCF Sandbox project to define a vendor-neutral, principle-led meaning of GitOps. This will establish a foundation for interoperability between tools, conformance, and certification through lasting programs, documents, and code.
Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic language for technical computing. https://julialang.org
"Drupal Austria - Association for the Promotion and Support of the Open Source Software Drupal" aims to strengthen and support the Austrian Drupal community. Some of our initiatives and event we organise can be found at https://www.drupal.org/drupal-austria
CCRHub.net provides provides developers with content creation scripts and tools to upload 'records' to create instant content such as APIs, email and batch processing the data for reports. https://github.com/ccrhub
Laravel 5 Repositories is used to abstract the data layer, making our application more flexible to maintain. https://github.com/andersao/l5-repository
An extremely simple, powerful, thread-safe ZSTD library. https://github.com/xpyxel/spring
Build open-source tools around Notion and Vue. https://github.com/janniks/vue-notion
We make opensource apps and publish them to playstore. https://github.com/VsTechMobile
Nodejs library to build Alfred workflows https://github.com/giangvo/alfred-workflow-nodejs
A Minecraft server implementation written in Rust. https://feathermc.org
A set of iOS surge application modules, including automatic scripts, cronjobs, panels and more. https://github.com/Black-Magic-Lab/Surge
The Materials Project is an academic project that delivers open access to computed information about crystalline materials, as well as maintaining a stack of open-source scientific software used to perform calculations for materials science. https://materialsproject.org
Python Italia organises PyCon Italia and other events. https://github.com/pythonitalia
Pico Labs is an open source project for Picos, an actor-based programming system that supports people-centric, reactive programming on the Internet of Things. https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/docs/overview
The EuroPython Society (EPS) is a Swedish non-profit organization which organizes EuroPython conferences and supports the Python community in Europe. https://www.europython-society.org/
Framework for .Net, UWP, WinUI and Uno Platform projects. https://github.com/I-Synergy/I-Synergy.Framework
Oh My Zsh is a delightful, open source, community-driven framework for managing your Zsh configuration. https://ohmyz.sh/
A lightweight software bill of materials (SBOM) standard designed for use in application security contexts and supply chain component analysis. https://cyclonedx.org/
Open-source development of BioWare russian community sites - frameworks, cms and microservices https://github.com/BioWareRu
setup CI-CD for Oracle APEX apps https://github.com/pc8888/oci-apex-workflow-template
We are a division of VATSIM.net, a global community of over 100,000 aviation ethusiasts that come together to share a passion for flight simulation. https://www.vatsim.uk
The Open Source Stories project celebrates open source as a collaboration, communication, and community by collecting narratives from creators, contributors, and consumers alike. Our goal is to make the people of open source and their lived experiences more visible. https://www.opensourcestories.org/
We are the Ruby user group of Turkey. Our website at https://rubyturkiye.org is developed as an open-source project for the whole community https://github.com/rubytr/ruby-tr
Tech Phantoms is an open source community run by students. We hang out to share our knowledge and to build cool projects. Come hang out with us and lets make open source a better place. https://opencollective.com/techphantoms
Support, improve, and maintain the Django community services such as the project website, the issue tracker, the CI, as well as some community social media accounts.
Fully automated version management and package publishing https://github.com/semantic-release
Labor duplication is physical work, so need to use tools to do automated treatment, saving lives. https://github.com/alanhg/alfred-workflows
Only use the network to automatically or manually reinstall any possible Linux machine, and provide VNC visualization in the process. Avoid problems caused by some built-in customized systems. https://github.com/Erope/VNCReInstall
An open source platform for learning how to code from scratch. https://www.theodinproject.com/
An open-source operating system for Smartphones based on the Android mobile platform. https://github.com/P-404
An annual conference celebrating roguelike games, procedural generation, and the history of computing. Virtual editions of our conference are hosted in our own open-source game-like event platform and social space. https://roguelike.club
JUnit Pioneer provides extensions for JUnit 5 and its Jupiter API. https://junit-pioneer.org
The Open Voice Network is a neutral, non-profit industry association dedicated to the development of the standards and ethical use guidelines that will make voice worthy of user trust. https://openvoicenetwork.org/
We are a non-profit organization that nurtures a community of Spanish-speaking educators by teaching concrete, evidence-based, and student-centered educational methods. We collaboratively develop open, reusable, and accessible resources to foster effective training practices. https://www.metadocencia.org
An open source financial management system. https://github.com/cashwarden
A third-party NetEase Music player https://github.com/qier222/YesPlayMusic
An Lock Free ID Generator for Golang based on Snowflake Algorithm (Twitter announced). https://github.com/godruoyi/go-snowflake
A Chrome extension that allow you to send web content (tab, text, image) to your own "Telegram Bot" using official Telegram API. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/send-to-telegram-for-goog/dgblfklicldlbclahclbkeiacpiiancc
A site that helps people understand how human memory works. https://github.com/Mihai98924/memoria
Collect and test various simplified scripts,Collect and test various simplified scripts to facilitate development and test use https://github.com/jarodvip/shell
Finnish Information Security Association is the largest network of information security professionals in Finland. The association's main objective is to promote cooperation in the field of information security and to act as a link between its members, as well as to promote good security practices in all areas of information security. https://tietoturva.fi
Gauge is a free and open source test automation framework that takes the pain out of acceptance testing. https://gauge.org
Yopass is an open source end to end encrypted password sharing utility used to quickly exchange sensitive information without leaving sensitive information in mail or chat history. https://github.com/jhaals/yopass
Linux controls defined in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks. https://github.com/fervidus/secure_linux_cis
The Precision Health Informatics Data Lab is an academic research group, spanning King’s College London, University College London, and the National Institute for Health Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR Maudsley BRC). We develop a number of open source code bases, including the RADAR-base open source platform to leverage data from wearables and mobile technologies. https://phidatalab.org/
AusTech is a small group of developers, making quailty Spigot plugins that help administrators of Minecraft servers. https://github.com/AusTechDev
An open source automation server which enables developers around the world to reliably build, test, and deploy their software https://www.jenkins.io
Giftamizer is an open source gift registry site that has an intuitive UI that simplifies the gift of giving. We (Exploded Code) strive to provide services that enhance day to day activities with the best end user experience using the lastest technologies. https://giftamizer.com/
This open-source community-driven project is aimed at 4 major goals:
- Reduce the carbon emissions from flights
- Improve the safety standards by analyzing accidents, collaborating with big Aerospace giants etc
- Educate the world about the Aerospace by simplifying it and making it accessible, learners from developing world and under-developed countries can make big leaps
- Integrating Open-source in critical infrastructure in the flights, drones (UAV) etc https://pro-fli.github.io/
We are the Gainesville, FL chapter of R-Ladies. We organize meetings that promote gender diversity in the R Community. https://www.meetup.com/rladies-gainesville/
OneBusAway is a suite of open-source tools to make public transit easier and more fun to use, including apps and server software for providing real-time and schedule information. https://onebusaway.org
An authentication library for modern web apps https://next-auth.js.org
An open-source Google AdMob wrapper for React Native application. https://github.com/react-native-admob/admob
Lightweight and reliable backend framework for Go HTTP services with 0 dependencies. https://gominima.studio
Gestalt is a batteries-included and opinionated Javascript framework for building web, mobile, and desktop apps.
an enhancer/customiser for the all-in-one productivity workspace notion.so https://notion-enhancer.github.io/
CheckIP is an open-source solution for IP address analysis. https://checkip.info
Alby is a browser extension for the Bitcoin Lightning Network https://github.com/getAlby/lightning-browser-extension
Network Share Mounter is a macOS utility to perform automatic network share mounts. It has arisen from the need of our users at the university to automatically mount department/usergroup specific SMB shares. https://gitlab.rrze.fau.de/faumac/networkShareMounter
An open-source, standards-based, federated platform for health reasearch data discovery and analyitics. https://www.distributedgenomics.ca
An open-source app that connects people to solve collective action problems. https://github.com/CollActionteam/collaction_app
Manim is a community maintained Python library for creating mathematical animations. https://www.manim.community
Open-source deep learning compiler framework. https://tvm.apache.org
An open-source Roblox focused Discord bot. https://romanager.bot
Medžuslovjansky @ Github is an umbrella organization for all the software projects related to the Interslavic auxiliary language: dictionaries, grammar utilities, applications, websites, etc.
The Quilt project is an open, community-driven modding toolchain designed primarily for Minecraft focused on speed, ease of use, and modularity for a sleek and modern modding toolchain. https://quiltmc.org
CColor is an wasy and lightweight way to color text in a C++ command line application https://github.com/MicheleCioccarelli/CColor
An open-source built with Java focused Facebook Chatbot https://github.com/zuyfun/facebook-chatbot
A Component Library for VueJs (Vue 3) base on Tailwind Css support Dark Mode. https://element.ispa.io/
The FastFood Project is an open-source with Java, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS https://github.com/nhatnv77/WebFastFood
Dynamic DNS record update utility for CloudFlare DNS service. Python implemented. https://github.com/nhymxu/cf-dns-update-python
ZaDark is an extension that helps you enable Dark Mode for Zalo PC and Web. https://zadark.quaric.com
Make using easier and automatic for Google Services with Google App Script. https://github.com/itlvd/gsTool
The PHP Foundation is a collective of people and organizations whose mission is to ensure the prosperity of the PHP language. https://opencollective.com/phpfoundation
eBay tool help your team update price and push to google sheet easy! https://github.com/DungSherlock/eBay
Open-source check info network, mac Address details. Java implemented. https://github.com/vnn7298/Info_Network
Create user, request OTP, get OTP through firebase platform https://github.com/hungvmtnfl/OTP-Firebase-Twilio
Vigenere ciper with Socket TCP/IP https://github.com/KhoaTC/Socket_Vigenere
Open digital platform and infrastructure for Swiss media. https://wepublish.ch/
We are the JSconf.cl team, we are on a mission to help the Javascript community in Chile. https://jsconf.cl
Control LED RBG with ESP32 Internet of Thing https://github.com/cogn99/ESP32_LED
GitBOM is a minimalistic scheme for build tools to:
- Build a compact artifact tree, tracking every source code file incorporated into each built artifact.
- Embed a unique, content-addressable reference for that artifact tree, the GitBOM identifier, into the artifact at build time.
Argo Project is a collection of tools to help engineering teams get more done with Kubernetes. As a CNCF project, Argo Project has thousands for contributors. Learn more at https://argoproj.github.io/ https://github.com/argoproj/argoproj
Ubuntu Korea Community is a South Korea based Ubuntu Linux User and Contributor community for anyone interested in Ubuntu and its related FOSS projects. We organize local Ubuntu meetup and workshop events, Provide online space for Korean Ubuntu users. We also contribute on localization of Ubuntu's UI and documentation, and host our own open source projects such as Hanjp Input Method. As a verified Ubuntu Local community, We also collaborate with nearby foreign local communities such as Japan, Taiwan, China and more. https://ubuntu-kr.org
Mini-studio designing and building highly-crafted tools and libraries https://github.com/nervive
Linux based Muslim friendly open source operating system for Intel x86, AMD & Server PC's. (Early stage) https://github.com/sabily-os
Simple image processing with pixel https://github.com/thafnhlong/OPW_PixelManipulation
An open-source suite of tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and transport processes. https://cantera.org
OpenGeoSys (OGS) is a scientific open source project for the development of numerical methods for the simulation of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in porous and fractured media. https://www.opengeosys.org
The Laravel community Portal. https://laravel.io
HackMcGill is McGill University's largest hacker collective. We annually run McGill University's largest hackathon to help empower students with technology. https://www.mchacks.ca http://github.com/hackmcgill
We are a group of open source developers creating modules for Foundry Virtual Tabletop, providing community and mentorship for developers of all skill levels. https://discord.gg/fvttdevleague https://github.com/League-of-Foundry-Developers
CCExtractor is the de-facto open source tool for anything related to closed captions and subtitles on broadcast media. CCExtractor Development maintains it and is also engaged in many other open source activities. https://www.ccextractor.org https://github.com/CCExtractor
Several different tools from nginx modules to standalone psql database migration (nando) https://github.com/casper2020
Open-source for creating cool texts what can be used for multi-purpose https://github.com/loadbot/Font-Style-Generator
GoogleTranslate PopClip Extension is an unofficial free Google translate Extension for the macOS app PopClip. https://github.com/wizyoung/googletranslate.popclipext
Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs. https://github.com/kata-containers
Fiercely independent publishing, memberships and subscriptions for creators and news. https://ghost.org
Jquery plugin convert standard html select into list ui to picker https://github.com/nhtera/select2OptionPicker
CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes. https://jenkins-x.io/
Colo Shop is a shopping site that was built by an retired professinal LoL gamer and a guy who study Japanese Major at university. We both self-study our way to learn how to code, and now we are trying to build a website from scratch. We are still updating the site, it is only used to showcase our ability, completely non-commercial. (Link to website: https://style-ecommerce-prod.vercel.app/) https://github.com/StevenOng97/Ecommerce-Frontend
Stargazer is a mini mobile Games for 3 Year Olds Children. https://github.com/duong199x/Stargazer
discourse-elasticsearch is a plugin for elasticsearch forked from discourse-algolia https://github.com/m2nx/discourse-elasticsearch
Python package for multivariate hypothesis testing https://github.com/neurodata/hyppo
Knative is an open source, Kubernetes-based platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless and event-driven applications. Knative is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubating project. https://knative.dev
CLC Stiders running club based in Cheltenham, UK. https://clcstriders-runningclub.co.uk
Tiny Vue validate composition library. https://github.com/FrontLabsOfficial/vue-tiny-validate
Typelevel is an association of projects and individuals united to foster an inclusive, welcoming, and safe environment around functional programming in Scala. https://typelevel.org
A repo with some helps with pyqt6. https://github.com/maycon2-0
Safe and flexible settings in Python: Structure and validate your settings with attrs classes and load them from any source (e.g., env vars, config files, CLI options, 1Password, …). https://typed-settings.readthedocs.io
Nerves defines a new way to build embedded systems using Elixir. https://nerves-project.org https://hexdocs.pm/nerves
A Thermia Online API is a Python library that allows anyone to connect to their Thermia heat pump, fetch its data, control its temperatures and download historic information for analytical usage. https://github.com/klejejs/python-thermia-online-api
Codeurs en Seine is a free conference that takes place every November in Rouen, France, for developers, by developers, powered by a non profit organisation. Codeurs en Seine also hosts a monthly meetup and is live streaming some of its talks on Twitch. https://www.codeursenseine.com/ https://github.com/CodeursEnSeine
Open source core banking platform for composable financial services.
Open source core banking platform for democratizing financial services and scaling the development and impact of inclusive fintech to advance the financial health of the 3 billion underbanked. https://mifos.org
A Web Software to manage all the content in Net/Internet, including tools to verify the ownership of one's website. https://github.com/ContentCenterize/Website
The Sous Chefs are a community of Chef cookbook maintainers working together to maintain important cookbooks. https://sous-chefs.org/
Test Kitchen is an OpenSource integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and software on isolated target platforms. https://kitchen.ci
.NET XML Serialization Helper https://github.com/khanhnd157/SerializationXml
Contao is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. https://contao.org
Horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term storage for Prometheus. https://github.com/cortexproject/cortex
Kyverno is a policy engine designed for Kubernetes. With Kyverno, policies are managed as Kubernetes resources and no new language is required to write policies. Kyverno is a CNCF project. https://kyverno.io/
Open speech to text written in Pthon with tensorflow. https://github.com/djactor/SpeechToText.git
The Washtenaw ID Project is a non-profit organization based in Washtenaw County, Michigan that seeks to ensure that all residents of Washtenaw County have meaningful access to a government-issued ID that validates their identity and residency. We are building a web app to help people find businesses that actively support the ID and accept it as proof of identity. http://www.washtenawid.com/who-we-are/ https://github.com/washtenawIdtreble?tab=repositories
Glynhack (website | github) is the coding club for the students at Glyn school.
Twitch Timestamper website github is a quick and easy way to create a youtube description with timestamps for each category you streamed.
PureScript (website | github | try) is a strict, purely functional, modular, programming language inspired by Haskell which compiles to readable JavaScript with a nominal foreign function interface.
Testify allows you to easily set up a variety of screenshot tests for your Android project. Testify screenshot tests are built on top of Android Instrumentation tests and so integrate seamlessly with your existing test suites. You can run tests and capture screenshots from within Android Studio or using the Gradle command-line tools. Testify also works well with most Continuous Integration services. http://testify.dev
The Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) is an open source, project that provides APIs that simplify microservice development and allow you to build complex distributed applications for platforms such as Kubernetes. Dapr is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubating project. https://dapr.io
A free to use repository containing code projects and resources kept up to date designed to combat the issue of ever deleloping swift language standards and to aid new iOS developers with their development journey. github
NAU Alarm is an open source software that monitoring bio-reactor system in realtime. It parses log file from the fermentor then display its status on a monitor. Depend on each protocol, NAU will announce if any paramenter of the system is out of the setting ranges. https://github.com/trungnghiatn/NAU-Alarm
A web-based password manager that runs 100% offline locally in your browser. It provides different types of password formats of passphrases, pseudowords, and random meaningless password strings, with incredible language support (30+ languages currently) and attention paid to verbal and visual ambiguity, memorability, error checking, and other features. https://github.com/atoponce/webpassgen
Open source collaboration for Georgia Tech Online Master of Science (OMS) Programs course reviews. https://github.com/omshub
Bridging the gap between education and being a fully pro dev https://back2.dev
MinIO is a High Performance Object Storage released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It is API compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. Use MinIO to build high performance infrastructure for machine learning, analytics and application data workloads. https://min.io
An open-source implementation of the Messaging Layer Security protocol. OpenMLS is a software library that can serve as a building block in applications that require end-to-end encryption of messages. It has a safe and easy-to-use interface that hides the complexity of the underlying cryptographic operations. https://openmls.tech
Monitor Python web apps using Spring Boot Admin. https://github.com/SolarEdgeTech/pyctuator
An open source project for new folks to learn how to build a food delivery app using React JS, mongoDB, Node JS, and Express JS. https://github.com/ShahAnuj2610/tomato-food-delivery
Enterprise level Angular UI framework from Alauda Frontend Team. https://github.com/alauda/alauda-ui
A Qt based IM software. https://github.com/emonq/XMYChat
Our mission is to change global healthcare with open source principles. https://onefact.org
GDSC Yemen is a collection of Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) Chapters that have partnered together to create a greater impact that reaches the highest number of student developers. GDSC community groups for college and university students interested in Google developer technologies. Students from all undergraduate or graduate programs with an interest in growing as a developer are welcome. By joining a GDSC, students grow their knowledge in a peer-to-peer learning environment and build solutions for local businesses and their community. https://gdscyemen.com/
The project used React Native to build a V2EX mobile client application. The purpose was to build a React Native rapid development scaffold. The client data is based entirely on the V2EX open API. https://github.com/funnyzak/react-native-v2ex
T-Pot is the all in one, optionally distributed, multiarch (amd64, arm64) honeypot plattform, supporting 20+ honeypots and countless visualization options using the Elastic Stack, animated live attack maps and lots of security tools to further improve the deception experience. https://github.com/telekom-security/tpotce
RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports such as TCP, WebSockets, and Aeron. RSocket provides a protocol for Reactive Streams semantics between client-server, and server-server communication. https://rsocket.io
A VS Code extension providing an IDE for Clojure Interactive Development. It is the third most used development environment for Clojure according to the State of Clojure Survey 2022. https://calva.io
Magma began as a project to bring modern software defined networking techniques to bear on the challenges of rural Internet access. Our experience building rural networks taught us that policy-rich network edges and simple fabrics were a broadly applicable design approach for building flexible, low-cost, and scalable networks, even outside the data center. Magma’s early design decisions reflect this core insight as well as our earliest use cases: small-scale, low-cost community networks and for coverage extension through federation with existing mobile networks. https://magmacore.org/
Automation tools for community management in the social network VKontakte since 2017. https://github.com/MrAlonas
The Mobile Native Foundation provides a place to collaborate on open source projects and discuss wide ranging topics in order to improve processes and technologies for large-scale Android and iOS applications. https://mobilenativefoundation.org/
The 1Password resource provider for Pulumi lets you use 1Password resources in your Pulumi Infrastructure as Code deployments. Based on the official !Password terraform provider. The provider is available in C#, Typescript, Python and Go. https://github.com/SimCubeLtd/pulumi-onepassword
Willston Web is providing computer science teaching and laptops to high school students who might otherwise not have access to these opportunities. Our curriculum is open source. https://willston.org
Pulumiverse is the universe of all things Pulumi. In a shared maintainer model, we develop Pulumi providers, examples, the Awesome Pulumi list and others. https://github.com/pulumiverse
The mission of LF AI & Data is to build and support an open artificial intelligence (AI) and data community, and drive open source innovation in the AI and data domains by enabling collaboration and the creation of new opportunities for all the members of the community. https://lfaidata.foundation/
Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. https://www.ruby-lang.org
Powering climate conversations. It can be a real challenge to communicate the realities of climate change to people around you, especially those who have different values and personal interests. Often, people don’t realize actionable solutions already exist that don’t require an overhaul of their personality or beliefs. The Climate Mind web app is a tool that makes meaningful conversations about climate change easier. https://github.com/ClimateMind
Keyman makes it possible for you to type in any language on Windows, macOS, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android tablets and phones, and even instantly in your web browser. Create keyboard layouts with Keyman Developer and share them with the community in the keyboards repository. The Keyman Community have already contributed keyboard layouts for over 2,000 languages. https://keyman.com
OWASP WrongSecrets is an intentionally vulnerable app which learns you evertyhing about secrets management. It contains both a testbed to evaluate your secret scanner for secret detection, as well as many challenges which will teach you something about your own secrets management strategy. The vulnerable app is online available at a free heroku instance and project sourcecode can be found at the OWASP Project entry. https://github.com/commjoen/wrongsecrets
An Open-source for securing your texts. This is a text-hiding tool. It allows to hide (and get back) text within a image. The output image can be normal used. The text can be encrypted with an password. https://github.com/mirepos/Text-Image-Encryptor
Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is a modular, open source, cross-platform 3D engine built to power anything from AAA games to cinema-quality 3D worlds to high-fidelity simulations. No fees or commercial obligations. Apache 2.0-licensed. Managed by The Linux Foundation. https://github.com/o3de
LF Edge is an umbrella organization that aims to establish an open, interoperable framework for edge computing independent of hardware, silicon, cloud, or operating system. By bringing together industry leaders, LF Edge will create a common framework for hardware and software standards and best practices critical to sustaining current and future generations of IoT and edge devices. We are fostering collaboration and innovation across the multiple industries including industrial manufacturing, cities and government, energy, transportation, retail, home and building automation, automotive, logistics and health care — all of which stand to be transformed by edge computing. https://lfedge.org
[PythOnRio] is the Rio de Janeiro / Brazil Python community. We strive for organizing events in a public way, and bring more diversity and inclusion to our meetups and conferences. Managed by individuals, who work on this project as volunteers. https://github.com/pythonrio
Model Bakery offers you a smart way to create fixtures for testing in Django (high-level Python web framework). With a simple and powerful API you can create many objects with a single line of code. https://github.com/model-bakers/model_bakery
Base16 is an architecture for building themes based on carefully chosen syntax highlighting using a base of sixteen colors. It allows users to choose a color scheme they know will be available for all their applications (both GUIs and terminal applications). https://github.com/base16-project
A collection of algorithms for python to help delevopers all over the world. https://github.com/Infiniteflame03/Python
Presto is an open source distributed SQL query engine for running interactive analytic queries against data sources of all sizes ranging from gigabytes to petabytes. https://prestodb.io
We are a group of enthusiasts of the development and the new technologies. We aim to share our knowledge and passion for this marvellous world. https://murcia.dev
Syft allows you to perform private and secure Deep Learning by making it possible for you to answer a question using data owned by someone else without ever seeing or acquiring a copy of that data.
OpenMined is an Open Source 501(c)(3) Tech Charity with goal of enabling access to 1000x more data in every domain.
Repository settings using configuration files https://github.com/repository-settings
cSubsidiary is an open source tool for quickly collecting subsidiaries of an organization. https://github.com/canc3s/cSubsidiary
SMS is written in Java and uses Swing/Hibernate/MySQL. The software helps teachers manage timetables, class lists, subject lists,... and helps students look up their grades. https://github.com/ncdai3651408/ltudjava-summer2020-hibernate
DaiChat is a 1-1 and group messaging application written in Java (with Java Networking / Java Swing / Hibernate / MySQL). This is the project of the subject "Java Application Programming" at the University. The source code of this project is valuable reference for those who learn Java programming.
- https://github.com/ncdai3651408/ltudjava-summer2020-chatapp_client
- https://github.com/ncdai3651408/ltudjava-summer2020-chatapp_server
GDI is a Beautiful Index Software, which lists your Google Drive Folders and Files on HTTP with UI and allows proxy downloading of content with or without authentication. It is secure and easy. GDI.JS.ORG
The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration that brings together leaders to improve the security of open source software (OSS) by building an expert community, targeted initiatives, and best practices. OpenSSF serves as the cross-industry focal point for securing investment and resources to improve open source software supply chain security for all. https://openssf.org/
!!Con is a nonprofit conference about the joy, excitement, and surprise of programming. https://bangbangcon.com
Awesome TTRSS aims to provide a powerful Dockerized all-in-one solution for Tiny Tiny RSS, an open source RSS feed reader and aggregator written in PHP, with enhanced user experience via simplified deployment and a list of curated plugins. http://ttrss.henry.wang/
an open source blog https://zzfzzf.com
The goal of JSBox-Apps is to enhance the functionality and optimize the user experience of iOS and iPadOS by implementing functional extensions based on JSBox and javascript. https://github.com/axelburks/JSBox
Drupal's experimental new (future) Admin interface. The Gin admin theme includes things which are currently out of scope for Core's Claro admin theme and/or some customisations we're experimenting with to be added in the future. https://drupal.org/project/gin
Friends of Shopware is a group of developers who creates open-source extensions for Shopware. https://friendsofshopware.com
We are a non-profit collective operated entirely by volunteer team members and contributors, which provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. https://www.privacyguides.org/
Script Anti-Ads OpenSource https://github.com/vnn7298/Script-Anti-Ads-OpenSource
An open-source showcase of infrastructure-as-code workflows for multiple clouds and multiple types of workloads. https://github.com/workloads
Customize Adwaita with ease https://github.com/AdwCustomizerTeam/AdwCustomizer
API store for Web, app Android App Shop mobile. Technology used: ASP.NET , MVC , Swagger UI https://github.com/nvnptit/API_STORE
Convert text in screenshot image to text with python https://github.com/vuhai16/textfromimage
Up to date pdfs for learning Rust Language. https://github.com/shirshak55/Rust-Book-In-PDF
Sigstore empowers software developers to securely sign software artifacts such as release files, container images, binaries, bill of material manifests and more. Signing materials are then stored in a tamper-resistant public log. https://sigstore.dev
Natural language toolkit for Indonesian Language (Bahasa). https://github.com/kangfend/bahasa
SwiftWasm compiles your Swift code to WebAssembly. https://swiftwasm.org/
Advanced Subscription Manager for QX, Loon, Surge, Stash and ShadowRocket! https://github.com/sub-store-org/Sub-Store
LeftWM is a tiling window manager written in Rust that aims to be stable and performant. https://github.com/leftwm
The Tree.ly platform is based on a set of Open Source components, tools and datascience notebooks to unlock the full carbon sequestration potential of forests. https://tree.ly
The KKid iOS app provides parents and kids with features like Allowance tracking, Electronic Chore sheets, Movie Watch List, Wish Lists and more. This app is free and open-source. https://github.com/kumpeapps/KKid#kkid
Electric purple is an open-source VS Code theme that people can modify to their needs. https://github.com/reeceatkinson/electricpurple
Kured (KUbernetes REboot Daemon) is a Kubernetes daemonset that performs safe automatic node reboots when the need to do so is indicated by the package management system of the underlying OS. https://github.com/kubereboot
Decentralized insurance protocol to collectively build insurance products. https://www.etherisc.com
The pluggable linter for natural language. https://textlint.github.io/
Python sample codes for robotics algorithms. https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics
An open-source Minecraft plugin development community in Japan. https://github.com/AzisabaNetwork
Open-source modding API for Minecraft that aims to be simple and useful for everyone. https://blueberrymc.net
Web Scrobbler is a browser extension created for people who listen to music online through their browser, and would like to keep an updated playback history using scrobbling services, such as Last.fm, Libre.fm and ListenBrainz. https://web-scrobbler.com/
action-slack is a product that notifies Slack from GitHub Actions. https://action-slack.netlify.app/
Kaigi on Rails is a nonprofit conference focusing on Ruby on Rails. https://kaigionrails.org
Founded in 2013, SeaGL (the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference) is a free—as in freedom and tea—grassroots technical summit dedicated to spreading awareness and knowledge about free / libre / open source software, hardware, and culture. SeaGL strives to be welcoming, enjoyable, and informative for professional technologists, newcomers, enthusiasts, and all other users of free software, regardless of their background knowledge; providing a space to bridge these experiences and strengthen the free software movement through mentorship, collaboration, and community. https://seagl.org/
Open Privacy Tech is a non profit open source democratizing Privacy Technology. https://github.com/openprivacytech, https://www.openprivacytech.org
Python packaging and dependency management made easy https://python-poetry.org
A list of programming tutorials in which aspiring software developers learn how to build an application from scratch. These tutorials are divided into different primary programming languages. Tutorials may involve multiple technologies and languages. https://github.com/hungvmlotus/project-based-learning-master
We are an organization to empower open source projects in the Mac Admin community. www.macadmins.io
3band frondend project with html, javascript, css https://github.com/nhatnguyen2410/w3band-frondend-project
Distributed database material management https://github.com/nhatnguyen2410/QLVT
LifeMemoryTeam is an engineering community based in Japan. The team was created for the purpose of friendship among developers and software development. Now, we are building CTF infrastructure and releasing useful tools. https://lifememory.team/
Kanazawa.js is a nonprofit community for anyone interested in JavaScript and Kanazawa based in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. https://github.com/kanazawa-js
This project has the aim to help the highschool students understand what the graphs are and how they can be used. https://github.com/Patrick-Lari/project_graphs
The PyCon JP Association (Japanese: 一般社団法人 PyCon JP Association) is a nonprofit organization for Python users in Japan, to promote Python and supports its development. Further it is our goal to hold an annual PyCon JP conference. https://www.pycon.jp/
Open Source Air Quality Index Device with its own backend and frontend. https://github.com/air-cast
InReach is the world’s first tech platform matching LGBTQ+ people with safe, verified resources. https://www.inreach.org
Open source Gym nanagement system, we are working on new version rebuild in laravel and vuejs https://github.com/pechanxur/managyment
A non-profit organization with a community of more than 7k members. Our mission is to let Barcelona’s tech hub become one of the best tech communities around the globe. https://bcneng.org
The WIDE (Widely Integrated Distributed Environment) Project is an Internet project in Japan started in 1985. With its motto of "research in our left hand, operation in our right," the project serves as a research and educational network in Japan, with a number of projects and research contributions to the Internet as a whole. https://www.wide.ad.jp/
Python Community News is a podcast, livestream, and newsletter that focuses on the Non-Pipable news in the Python Community. https://pythoncommunitynews.com
SKF is a fully open-source organization (with many partnering and contributing organizations) that focuses training you and your team in building secure applications, by design. We're a flagship OWASP project, and also a play a central role as part of Linux Foundation's OpenSSF Education stream (Stream 1: Security Education of the OpenSSF Mobilization Plan).
Building the future of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA). Open-Source tools to easily build and maintain your event-driven architecture. All powered by the AsyncAPI specification, the industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs. https://www.asyncapi.com
Scala sbt plugin for downloading schemas from Confluent Schema Registry https://github.com/broilogabriel/sbt-schema-registry-downloader
The monitoring, evaluation, research and learning (MERL) Center is a community creating resources about the intersection of MERL and open source, data science and human-centered design, for people of any technology capacity. https://merlcenter.org/
Kanazawa.rb is a nonprofit community for anyone interested in Ruby and Kanazawa based in Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan. https://github.com/kanazawarb
Kotlin Fill Class is an Intellij plugin that provides intention action for empty constructor or function to fill property with default value. https://github.com/suusan2go/kotlin-fill-class
We are a research center in Oslo (Norway) that in addition to researching brain and cognition, release open source tools for other scientists to use in their research. We create tools in R, python, bash and javascript, depending on the use-case and need of the given tool. https://www.oslobrains.no/
The Copenhagen Center for Health Technology [cachet] is a strategic partnership between the Capital Health Region of Denmark, the City of Copenhagen, the University of Copenhagen, and the Technical University of Denmark. The strategic objective is to strengthen interdisciplinary and cross-organizational research and development within personalized health technology. https://www.cachet.dk/
We create free and open source minecraft server side modifications called plugins. https://github.com/Lorenzo0111
Dependency-Track is an intelligent SBOM Analysis platform that allows organizations to identify and reduce risk in the software supply chain. https://dependencytrack.org/
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. Our goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response. https://nextstrain.org
Rinvex Cortex is a solid foundation for enterprise solutions, that provides a flexible and extensible architecture for building multi-lingual, multi-tenant applications with content management, themeable views, application modules and much more. https://github.com/rinvex
Identity and Access Management based on Api-Platform and Symfony Framework. https://gitlab.com/dadangnh/iam
Serratus is a collaborative Open Science project for ultra-rapid discovery of all viruses. Our primary goal is to generate the viral data to accelerate the global research efforts in fighting emerging pathogens. https://serratus.io/
The Jaybots are a robotics team from John Jay High School that compete in First Tech Challenge. For more information on what we do, check out our website at https://jaybots.org/
The open-source notification infrastructure https://github.com/novuhq/novu/
JavaScript library to encode & decode HTML & XML entities with ease & speed. https://github.com/fb55/entities