This app uses BasicLocalizer in blelocpp library to localize user's location by observing bluetooth LE beacons signals.
You need to provide a model file for localization.
- Blind User Mode: This mode is for blind users.
- Wheel Chair / General Pedestrian Mode: This mode is mainly for wheel chair users and also all sighted users.
The project also includes the following tools.
- NavCogFP: For fingerprinting
- NavCogTool: For simulate blind user navigation commands
- NavCogPreview: For virtual preview
- FormatterKit (MIT License)
- HLPDialog (MIT License)
- HLPLocationManager (MIT License)
- HLPWebView (MIT License)
- Mantle (MIT License)
- ZipArchive (MIT License)
- install Carthage.
- In the project directory, run
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS
. - install Cocoapods
- In the project directory, run
pod install
- Open NavCog3.xcworkspace
- Build NavCog3 target with Xcode.
# if you archive the app for AppStore, Frameworks
directory in Carthage/Build/iOS/HLPDialog.framework
should be removed.
See wiki for set up servers and data.
Icons in NavCogFP are from
This Human Scale Localization Platform library is intended solely for use with an Apple iOS product and intended to be used in conjunction with officially licensed Apple development tools and further customized and distributed under the terms and conditions of your licensed Apple developer program.