Releases: onimp/oni_multiplayer
Releases · onimp/oni_multiplayer
What's Changed
- #86 Show overlay to everyone if the game is being hard synced. by @zuev93 in #170
- #133 Add grid-based reference implementation by @polycone in #156
- #87 Applied and tested suggested install script. by @zuev93 in #157
- #92 Sync more side screen objects. by @zuev93 in #159
- Turn on nullability in the project by @zuev93 in #163
- Optional patches by @polycone in #165
- Refactor Rider warnings and hints: by @zuev93 in #173
- Dupes id sync by @polycone in #172
- Fix a lot of warnings due to generic method being patched. by @zuev93 in #176
- Small tweaks for single player game. by @zuev93 in #175
Full Changelog: v0.4.0-alpha...v0.5.0-alpha
What's Changed
- #30 Fix/sync bioprinter by @zuev93 in #105
- #54 Disable sound for other player priority change by @polycone in #112
- #111 Sync disinfect overlay (germ level + enable autodisinfect) by @zuev93 in #115
- #123 Add access control sync by @polycone in #134
- #136 Add door toggle sync by @polycone in #138
- #137 Add sealed doors sync by @polycone in #139
- #140 Add assignables sync by @polycone in #141
- #92 Sync slider controls. by @zuev93 in #149
- #92 Sync filterable side screens. by @zuev93 in #150
- Multiplayer object identity by @polycone in #127
- #130 Add multiplayer objects cache rebuild on hard sync by @polycone in #131
- #106 Add steamworkshop assets. by @zuev93 in #128
- #146 Add command exception handler by @polycone in #152
- #92 Generalize events and commands for sidescreens. by @zuev93 in #154
- #92 Fix/sync complex fabricators by @zuev93 in #155
- #119 Fix world debugger NPE. by @zuev93 in #124
- #120 Fix NPE while choosing minion by @zuev93 in #125
- #145 Fix NPE in ChangeSchedulesList.cs and ClickUserMenuButton.cs for newly created objects. by @zuev93 in
- #142 Fix NPE in syncs of priority, consumable and skill screens. by @zuev93 in #143
Full Changelog: v0.3.0-alpha...v0.4.0-alpha
What's Changed
- #81 Sync schedules. by @zuev93 in #88
- #82 Sync priorities screen (JobTableScreen) as well as the advanced p… by @zuev93 in #89
- Fix cached pointer usage by @polycone in #90
- #83 Sync skills and hats. by @zuev93 in #91
- #21 Sync user menu side buttons. by @zuev93 in #93
- Add how to develop by @Bromvlieg in #94
- #30 Restructure event classes structure to match game logic better. by @zuev93 in #95
- #98 Add safety null checks. by @zuev93 in #104
New Contributors
- @Bromvlieg made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: v0.2.0-alpha...v0.3.0-alpha
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.3-alpha...v0.1.4-alpha
What's Changed
To have fix applied you should start new game (old saves are affected by old bugs).
Full Changelog: v0.1.2-alpha...v0.1.3-alpha
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-alpha...v0.1.1-alpha
What's Changed
- Steam friends join fix by @polycone in #31
- Improve cursor drawing (avoid phantom cusors) #25 fix by @polycone
- Do not override a client tool/settings while syncing actions #24 fix by @polycone in #55
- Do not open multiple material selection windows upon building syncs #20 fix by @polycone in #55
- Sync utility (pipes/wires/vents) connections #18 fix by @polycone in #55
- Improve error counter by @zuev93 in #48
- Feature/enhanced networking by @polycone in #40
Full Changelog: v0.0.3...v0.1.0-alpha