Releases: phpro/grumphp
Version 0.19.0
Total issues resolved: 1
- 741: Improved task runner thanks to @veewee
Validated GrumPHP parameters
The new version will validate the structure and content of the GrumPHP parameters.
Therefor you need to move the grumphp parameters out of the regular parameters section.
If you are not using any symfony/dependency-injection
parameters, you only need to rename the parameters keyword:
# grumphp.yaml
- parameters:
+ grumphp:
note: If you are using conventions, the parameters used in the conventions still need to remain under parameters
. Don't forget to put tasks
and other grumphp related configuraiton under grumphp
note: The parameters bin_dir
and git_dir
have been removed since v0.16 . It is safe to get rid of those parameters as well. We now use an environment based system to customize paths.
- bin_dir: "./vendor/bin"
- git_dir: "."
Removed support for PHP-CS-Fixer v1.
Since PHP-CS-Fixer is out for quite some time and because v3 is in the making, we drop support for version 1.
If you still want to use version 1, you can use an older version of GrumPHP or provide a custom extension for your project.
By default, the phpcsfixer
will now load the task for the latest PHP-CS-fixer.
We also provided a phpcsfixer2
alias to make sure existing projects don't break.
However, you can now rename the task inside your configuration:
# grumphp.yaml
- phpcsfixer2:
+ phpcsfixer:
We added a way of running the PHP-CS-Fixer v1 in parallel to improve execution speed.
However, this code is not needed anymore inside the new version and might be confusing with the actual parallel implementation.
Therefore, we removed following parameters:
# grumphp.yaml
- process_async_limit: 10
- process_async_wait: 1000
Bump to Symfony 4.4
In this release, we bump the dependencies up to Symfony 4.4.
This is because the parallel system requires the Advanced console output improvements inside SF 4.1. Since that version is not supported by Symfony anymore, we decided to bump to the version 4 LTS.
If your package still requires older dependencies, you can install the grumphp-shim package which works dependency-less.
Version 0.18.1
Total issues resolved: 9
- 686: twigcs exclude subfolders thanks to @oallain
- 727: Add a footnote on using finder config in intersection mode thanks to @Taluu
- 745: Fixed exception message in constructor thanks to @MarkVaughn
- 747: Fix for removed method in symfony/process:5.0 thanks to @veewee
- 749: [DX\ travis - php 7.4snapshot to 7.4 thanks to @oallain
- 753: Add support to Docksal thanks to @haithem-rihane
- 754: [Docs\[PHPlint\ Change parallel-lint package thanks to @Jibbarth
- 762: Update thanks to @a-menshchikov
- 768: Composer v2 compatibility thanks to @JeppeKnockaert
Version 0.18.0
Total issues resolved: 9
- 501: FR: remove need for dedicated class when running same task twice with different configuration thanks to @keradus
- 579: FR: Ability to give shell task a label thanks to @Jamesking56
- 682: [WIP\ Rework task system thanks to @veewee
- 711: Improved tasks system thanks to @veewee
- 731: Remove tasks from readme thanks to @Landerstraeten
- 732: Rewrite ant tests thanks to @Landerstraeten
- 737: Fixed label output thanks to @benndt
- 739: Added support for phar executables thanks to @BrentRobert
- 740: Removed unused parameters for grumphp.yml.dist thanks to @BrentRobert
Upgrading custom tasks
Extended external task class
- Make
static - Change service configuration + tag (config -> task)
Extended an external task from TaskInterface
- Make
static - Register an
during construction - Replace
method by thegetConfig()
method - Add immutable
method. - Change service configuration + tag (config -> task)
Duplicate task with different config
- Remove task copy
- Remove service configuration of task copy
- Configure task copy as an alias :
Version 0.17.2
Total issues resolved: 5
- 710: Fix composer process version in development integrator
- 716: Use triggered_by option for extensions argument for phpcs. Fixes #715.
- 720: Psalm add output-format argument
- 721: update localheinz to ergebnis
- 722: fix: should not fail on long body when using git --verbose
Total issues resolved: 1
Version 0.17.1
Version 0.17.0
Version 0.16.2
Total issues resolved: 7
- 683: Fix: do not display graphiz when argument is set false
- 684: fix(PhpcsFormatter): remove last PHP_EOL before parsing json
- 685: Ignore files from zip export
- 687: Fix phpcs formatter
- 692: Swap implode function parameters to fix php 7.4 deprecation
- 693: Add error output for blacklist task failure
- 694: Rework realpath logic to remove the possibility of a type error
Version 0.16.1
Version 0.16.0
Total issues resolved: 16
- 556: Move composer dependency to dev
- 616: Upgrade to php 7.1
- 638: Improve e2e time on appveyor
- 640: Add ignore funcs
- 642: Normalize composer.json
- 643: Only show project files when project is in subfolder
- 644: Improved exotic paths
- 645: Add composer normalize task
- 646: Fixed a bug when phplint is active and only non-php files are commited
- 654: Update composer require package
- 655: AppVeyor CI is broken
- 657: TwigCs - allocine/twigcs is abandoned. Changed to friendsoftwig/twigcs
- 658: Add missing composer information for Composer Normalize on Docs
- 666: Feature/monolog 2
- 669: Update
- 670: Fix memory_limit type.
Upgrade notes
The parameters bin_dir
and git_dir
have been removed. It is safe to get rid of those parameters We now use an environment based system to customize paths.
- bin_dir: "./vendor/bin"
- git_dir: "."
Version 0.15.2
Total issues resolved: 1