Releases: phpro/grumphp
Releases · phpro/grumphp
Version 0.15.1
Total issues resolved: 25
- 544: Added vagrant_dir and vagrant_project_dir parameters
- 587: Provide option to run a single/list of tasks from the config
- 591: Add memory-limit parameter to PhpStan
- 596: Add task composer normalize
- 597: Create succeeded.txt
- 598: Create failed.txt
- 600: Add php 7.3 in travis
- 602: PHP Lint: allow short open tags
- 604: Bump up security-checker version to ^5.0 #603
- 608: Fix CI
- 609: Bugfix: convert splFileInfo to string
- 611: End 2 end tests
- 612: Improve
parameter of PhpStan task - 617: Add Paratest task
- 618: #615, Support other PHP executable
- 620: Update
- 623: Add EasyCodingStandard extension
- 625: add Ecs (EasyCodingStandard) Task
- 626: Fixes return type of
- 627: Improve level parameter of PhpStan task
- 629: Adds PHP7 type hinting where missing
- 631: Add descriptions to the git:* commands
- 632: Task TwigCs
- 634: Implement the Phpcs exclude option
- 636: Fix typo
Version 0.15.0
Total issues resolved: 17
- 511: [WIP\ Upgrade PHP 7.0
- 542: Fix return type in interface
- 548: Php7 issues
- 551: Composer file changes
- 553: Add missing typehints and return types
- 554: Add missing type hints
- 555: Small performance optimization
- 560: Merge master
- 561: Include original commit message
- 562: Add whitelist and blacklist to GitBranchName
- 572: Php lint ignore patterns grumpy seventies
- 574: Added parameter to toggle show info
- 575: Drop old dependencies
- 578: Fix travis composer cache
- 582: 580: Adds support for --tasks option in run command.
- 585: Fix deprecation warning
- 599: Grumpy seventies
Total issues resolved: 14
- 539: feat: Add additional info parameter
- 540: feat: Add option to disable all banners by setting ascii to null
- 541: Commit Message Features and Add new Util class
- 543: Allow PHPLint to handle large number of files
- 545: Fix issue when .git file has absolute path
- 552: Correct markdown presentation
- 557: Add PHP 7.2 EOL to PHP version checker
- 558: Add phpunit bridge
- 559: Host our own version of the symfony XSDs
- 563: Add missing property
- 564: Revert "Host our own version of the symfony XSDs"
- 569: Allow PHP_CodeSniffer to use multiple standards.
- 570: Add ignore patterns for PHPLint task
- 573: Added parameter to toggle show info
Version 0.14.2
Total issues resolved: 8
- 507: Add Progpilot task
- 510: Add psalm
- 520: Only run question helper in interactive mode
- 522: Correct package-name of phan
- 525: Make detection of strict types compatible with PhpParser 4.
- 528: Allow to filter with a regex pattern with the addition of whitelist pattern option to Yaml Lint task
- 529: Add more options for the 'phpcs' task, in particular the 'report' one.
- 536: Issue #532: Allow to set max_subject_width and max_body_width to 0
Version 0.14.1
Total issues resolved: 19
- 459: Add support for custom location of .git directory
- 461: Use correct path to .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG when using non-standard .git dir location
- 470: Add ignore patterns for Infection task
- 471: Changed phpcsfixer2 default options
- 472: Fixed notice if repositories is not defined
- 473: Made "git diff" behave more predictably
- 474: Add ignore-msi-with-no-mutations
- 476: Changed phpcpd "names_exclude" option
- 478: Add phpcpd "paths_exclude" option
- 483: Docs: Run same task twice with different configuration
- 484: Ignore symlinks filesize task
- 485: Add ignore patterns for File size task
- 488: Updated to reflect that existing git hooks will get destroyed
- 489: Update
- 490: Added addOptionalIntegerArgument to fix issue with phpcs warning_severity
- 494: Add whitelist_patterns option to PhpMnd task
- 496: Add whitelist_patterns option to PhpMd task
- 498: Add whitelist_patterns to GitBlacklist
- 502: Added -c argument to run command properly
Version 0.14.0
Total issues resolved: 12
- 435: Remove proxy manager
- 447: Path issue with git hooks
- 452: Added severity levels to phpcs task
- 453: Add a key 'public: true' for the service 'subscriber.stash_unstaged_c…
- 454: Fix typo in doctrine_orm task
- 455: Fixed package name for phpmnd
- 457: Handle PHP nightly builds as experimental
- 460: Add ignore_parse_errors option to ComposerRequireChecker
- 463: Force git hooks to contain unix styled commands
- 464: Config option can't find config file
- 467: Fix the authors section of composer.json
- 468: Remove Warning for array_key_exists
- Configuration of the
task has been changed. Use the new optionwarning_severity
instead ofshow_warnings
Version 0.13.1
Version 0.13.0
Version 0.12.1
Total issues resolved: 18
- 401: Use argument arrays for phpmnd's exclude options
- 403: Improve phpstan configuration
- 405: Add infection task
- 406: max_body_width setting of git task also is applied to commented lines
- 407: Ignore max body width for commented lines in the commit message
- 408: Update
- 411: Only add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR if needed
- 415: Add task for composer-require-checker
- 417: Fix undefined property
- 418: Fix task lists in README and task docs
- 419: CloverCoverageTask; fixing devided by 0 warning
- 421: Upgrade PHPUnit
- 424: Remove outdated docblock
- 427: Fix some PSR2 violations
- 429: Fix minimum PHP version and compatibility
- 430: [Infection Task\ Configuration key was documented twice
- 431: Remove composer suggestions
- 432: Add parse_constant and parse_custom_tags options to yamllint task
Version 0.12.0
Total issues resolved: 16
- 327: PHP CS Fixer v2 integration is slow
- 364: Fix symfony progressbar issues
- 366: Cannot run grumphp
- 369: Add various enforcements to git_commit_message
- 371: Set default path mode to intersection
- 373: Fix typo
- 375: Blacklisted keywords on lines bigger then 80 chars will now display their error message correctly.
- 378: git_commit_message: unsupported options
- 379: Add file size task
- 380: Update the extensions links
- 385: documentation
- 386: Let phpcsfixer2 select the correct files and improve performance
- 389: Updated git_blacklist example
- 390: Updated xmllint example
- 395: Fix phpcsfixer2 issues
- 398: Fix exclude_name parameter for phpmnd task