A lightweight, scalable, mobile-first CSS framework
Sep 29, 2017 - CSS
Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing platforms, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing (e.g., JavaScript) to provide an "application-like" experience within a Web browser.
A lightweight, scalable, mobile-first CSS framework
Focusing on the fullPage.js for mobile terminals.
Documentation, API reference, and code snippets for NativeScript
A bare bones responsive SCSS boilerplate for web designers
移动端弹窗插件第二版,包括常见的 alert、confirm。toast、notice 四种类型弹窗,支持 jQuery 和 Zepto 库。(已停止维护,请使用vue、react 等新框架)
Apache Cordova Template App
A colorful unique theme, giving Obsidian a fresh new look with glow effects and support for accent color. The theme now tries to provide a unique futuristic eye-candy look to obsidian while keeping it usable and familiar to the users. Made to be yours to tweak.
📱 Create a custom theme for Keycloak Login screen to work with a mobile application
A task-first and high-quality theme for Kanboard. It's also aimed at better mobile experiences, common plugin compatibilities, and customization friendly.
Ionic 2 social media microblogging platform built with firebase 3 as backend
A hackathon starter for ionic2 using firebase, already has user authentication, reset password, google login etc
A simple landing page made in HTML and CSS has five anchors. The theme chosen is related to a restaurant in my city. In this project, grid, accessibility, responsive design, mobile, transitions, among others, were addressed.