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Kaori Ueno edited this page Aug 27, 2018 · 1 revision

This page explains the configuration file of triggers.

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See also Zendesk official document, because parameters except slug are based on the Triggers API.
Details of conditions and actions are described in later chapters.

Name Type Req. / Op. Description
slug string Required The identifier for Zenform
ex. trigger_send_mail
title string Required The name of trigger
ex. Send E-mail
position int Required An integer to determine execution order of triggers.
Triggers are executed in ascending order of this param.
ex. -9, 0, 5
conditions.all.fields string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
conditions.all.operators string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
conditions.all.values string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
conditions.any.fields string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
conditions.any.operators string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
conditions.any.values string[] Required The parts of conditions param under which a trigger will execute
actions.fields string[] Required The parts of actions param which a trigger will execute
actions.values string[][] Required The parts of actions param which a trigger will execute

The conditions parameter under which a trigger will execute

This parameter can control triggering conditions using conditions.all ( AND conditions ) and conditions.any ( OR conditions ).
Either condition must have at least one condition.

Format of conditions


In triggers.csv format, you can describe conditions "When a ticket, whose priority is higher than normal OR which has a tag hello, is updated" as below.

conditions.all.fields conditions.all.operators conditions.all.values conditions.any.fields conditions.any.operators conditions.any.values
["update_type"] ["is"] ["Change"] ["priority","current_tags"] ["greater_than","includes"] ["normal","hello"]

field, operator, and value of each condition are shown as below.

condition field operator value
all[0] ( when a ticket is updated ) update_type is Change
any[0] ( a ticket whose priority is higher than normal ) priority greater_than normal
any[1] ( a ticket with a tag hello ) current_tags includes hello

Size Restriction

conditions.all.[fields|operators|values] must be the same size, and also conditions.any.[fields|operators|values].

In the previous example, a size of all conditions.all.[fields|operators|values] is 2, and a size of all conditions.any.[fields|operators|values] is 1.

Format in Zendesk API

conditions.[all|any].[fields|operators|values] parameters are merged into an associative array and are sent as conditions parameter in Zendesk API as below.

  "conditions": {
    "all": [
      { "field": "update_type", "operator": "is", "value": "Change" },
    "any": [
      { "field": "priority", "operator": "greater_than", "value": "normal" }
      { "field": "current_tags", "operator": "includes", "value": "hello" }

See Zendesk official document and the later chapter "Zenform typical description method" for further details of field, operator, and value.

The actions parameter which a trigger will execute

This parameter defines actions executed by the trigger.

Format of actions


In triggers.csv format, you can describe actions "Set a status of the ticket as open, and send an E-mail to the requester" as below.

actions.fields actions.values
["status","notification_user"] [["open"],["requester_id","subject","body"]]

field and value of each action are shown as below.

action field value
Set a status of the ticket as open status ["open"]
Send an E-mail to the requester notification_user ["requester_id","subject","body"]

The argument size of value depends on field.

value must be wrapped by an array even if it has only one argument.
You can see that the value of the field status is not "open" but a array ["open"] in the previous example.

Size Restriction

actions.fields and actions.values must be the same size because Zenform convert them by element-wise combination.
In the previous example, both of them have 2 elements.

Format in Zendesk API

actions.fields and actions.values are merged into an array and are sent as actions parameter in Zendesk API as below.

  "actions": [
    {"field": "status", "value": "open"},
    {"field": "notification_user", "value": ["requester_id","subject","body"]}

See Zendesk official document and the later chapter "Zenform typical description method" for further details of field and value.

Zenform typical description format

If you want to set field or value to the ID of ticket field or ticket form, use slug instead of the ID,
because Zenform can not get their IDs before creating them.

When you want to set field to custom_field_<id>

Set field to slug of the ticket form instead of custom_field_<id>


When there is a ticket field OS as below,

slug title ...
ticket_field_os OS ...

a condition "When a value of the ticket field OS is iOS" is defined as below,

slug conditions.all.fields conditions.all.operators conditions.all.values ...
trigger_ios ["ticket_field_os"] ["is"] ["iOS"] ...

and an action "Set a value of the ticket field OS to Android" is defined as below.

slug actions.fields actions.values ...
trigger_android ["ticket_field_os"] ["Android"] ...

When you want to set field to ticket_form_id

Set value to slug of ticket form instead of the ID.


When there is a ticket form Opinion as below,

slug name ...
ticket_form_opinion Opinion ...

a condition "When a ticket form is the form Opinion" is defined as below,

slug conditions.all.fields conditions.all.operators conditions.all.values ...
trigger_opinion ["ticket_form_id"] ["is"] ["ticket_form_opinion"] ...

and an action "Change a ticket form to the form Opinion" is defined as below.

slug actions.fields actions.values ...
trigger_change_form ["ticket_form_id"] ["ticket_form_opinion"] ...