Created by: Joey, Nalin, dufresnep, Codr, Marlon. Based off the original work by 39ster. For their additional work on the old gserver, special thanks go to: Agret, Beholder, Joey, Marlon, Nalin, and Pac.
just run the build-v8-(mac/linux) script:
cd dependencies/
Currently, v8 is too much of a pain to build for this method to be viable. We suggest you use MSVC/MSBuild and nuget instead.
Install Microsoft C++ compiler and latest Windows SDK through the VS installer
Install and add CMake to path
Download and add nuget to path
Add %programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\
to VCTargetsPath
in your system paths. The trailing \ may be required.
A folder called GServer-v2 will be created. Remember to update the Visual Studio installation path to your Visual Studio installation path.
git clone
cd GServer-v2
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir packages
cd packages
nuget install v8-v142-x64 -version
cd ..
mkdir build
cd build
"%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DV8NPCSERVER=TRUE
cmake --build .
//The next lines copy the required v8 files to the build path.
robocopy ..\packages\v8.redist-v142-x64.\lib\Debug ..\bin\ *.dll
robocopy ..\packages\v8.redist-v142-x64.\lib\Debug ..\bin\ *.bin
How-to setup a server:
- Under the accounts folder, rename the text file 'YOURACCOUNT.txt' to your account name. For example: 'KuJi.txt'
- Modify defaultaccount.txt to your liking. This is the default settings new players will start with. It can also be modified via RC.
- Open config/serveroptions.txt and edit it to your liking. Be sure to modify the settings under "Private server options". Help for what these options do are available on the forums and in the file itself.
- Find the line that starts with "staff=" in config/serveroptions.txt. Replace YOURACCOUNT with your account name. Anybody who needs RC access must be added to this line with their account names separated by commas. Additionally, RC users must have their IP range changed to at least ... in their account to connect.
- Port forward if needed. (Many threads on this topic exist in the forums. If you are having trouble, seek them out. Try the tutorials forum.) Basically, if you are behind a router and your computer isn't set to be the "DMZ", you will need to port forward.
- Run gserver2.exe -- enjoy.
- Report any bugs on
The gserver can run multiple servers at once without needing to spawn separate processes. This is accomplished by the servers.txt file. This file will tell the gserver how many servers to run and where they are located, as well as some optional ip and port overrides.
The file looks like this:
servercount = 1
server_1 = default
server_1_ip =
server_1_port = 12345
server_1_localip =
server_1_interface =
servercount specifies the number of servers. In the default file, that is 1 server. server_# specifies the directory the server is under. server_#_ip specifies an optional ip address override. server_#_port specifies an optional port override. server_#_localip specifies an optional localip override. server_#_interface specifies an optional interface override.
All of the optional overrides will take precedence over the options defined in serveroptions.txt.
The Graal Reborn gserver has a couple special NPC commands built in.
join somefile; Much like official Graal's server-side join command, this command searches for somefile.txt and appends the contents to the end of the NPC script.
singleplayer This command is like the sparringzone command. When placed by itself with no semi-colon inside an NPC, it signifies that the level is "singleplayer." (SEE: Singleplayer Levels).
The Graal Reborn gserver has the ability to toggle a level as "singleplayer." In this mode, the user cannot see any other player in the level. Any changes they make to the level are not replicated to other users. They are, in essence, in a level by themselves.
To activate singleplayer mode, add an NPC to the level and add the single command "singleplayer" to the level, much like how the "sparringzone" command works.
Like singleplayer levels, group maps allow only players in a group to see each other in a level. Player groups can be managed via the gr.setgroup and gr.setlevelgroup triggeractions (SEE: Graal Reborn special triggeractions).
Individual levels cannot be set as group levels; instead, an entire map must be specified as a group map. The "groupmaps" server option specifies a comma-delimited list of maps that can contain groups.
There are a few special client flags built into the gserver. These are: gr.x gr.y gr.z
These flags are used by the -gr_movement weapon included in the server weapons folder to simulate the smooth movement as found in the Graal clients 2.3 and up.
If you don't want the gserver to recognize these flags, set the flaghack_movement setting to false in serveroptions.txt.
Also, if flaghack_ip is enabled in the serveroptions.txt file, you can gain access to the following: gr.ip
The Graal Reborn gserver has a couple unique triggeractions built into it. They can be enabled/disabled by altering the setting that controls their group in serveroptions.txt. They are as follows:
triggeraction 0,0,gr.addweapon,weapon1,weapon2,weapon3;
Adds weapon1, weapon2, and weapon3 to the player's account.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.deleteweapon,weapon1,weapon2,weapon3;
Removes weapon1, weapon2, and weapon3 from the player's account.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.addguildmember,guild,account,nickname;
Adds a player to the specified guild. Nickname is optional.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.removeguildmember,guild,account;
Removes a player from the specified guild.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.removeguild,guild;
Removes the guild from the server.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.setguild,guild,account;
Sets the player's guild tag to the specified guild.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.setgroup,group;
Adds the player to the specified group.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.setlevelgroup,group;
Adds all the players in the level to the specified group.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.setplayergroup,account,group;
Adds the specified player to the specified group.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.appendfile,filename,text;
Opens the file specified, located in the server's logs directory, and appends a line of text.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.writefile,filename,text;
Opens the file specified, located in the server's logs directory, erases all of its contents, and writes a line of text.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.readfile,filename,line_pos;
Opens the file specified, located in the server's logs directory, reads the given line number, and returns the contents to the player.
File contents are returned on the following flags:
gr.fileerror: String list. First index is a random number, subsequent indexes are error values. Error 1 = line_pos was outside of range. In this case, the next value is the line number returned.
gr.filedata: The file data.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.rcchat,Some chat text;
Sends some chat text to any logged in RC's.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.es_clear;
Clears the execscript parameter list.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.es_set,param1,param2,...;
Sets the execscript parameter list.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.es_append,phrase;
Appends phrase directly to the end of the set parameter list.
triggeraction 0,0,,account,script_name;
Sends the execscript to the specified account, or everybody if ALLPLAYERS was specified.
View the execscript/readme.txt file for more information.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.attr1,data;
Sets data on the specified attribute. gr.attr1 - gr.attr30 work.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.fullhearts,amount;
Sets the player's fullhearts to the specified amount.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.updatelevel;
Updates the current level.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.updatelevel,levelname;
Updates the specified level.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.npc.move,id,dx,dy,duration,options;
Creates a serverside move command for the specified NPC.
triggeraction 0,0,gr.npc.setpos,id,x,y;
Sets an NPC's position.
Place weapon bytecode in the weapon_bytecode/ folder. Inside each weapon file in weapons/, add the following: BYTECODE name_of_file
The gserver will load weapon_bytecode/name_of_file and use the bytecode contained there-in.