Releases: fastlane/fastlane
Releases · fastlane/fastlane
2.201.2 Hotfixes for scan
2.201.1 Hotfixes for scan and trainer
- [scan] prevent error from raising and prevent xcresult processing when multiple devices with xcpretty (#19829) via Josh Holtz
- [trainer] Make new options used by scan public (to fix crash) (#19828) via Josh Holtz
- [scan][xcov] set xcresult path in SharedValues and use as default in xcov (#19825) via Josh Holtz
2.201.0 Enable xcbeautify and remove dependency on xcpretty
- [scan][gym][snapshot] Remove XCPretty dependency and add xcbeautify as an option (#19629) via Josh Holtz
High Level Notes
no longer relies on xcpretty for JUnit output or to determine success or failure- trainer has now been moved inside of fastlane and is no longer needed as a plugin
- Please remove
from yourGemfile
- Please remove
- Added
option toscan
, andsnapshot
Detailed Notes
no longer relies on xcpretty for JUnit output or to determine success or failure- trainer has now been moved inside of fastlane and is used to determine determine success and failure of
- Note:
will be made byxcpretty
is usingxcpretty
, otherwise it will be made withtrainer
- Note:
will only be made if usingxcpretty
- trainer has now been moved inside of fastlane and is used to determine determine success and failure of
's option fornumber_of_retries
now uses Xcode 13's retry tests- In Xcode 12 and under it will still use fastlane's implementation to try to only rerun tests that have failed
- Added
option toscan
, andsnapshot
- Defaults to xcbeautify if installed
- But will default back to
if any "xcpretty" specific options are set (ex:xcpretty_formatter
- But will default back to
- Otherwise falls back to xcpretty
- You can also pass anything for
to pipe to likexcodebuild_formatter: "/path/to/other/xcbeautify"
- For no formatting, set the formatter to an empty string like `xcodebuild_formatter: ""'
- Defaults to xcbeautify if installed
- Added new option to
- Removes the count and any retry attempts from junit report and scan test results table
- Added migration error if using
and tells user to remove it
View more info on Xcode Formatters
2.200.0 Improvements
- [spaceship] Initial support for updated review submissions flow (#19751) via Valerio Castelli
- [fastlane_core] fix non-UTF-8 char issues when analysing ipa (#19697) via Shifei Chen
- [supply] add an option to change the release status of a promoted track (#19701) via Joe Flateau
- [fastlane_core] use randomly generated filename(s) for -assetFile when uploading binaries to Testflight/App Store (#19716) via David Kim
- [action][get_version_number] get_version_number in xcode 13 project can't read version_number (#19773) via dejunDev
- [deliver] Add Watch Series 7 screen size (#19782) via Gero Gerke
- [action][download_dsyms] Fix download-dsym unnecessary builds scan when
provided (#19765) via German Velibekov - [gym] Correctly inherit OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS when using option 'analyze_build_time' (#19737) via Tracy Keeling
- [scan] Fix: test retries succeeding when they shouldn't (#19749) via Eric Yuan
2.199.0 Improvements
- [docs] modernize markdown syntax of auto-generated README documentation (#19643) via Roger Oba
- [action] allow using a
file withxcversion
action (#19644) via Roger Oba - [spaceship] spaceauth - add new functionality to check if a user's session is still valid (#19658) via Casey
- [action] [update_code_signing_settings] add entitlements file path capability (#19678) via Rainer Killinger
- [scan] add examples for simulator descriptions including OS version (#19683) via Seán Labastille
- [deliver][snapshot][fastlane_core] fix typos (#19675) via Matthew James Kraai
- [action][download_dsyms] fix:
is not checking the latest data from Connect API (#19523) via Bruno Guidolim - [action][download_dsyms] use filter argument to /builds to find specific build (#19670) via Aman Gupta Karmani
2.198.1 Improvements
- [deliver] resolves issue uploading iPad Pro 5th gen screenshots (#19616) via christianeiselt
- [gym] add xcodebuild_command option (#19614) via Vitalii Budnik
- [fastlane_core] fix TransportExecutor to specifically look for ipa, dmg, ipa, and zip and not directory for -assetFile and then fall bask to -f (#19620) via Josh Holtz
2.198.0 Improvements
- [action][set_github_release] fix optional params to guard (#19560) via Yutaro Muta
- [action][set_github_release] support generate_release_notes parameter (#19558) via Yutaro Muta
- [pem] add macOS platform support (#19564) via Vitalii Budnik
- [fastlane_core] use -assetFile instead of -f for IPA upload with iTMS (#19596) via Taylor Fort
- [action][get_version_number] - search for MARKETING_VERSION in build settings if target has no INFO_PLIST (#19589) via Vitalii Budnik
- [action][notarize] added optional
parameter tonotarize
action. (#19577) via Kyle Hammond - [match][cert] allow developer_id creation if using apple id (#19604) via Josh Holtz
- [match] nuke now supports filtering by specific certificates (#19584) via Josh Holtz
- [action][set_github_release] fix issue where bad status code would print error but fail silently - now actually raises an error (#19516) via Josh Holtz
- [scan] fixed typo in error message (#19514) via Jeroen Vannevel
2.197.0 App Store Connect API Key for download_dsyms
2.196.0 Improvements
- [fastlane_core] symbolize keys in options of type Hash (#19424) via Davide De Rosa
- [snapshot] add snapshot iPad Mini support (#19460) via Paul
- [pem] fix issue OpenSSL empty password (#19459) via Fernando
- [supply] Treat no release note as warning instead of error (#19425) via yanagiragi
- [sigh] add --generate-entitlement-der to resign codesign calls (#19423) via Taylor Fort
- [action][latest_testflight_build] make
not overwrite existing Actions.lane_context (#19421) via Jan Klausa - [snapshot] add the iPhone 13 devices so that they can be included in the HTML report page. (#19420) via Yilei "Dolee" Yang
- [screengrab] fix typos in Screengrab options (#19426) via Christoph Dreis
- [supply] fix rollout update (#19411) via Oleksii Malovanyi
2.195.0 Improvements
- [snapshot] added 10 second timeout to wait for device to fully boot before overriding status bar (adjust by setting SNAPSHOT_SIMULATOR_WAIT_FOR_BOOT_TIMEOUT environment variable) (#19380) via Josh Holtz
- [match] Add ability to include all development certificates to the development provisioning profile (#19340) via Vitalii Budnik
- [supply][docs] Improve gradle action explaining android.injected.version.code and name can be used to change versionCode and versionName. (#19370) via Elias Lecomte
- [action][crashlytics] remove deprecated/legacy action for uploading binaries (#19371) via Josh Holtz