Releases: rectorphp/rector
Releases · rectorphp/rector
Released Rector 2.0.10
New Features 🥳
- Add GitHub output formatter (#6747), Thanks @neilime!
- JUnit output format (#6726), Thanks @VitalyArt!
- [dx] warn about too high level configuration and suggets more efficient set (#6735)
Bugfixes 🐛
- [PhpParser] Re-add back get value from
(#6756) - [TypeDeclaration] Skip already typed param on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector (#6737)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip already typed param on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayMapRector (#6738)
- [Renaming] Handle crash on assign on for loop on RenameFunctionRector (#6730)
- [CodeQuality] Skip unused static methods in LocallyCalledStaticMethodToNonStaticRector, as should be handled by another rule (#6731)
- [Carbon] Fix refactor time to carbon to use ->getTimestamp() over ->timestamp (#6733)
- [TypeDeclaration] Unregister AddClosureParamTypeForArrayMapRector and AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector due to may read from docblock (#6727)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle crash on union intersection on AddClosureParamTypeForArrayReduceRector (#6729)
- [Privatization] Skip magic method on PrivatizeFinalClassMethodRector (#6734)
- [Php74] Skip property hook on RestoreDefaultNullToNullableTypePropertyRector (#6736)
- [Php53] Handle parentheses in else on TernaryToElvisRector (#6740)
- [Php81] Handle crash Class parent was not found on MyCLabsMethodCallToEnumConstRector (#6741)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash division by zero error on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#6743)
- fix(ValueObject): FileDiff first line number is below as expected (#6746), Thanks @neilime!
- [naming] Skip variadic params in RenameParamToMatchTypeRector to avoid single naming for multiple types (#6748)
- Do not try to refresh attributes (#6750), Thanks @lyrixx!
- [Php74] Skip with @var doc with more specific type on ClosureToArrowFunctionRector (#6753)
- [Php81] Skip property hook on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6758)
- [code-quality] Skip complex new instance with args assigns in InlineArrayReturnAssignRector (#6762)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash first class callable on InlineArrayReturnAssignRector (#6763)
- [dx] Remove 3 rules registered in both code quality and coding style levels, keep them in coding style level only (#6757)
- [Symfony] Add attribute routing with mix other annotation (#703)
- [code-quality] Add InlineClassRoutePrefixRector (#701)
- Do not change method if name does not need to change (#700), Thanks @carlos-granados
- [code-quality] Add attribute support (#702)
- [SYMFONY 5 & 6] Security add missing param (#699), Thanks @JohJohan
- [code-quality] Add GetRepositoryServiceLocatorToRepositoryServiceInjectionRector (#368)
- [NodeAnalyzer] Ensure mix annotation and attribute lookup finder on AttrinationFinder::findManyBy* (#367)
- Add AttrinationFinder::findManyBy() (#366)
- Orm querybuilder set parameters to collection (#326), Thanks @marcelthole
Released Rector 2.0.9
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Php81] Exclude Doctrine ODM MongoDB Document and EmbeddedDocument from ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6721), Thanks @mickverm!
- [PostRector] Handle with FQCN docblock on UnusedImportRemovingPostRector (#6722)
- Type hint array reduce closure (#6725), Thanks @peterfox!
- [PHPStan 2.1.3] Add ReflectionAttribute and ReflectionIntersectionType stub for PHPStan 2.1.3 (#6723)
Released Rector 2.0.8
New Features 🥳
- feat: add coding style levels (#6695), Thanks @carlos-granados!
Bugfixes 🐛
- [CodeQuality] Skip with comment inside on SimplifyIfElseToTernaryRector (#6683)
- [CodeQuality] Skip windows absolute path on AbsolutizeRequireAndIncludePathRector (#6684)
- [Strict] Handle in assign on BooleanInIfConditionRuleFixerRector (#6685)
- Replace ambiguous wrapped_with_brackets with existing attribute wrapped_in_parentheses (#6691)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Clean up wrap in parentheses check ReprintNodeVisitor (#6692)
- [Php80][TypeDeclaration] Fix crash on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector + ReturnNeverTypeRector (#6694)
- CodeClimate output format (#6697), Thanks @VitalyArt!
- Exclude node modules path (#6702), Thanks @vaishnavyogesh!
- Fix str_getcsv() escape argument on PHP 8.4 (#6704)
- [Php74] Handle crash curly based array on trait on CurlyToSquareBracketArrayStringRector (#6706)
- [Php73] Handle infinite cast on StringifyStrNeedlesRector (#6707)
- Clean up unused use (#6708)
- fix: NewlineBeforeNewAssignSetRector variable as same name like property (#6705), Thanks @guideloince!
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip override trait method on StrictStringParamConcatRector (#6711)
- [Test] Clean up test on WorkerCommandLineFactoryTest (#6714)
- [DX] Move isWindows() method from AbstractRectorTestCase to AbstractLazyTestCase (#6715)
- [Performance] Use exactly equal or append / file path check on RealpathMatcher (#6716)
- [TypeDeclaration] Allow union with closure type on property on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6717)
- [DeadCode] Skip union falsy mixed on trait on RecastingRemovalRector (#6718)
- Skip hexa chars in EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector (#6719)
- [CodingStyle] Rename method: containsASCIIChar to containsControlASCIIChar on EncapsedStringsToSprintfRector (#6720)
Released Rector 2.0.7
New Features 🥳
- Add
method (#6515), Thanks @ghostwriter! - feature: replace MyCLabs Enum constructor call (#6588), Thanks @carlosvinicius!
Bugfixes 🐛
- [type-declaration] Add typed property, if traits do not duplicate the property (#6663)
- [removing] Add interface support to RemoveInterfaceRector (#6681)
- fix: add Symfony support as a composer-based option (#6673), Thanks @ayedbelsem!
- [CodeQuality] Handle on assign on FlipTypeControlToUseExclusiveTypeRector (#6653)
- [Performance] Early return FullyQualifiedObjectType on FQCN on ObjectTypeSpecifier (#6658)
- [CodeQuality] Skip indirect return on SimplifyIfReturnBoolRector (#6660)
- [Php83] Handle concat in first argument on CombineHostPortLdapUriRector (#6661)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip unset by trait on TypedPropertyFromStrictConstructorRector (#6664)
- [Renaming] Skip used by trait as property promotion on RenamePropertyToMatchTypeRector (#6665)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip changed by ref from trait on TypedPropertyFromStrictConstructorRector (#6666)
- [CodeQuality] Handle with assign missing parentheses on ExplicitBoolCompareRector (#6668)
- use ->ignoreVCSIgnored() on RectorConfigBuilder::withRootFiles() over custom logic (#6669)
- [BetterPhpDocParser] Check for closing brace in text content (#8977) (#6670), Thanks @andrewnicols!
- [AutoImport] Handle FQCN with sub namespace (#6672)
- [BetterPhpDocParser] Use str_contains() for DoctrineAnnotationDecorator (#6671) (#6674), Thanks @andrewnicols!
- [AutoImport] Handle inner with sub namespace on auto import (#6679)
- [DeadCode] Skip dynamic name on RemoveParentCallWithoutParentRector (#6659)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- Back to require-dev rector-src:dev-main (#697)
- Update GetBySymfonyStringToConstructorInjectionRector fixture test to cover rector-srv:tv-readonly-add-ctor (#696)
rectorphp/rector-doctrine 🟠
- [ORM-300] add missing rename class (#365), Thanks @JohJohan
- [ORM-28] add missing sets list for ORM-28 (#364), Thanks @JohJohan
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [PHPUnit 10] Register PropertyExistsWithoutAssertRector to phpunit100.php (#443)
- Added testcase to demonstrate rector#8977 (#440), Thanks @andrewnicols
- [PHPUnit10] Replace deleted PHPUnit methods (#438), Thanks @66Ton99
Released: Rector 2.0.6
New Features 🥳
- [dx] Add --only-suffix to filter files by suffixes (#6647)
- [DeadCode] Add ReplaceBlockToItsStmtsRector (#6641)
- [DeadCode] Add RemoveUselessAssignFromPropertyPromotionRector (#6643)
- Add readonly by default on new promoted property (#6650)
- Use autowired method if exists in adding new dependency (#6652)
Bugfixes 🐛
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash inside block statement with unreachable statement on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6640)
- [DX] Use Param->isPromoted() over param->flags !== 0 check on promotion property check (#6646)
- [Php80] Keep numeric string, string "true", "false" as is on StringAnnotationToAttributeMapper (#6610)
- [PHPStan ^2.1.1] Handle next unreachable statement via UnreachableStatementNode->getNextUnreachableStatements() (#6642)
Removed 💀
- [Parser] Remove SmartPhpParserFactory and SmartPhpParser (#6651)
Released: Rector 2.0.5
This release support PHP-Parser 5.4.0 and PHPStan 2.1.0
- Bump to PHP-Parser ^5.4.0 with use patches fix-patch-php-parser-54 patches (#6637)
- Bump to PHPStan ^2.1.0 (#6639)
- [DeadCode] Allow remove useless @ var on typed class constant as well on RemoveUselessVarTagRector (#6633)
Removed 💀
- Remove unused AssignVariableNameResolverInterface instances (#6631)
Bugfixes 🐛
Released Rector 2.0.4
New Features 🥳
- [PHP 8.0] Add lcfirst annotation to attribute support (#6577)
- Add multiline comment fixture (#6580)
- [TypeDeclaration] Add param type to array map closure (#6377), Thanks @peterfox!
- [deprecation] Add message about deprecated MixedTypeRector rule, Remove deprecated SetListInterface as no longer used (#6590)
- [Php81][php82] Add AttributeGroupNewLiner to make new line based on token on ReadOnlyPropertyRector and ReadOnlyClassRector (#6618)
- [Php84] Add rule for RoundingMode enum (#6369), Thanks @jorgsowa!
Bugfixes 🐛
- [dx] polyfill sets is running out of the box in php sets (#6591)
- [phpstan] Fix var assumed ignored errors (#6571)
- [phpstan] fix next ingored errors (#6572)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on property hook on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6575)
- [PHP 8.0] Make AnnotationToAttributeRector return after 1st newline without slash (#6578)
- [Php80] Fix end slash regex on AttributeValueResolver (#6579)
- Fix annotation on doctrine one (#6582)
- [Comments] Move left over clean empty doc handling to DocBlockUpdater (#6584)
- fix: replace getKey method for name property (#6583), Thanks @carlosvinicius!
- fix: replace getKey/getValue methods when enum is a variable (#6585), Thanks @carlosvinicius!
- [Php80] Handle comment multi line on AttributeValueResolver (#6586)
- [Php80] Use more proper check for doc comment multi lines on AttributeValueResolver (#6587)
- [Php80] Handle value as argument with keep description as comment on AttributeValueResolver (#6589)
- ✨
now apply rector for dotfiles too (#6592), Thanks @andrew-demb! - 📦 Ignore
because this is not PHP file (#6594), Thanks @andrew-demb! - [Php81] Skip reassign on array destruct on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6596)
- [Php80] Handle crash on multi next stmts on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6597)
- [CodingStyle] Handle crash on pass args on CallUserFuncToMethodCallRector (#6598)
- [Php81] Skip with next required on NewInInitializerRector (#6599)
- Move FunctionLike reindex under StmtsAwareInterface on NodeAttributeReIndexer (#6605)
- [DeadCode] Skip value variable used in throw stmts in catch on UnusedForeachValueToArrayKeysRector (#6607)
- Revert "[Php80] Keep numeric string as is on StringAnnotationToAttributeMappe…" (#6609)
- [Php54] Use token base replace on LongArrayToShortArrayRector (#6616)
- [Performance] Only register WrappedNodeRestoringNodeVisitor() when there is found AlwaysRememberedExpr or Match_ node on processNodes() (#6620)
- [Fix] Renamed gzwrites (undefined function) to gzwrite (#6622), Thanks @Vqcheslav!
- [FunctionLike] Skip return by ref with switch on SimplifyUselessVariableRector (#6623)
- Rollback SimpleCallableNodeTraverser usage on ByRefReturnNodeVisitor (#6624)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip assign on while cond on WhileNullableToInstanceofRector (#6628)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip assign in if condition on BinaryOpNullableToInstanceofRector (#6629)
- Clean up ignore phpstan errors (#6630)
- [DeadCode] Skip @return positive-int|0 on RemoveUselessReturnTagRector (#6576)
- [DeadCode] Skip key variable used in throw stmts in catch on RemoveUnusedForeachKeyRector (#6606)
Removed 💀
Released Rector 2.0
Rector 2.0 is here 🥳
The main purpose of this release is performance improvements, thanks to modern dependencies:
- php-parser 4.x to 5.0
- PHPStan 1.x to 2.0
- and min PHP version 7.2 to 7.4 because of dependencies above
We've managed to fit in couple cool features: 5 New Features in Rector 2.0
For custom rules writers, see upgrading guide. The rest of upgrade is straighforward 🎉
To celebrate the upgrade, we're also modernized our logo! 🤩
New Features and Improvements 🎉
- Add "--only" option to process only a single rule (#6441), Thanks @cweiske!
- [DX] Add version-based set loading based on installed package version (#6428)
- [dx] enable polyfills by default when PHP is on, to make config simpler (#6433)
- [dx] enable all attributes, if none are selected to streamline config (#6451)
- feat: add the option to use the annotation value as an argument to the attribute (#6468), Thanks @carlos-granados!
- feat: add Behat annotations to attributes set (#6510), Thanks @carlos-granados!
Deprecated and Removed 💀
- [deprecation] Deprecate AbstractScopeAwareRector in favor of single AbstractRector (#6425)
- [deprecation] Deprecate MixedTypeRector, to avoid mixed type filled blindly, use type declaration set instead (#6434)
- [docs] getRuleDefinition() no longer required for custom rules (#6440)
- [deprecation] Remove deprecated
, cleanup deprecatedSetListInterface
(#6424) - [deprecated] Remove deprecated
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Php80] Returns null on no change on ClassPropertyAssignToConstructorPromotionRector (#6418)
- [attributes] Make sure the target attribute class exists (#6454)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip test methods with exception in ReturnNeverTypeRector, [php74] Skip conditinal assign in RestoreDefaultNullToNullableTypePropertyRector as most likely desired to assign or fail (#6430)
- Support php-64bit as required in composer.json (#6432), Thanks @hans-thomas!
- [dx] Allow external rules without getRuleDefinition() to make them easier to write (#6438)
- [fix] class phpdoc generic method (#6439), Thanks @lammafish!
- Fix RemoveDoubleAssignRector in case of method call (#6442)
- Upgrade to PHPParser 5 and PHPStan 2 (#6431)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on return array constant on ExplicitReturnNullRector (#6458)
- [Php80] Handle crash single quoted doctrine on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#6459)
- [Php71] Skip already array destruct on ListToArrayDestructRector (#6460)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip mixed as on right of and on ParamTypeByMethodCallTypeRector (#6401)
- [Renaming] Fix space on union docblock during rename on RenameClassRector (#6463)
- [CodeQuality] Skip used by array callable on LocallyCalledStaticMethodToNonStaticRector (#6473)
- [CodeQuality] Skip compare nullable object on UseIdenticalOverEqualWithSameTypeRector (#6474)
- Use Type->getIterableValueType() over ArrayType-> getItemType() (#6479), Thanks @staabm!
- [DeadCode] Allow remove assign variable with next method call on RemoveDoubleAssignRector (#6443)
- [DeadCode] Handle InterpolatedStringPart crash on RemoveUnusedForeachKeyRector (#6457)
- [DeadCode] Skip used by get_object_vars() when implements JsonSerializable on RemoveUnusedPromotedPropertyRector (#6472)
- [DeadCode] Handle crash on valid conditional type on RemoveUselessReturnTagRector (#6475)
- Use Type->getIterableKeyType() over ArrayType->getKeyType() (#6480), Thanks @staabm!
- Update developing with docker: Fix php version to 8.2. (#6490), Thanks @uncaught!
- [Renaming] Handle docblock aliased rename on RenameClassR* [Php81] Allow not readonly property on API Platform api resource (#6531), Thanks @alexndlm!
ector (#6498) - [CodeQuality][Renaming] Handle DynamicDocBlockPropertyToNativePropertyRector+RenameClassRector with aliased name (#6506)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip with default value and assigned mixed on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6514)
- [Php80] Mirror comments on assign on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6516)
- [Php70] Handle parent method call on Php4ConstructorRector (#6519)
- [Php70] Do not replace if method call if method exists in current class on call same method with parent on Php4ConstructorRector (#6520)
- [PostRector] Keep first comment before first Use_ on UnusedImportRemovingPostRector (#6522)
- [Php81] Allow not readonly property on API Platform api resource (#6531), Thanks @alexndlm!
- [Php81] Skip by ref param on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6532)
- [Php70] Handle ArrayDimFetch on WrapVariableVariableNameInCurlyBracesRector (#6533)
- Fix fixture end
fixture on NestedAnnotationToAttributeRector (#6537) - [Php80] Handle mix quote single and double on AnnotationToAttributeRector (#6538)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on yield from on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6545)
- Fix str_contains() never returns 0 (#6546)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on unary minums on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6547)
- [CodeQuality] Handle crash on assign ref on OptionalParametersAfterRequiredRector (#6551)
- [Attributes] Cover slash newline in AnnotationToAttributeRector with values (#6557)
- [TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector] Handle parse_url() native function with second arg on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6562)
- [TypeDeclaration] Handle default value with contant type on TypedPropertyFromAssignsRector (#6563)
- [NodeTypeResolver] Handle namespaced function call name on NodeTypeResolver (#6564)
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- Fill listener method name, based on kernel.x event name in EventListenerToEventSubscriberRectory (#694)
- [scoped] Fix scoped prefixed UrlGeneratorInterface on RedirectToRouteRector (#692)
- [DependencyInjection] Add
(#688) - [DependencyInjection] Add
(#687) - [DependencyInjection] Extract
to make migration smoother (#686) - [DependencyInjection] Extract
to make migration smoother (#685) - [Symfony 7.2] Add SetList (#684), Thanks @alamirault
- Upgrade deprecated ScopeAware to AbstractRector (#680)
- Fix twig 2.40 set to 2.4 (#678)
Released Rector 1.2.10
New Features 🥳
- [PHP8.3] add new rectors for get_class()/get_parent_class() without arguments (#6405), Thanks @cabbey!
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fix ClassDependencyManipulator to add dependency on right position (#6413)
- [Php81] Skip Doctrine Embeddable on ReadOnlyPropertyRector (#6411)
- [Privatization] Skip with parameter on PrivatizeLocalGetterToPropertyRector (#6412)
Removed 💀
- [DeadCode] Skip nullable @ template on RemoveUselessReturnTagRector (#6409)
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [PHPUnit 10] Skip with Magic __get() on AssertIssetToAssertObjectHasPropertyRector (#403)
- [CodeQuality] Add
(#402) - [CodeQuality] Add
(#401) - [CodeQuality] Skip used by trait and multiple props on NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#400)
- Skip property with default value in NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#398)
- [CodeQuality] Add
(#397) - Add count() support to
(#395) - Add enum/const fetch support to AssertEqualsToSameRector (#394)
- skip static property in NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#393)
Released Rector 1.2.9
Bugfixes 🐛
- [Strict] Using in_array() on CallLike instead of double call on Strict Rules (#6388)
- [CodeQuality] Handle If cond as assign on ExplicitBoolCompareRector (#6389)
- [CodeQuality] Skip append non empty array on ForeachItemsAssignToEmptyArrayToAssignRector (#6390)
- [Php80] Mirror return comment on ChangeSwitchToMatchRector (#6394)
- [TypeDeclaration] Skip union intersection types on php 8.1, allow on php 8.2+ (#6395)
- [Php80] Skip @template T as mixed on MixedTypeRector (#6399)
- [DeadCode] Check TemplateType instance check on Dead*TagValueNodeAnalyzer (#6400)
- [CodeQuality] Skip multiple lines on JoinStringConcatRector (#6404)
- [CodingStyle] Skip equal modifier on direct parent method compatible on MakeInheritedMethodVisibilitySameAsParentRector (#6406)
Removed 💀
- [DeadCode] Handle consecutive equal case stmts on RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector (#6392)
- [DeadCode] Handle handle consecutive equal with jump different case on RemoveDuplicatedCaseInSwitchRector (#6393)
- [DeadCode] Skip @template tag on RemoveUselessVarTagRector (#6396)
- [DeadCode] Support multiple templates in RemoveUselessVarTagRector (#6402), Thanks @dragosprotung!
rectorphp/rector-symfony 🎵
- [CodeQuality] Skip Request param used by caller method on RemoveUnusedRequestParamRector (#675)
- Better note highlighting (#674), Thanks @OskarStark
- remove extra character (#673), Thanks @IndraGunawan
rectorphp/rector-phpunit 🟢
- [code-quality] Add NarrowUnusedSetUpDefinedPropertyRector (#388)
- Add enum/const fetch support to AssertEqualsToSameRector (#394)
- Add count() support to AssertCompareOnCountableWithMethodToAssertCountRector (#395)
- [AnnotationsToAttribute] Skip not in test on AnnotationWithValueToAttributeRector (#387)
- Add ReplaceTestFunctionPrefixWithAttributeRector (#386), Thanks @blackwolf12333