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Configuring Sonarr

thomst08 edited this page Feb 1, 2024 · 7 revisions

Configuring Sonarr

Sonarr can be used as a download client for TV Shows.

Connecting Requestrr to Sonarr

#1 Find your Sonarr version

To find your Sonarr version, open Sonarr and go to System->Status->About. Keep Sonarr open in your browser. This is important as Requestrr needs to know what version it is communicating with. The correct version will need to be selected in the "TV Show" section of Requestrr.

Note: Version 4 or higher is recommend.

#2 Copy your Sonarr API key

On Sonarr, go to Settings->General, then copy the API key, you can click on the copy icon to quickly copy the key.

#3 Paste in your Sonarr API key

Open up Requestrrs web portal if not already open, go to "TV Shows" on the left-hand side and make sure your "Download Client" is set to "Sonarr". Once done, paste the API key into the "API Key" field.

#4 Enter your Sonarr Servers IP

Enter the host or IP address for Sonarr Server (without the http://).
Note: If you are using Requestrr in a docker container, any localhost addresses will not work, you should use your servers local IP address in this situation (e.g.

#5 Enter Sonarr base URL

If you use a base URL for Sonarr, you will need to specify this in Requestrr. To find this setting in Sonarr, go into Settings->General

Go back into your Requestrr window and make sure that the base url is exactly the same in Requestrr as it is in Sonarr. This setting can be blank if this is not used.

#6 Test your Settings

Now click on the Test Settings button, it should say that everything is good

If not, then the error message will tell you what to do.

#7 Load your Sonarr Media Settings

By default, Requestrr will have one category for TV Shows, you can edit this category and change the default settings for when a user requests a TV Show, such as the location where the movie is stored.
If you would like multiple categories to store shows, you can edit/add new categories here. Click the "Edit" button and edit each option for this category, you might need to click the load button next to a drop-down before all the options are ready.

#8 Save your Settings

Click on the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page to save the work we've done so far.

That's it, the bot should now be correctly connected to Sonarr!

Configuring Extra Settings

Automatically monitor newly added tv shows

This setting only affects the TV Show monitored status, the seasons will always be set be monitored in Sonarr.

Enabling this setting will automatically set requested tv shows as monitored in Sonarr, meaning that eventually Sonarr will automatically pick them up when new releases become available.

Automatically search for episodes when a request is made

Enabling this setting will automatically search for missing episodes within a request so that they can be downloaded immediately.

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