Releases: bobluppes/graaf
Releases · bobluppes/graaf
Fix: unexpected move when adding vertices and edges #186
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
What's Changed
Exciting New Features 🎉
- Adding new utils header containing "get_transposed_graph" function by @toadkarter in #136
- [ALGO]Bron-Kerbosch with pivoting by @Hromz in #139
- Feat : Added Welsh-Powell graph coloring algorithm by @GouraV-Chatterjee in #118
- [ALGO] Kosaraju's Algorithm by @toadkarter in #141
Documentation changes
- fixed formatting in readme and changed the order to alphabetical by @dollarboysushil in #110
- Updated by @LinhNguyenLe2109 in #122
- [TEST] Scenarios for fully connected and disconnected graphs by @joweich in #120
- added environment set up link by @LinhNguyenLe2109 in #138
- Feat : Added Documentation for Welsh Powell Algorithm by @GouraV-Chatterjee in #152
- Fixed broken image in by @tvermaashutosh in #156
- Docs/corrections by @mdhvg in #154
Other changes
- add stale workflow by @bobluppes in #132
- [TEST] Extract common test fixtures by @joweich in #124
New Contributors
- @dollarboysushil made their first contribution in #110
- @LinhNguyenLe2109 made their first contribution in #122
- @toadkarter made their first contribution in #136
- @GouraV-Chatterjee made their first contribution in #118
- @tvermaashutosh made their first contribution in #156
- @mdhvg made their first contribution in #154
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- breaking-change: Separate concerns weightedness and directedness by @bobluppes in #48
- breaking-change: Expose algorith names to interface by @bobluppes in #50
- breaking-change: Report traversed edges instead of vertices by @bobluppes in #64
- breaking-change: Re-use graph traversal in bfs_shortest_path by @bobluppes in #65
Exciting New Features 🎉
- feat: Shortest path for weighted graph by @joweich in #38
- DFS cycle detection by @Hromz in #42
- [ALGO] Dijkstra Shortest Path (Tree Version) (#54) by @joweich in #62
- Enhancement: Catch negative edge weights in dijkstra by @joweich in #67
- Enhancement: Catch negative edge weights in tree-version dijkstra by @joweich in #71
- Bellman-Ford without negative weight cycle detection by @ndcroos in #68
- Work on Tarjan's SCC algorithm by @ndcroos in #78
- Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree by @Hromz in #82
- Work on a_star_search by @ndcroos in #84
- Topological Sorting by @Hromz in #93
- Work on greedy graph coloring. by @ndcroos in #94
- DOCS DFS cycle detection by @Hromz in #96
- Added the negative cycle detection in bellman ford by @unbalancedvariance in #97
- Floyd-Warshall algorithm by @Hromz in #98
- feat: Prims MST by @bobluppes in #103
Documentation changes
- docs: Improve examples and algorithms in readme by @bobluppes in #40
- docs: add documentation for BFS (#56) by @MichaeINeumann in #73
- Doc (dfs) add documentation for DFS (#57) by @MichaeINeumann in #80
- Docs for BFS-based shortest path search by @joweich in #86
Other changes
- Refactor path reconstruction for shortest path by @joweich in #43
- perf: Add google benchmark by @bobluppes in #44
- perf: perfect forwarding by @bobluppes in #45
- tooling: Benchmark visualization script by @bobluppes in #46
- add dockerFile && Dockerignore by @misarb in #74
- refactor: Remove usage of fmt in library #72 by @MichaeINeumann in #81
- [TOOL] Add Dependabot for GitHub actions by @joweich in #99
- Add cmake options for enabling and disabling builds by @kotaweav in #79
- refactor: algorithm directory structure by @bobluppes in #105
New Contributors
- @Hromz made their first contribution in #42
- @ndcroos made their first contribution in #68
- @MichaeINeumann made their first contribution in #73
- @unbalancedvariance made their first contribution in #97
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #101
- @kotaweav made their first contribution in #79
Full Changelog: v0.2.0-beta...v1.0.0
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- feat: Add support for weighted edges by @bobluppes in #31
- Remove unweighted graph spec by @bobluppes in #35
Exciting New Features 🎉
Documentation changes
- docs: Switch from doxygen to docusaurus by @bobluppes in #30
- docs: added sidebar for examples by @bobluppes in #32
- Add README to documentation by @vrii14 in #36
Other changes
- tooling: Added CI step to verify documentation by @bobluppes in #34
- tooling: Added clang support by @bobluppes in #37
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-beta...v0.2.0-beta
New Contributors
- @bobluppes made their first contribution in #1
- @Relm-Arrowny made their first contribution in #14
- @misarb made their first contribution in #12
- @joweich made their first contribution in #18
Full Changelog: