Releases: opencontainers/image-spec
This release was voted on by the maintainers and PASSED (+5 -0 #2), to mitigate the CVE-2021-41190 advisory.
This release is rebased directly on the prior tagged release (not including the commits that have occurred on main). Corresponding commits have been added to main, such that main is ready for a future next release.
Vote PASSED (+6 -0 #1)
Full changeset since rc7: v1.0.0-rc7...v1.0.0
Release PR: #710
Vote PASSED [+7 -0 #0]
There have been 22 PRs merged since RC6 (#708 has the list)
vote concluded:
(+7 -0 #0)
PRs merged since rc5:
#672 stevvooe/remove-features-field
#680 wking/spdx-license-expressions
#678 vbatts/annotations_cleanup_1
#656 AkihiroSuda/optional-blob
#679 xiekeyang/bad-link
#676 stevvooe/label-schema-compatibility-table
#650 AkihiroSuda/platform-variant
#677 AkihiroSuda/fix-typo
#674 Mashimiao/consistent-filesystem
#667 AkihiroSuda/sha256-chars
#668 wking/supported-to-registered
#666 stevvooe/digest-examples-typo
#673 Mashimiao/config-typo-sentence-fix
#669 Mashimiao/config-small-fix
#670 Mashimiao/manifest-fix-broken-link
#663 Mashimiao/descriptor-fix-link
#664 Mashimiao/layer-fix-link
#654 stevvooe/future-proof-digest-constraints
#634 stevvooe/restrict-references
#649 qianzhangxa/master
#609 jonboulle/algorithms
#653 AkihiroSuda/lint-deadline
#660 mattspencer-arm/master
#636 stevvooe/extend-image-schema-annotations
#647 wking/not-recommended
#646 coolljt0725/one_or_more
#645 mikebrow/remove-duplicate-REQUIREMENTS
#583 coolljt0725/required
#644 wking/spec-index-one-or-more
#641 jonboulle/master
#642 wking/redundant-optional
#640 wking/meetbot-minute-archives
#639 vbatts/label-to-annotation-ref
#621 erikh/rewrite-spec-links
#613 erikh/considerations-rewrite
#620 stevvooe/unify-descriptor-type
#484 q384566678/json-test
#624 erikh/patch-2
#625 vishvananda/master
#633 lucab/ups/created-pointer
#629 q384566678/fix-config-must
#630 erikh/patch-4
#628 q384566678/fix-typo
#623 vbatts/pandoc_src-fix
#617 stevvooe/correct-field-type
#616 wking/pullapprove-v2
#610 xiekeyang/oci-layout
#612 erikh/annotations-cleanup
#604 vbatts/update_faq
#611 jonboulle/master
#614 erikh/should
#608 jonboulle/master
#594 vbatts/oci-layout-schema
#606 stevvooe/namespace-image-annotations
#605 wking/cleanup-fs.go
#607 q384566678/plat-omit
#579 xiekeyang/bugfix-oci-layout
#602 vbatts/implementations
#601 wking/descriptor-valid-url-test
#595 wking/duplicate-rfc1952-references
#540 wking/install-esc
#567 q384566678/urls-ompt
#545 vbatts/html_img
#538 wking/schema-fs-include
#597 vbatts/fix_596
#569 q384566678/platform-test
#539 wking/annotations-does-not-permit-null
#592 coolljt0725/fix_link_martix
#586 stevvooe/chainid-specification
#580 q384566678/descr-test
#578 stevvooe/remove-stutter
#585 jonboulle/master
#550 wking/gzip-fixup-for-backwards-compat
#587 wking/sha256-algo
#576 q384566678/ele-json
#566 vbatts/bump-version
#544 runcom/stop-signal
#568 q384566678/dle-json
#548 q384566678/validate-layers
Vote concluded:
Vote PASSED (+7 -0 #0)
Changesets since rc4:
90c67b0 Merge pull request #575 from coolljt0725/fix_ref
e0f3d4b Merge pull request #574 from wking/auxilary-typo
a125828 Merge pull request #546 from vbatts/manifest-list-rename
2a0114e Merge pull request #571 from vbatts/makefile_default_target
a651ad6 Merge pull request #572 from coolljt0725/fix_typo
bba6ed8 Merge pull request #551 from stevvooe/annotations-field-on-descriptor
5ef499e Merge pull request #563 from xiekeyang/compatibility-test
c91797c Merge pull request #564 from xiekeyang/config-schema
c16fa01 Merge pull request #519 from coolljt0725/validate_layout
87410cf Merge pull request #565 from vbatts/fixup_pr533
df12019 Merge pull request #559 from vbatts/carry_pr497
e4c7ecd Merge pull request #561 from wking/no-refs-catchup
145870b Merge pull request #555 from q384566678/fix-info
27d549a Merge pull request #533 from vbatts/manifest-list-index
fec6ea3 Merge pull request #556 from mikebrow/linkfixes
This milestone has had 45 changesets merged since v1.0.0-rc3.
The dust is mostly settled, and we're getting closer to a v1 final.
This release is beginning the settling of dust for the v1 release. That is not to say there may not be breaking changes between now and the final v1, but they will be reviewed for strictest necessity and adhering to compatibility with the Docker format that this spec was drawn from.