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INAV 8.0.0 RC2

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@mmosca mmosca released this 05 Dec 13:45
· 190 commits to master since this release

INAV 8.0.0 RC1 Gallant Goshawk

Hello and welcome to INAV 8.0.0 "Gallant Goshawk"

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

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Important Notes

INAV 8 no longer includes F411 targets as part of the official release.

GPS: UBLOX7 and UBLOX have been merged into a single UBLOX option, and units with older firmware are now deprecated. Only M8 and newer will be supported in the future.

Make sure to remove props and check your motor and servo outputs before powering your upgraded flight controller with a battery for the first time. The changes to enable flexible motor and servo allocation may change what outputs your configuration uses by default.

Known Issues in 8.0 RC2

  • None, but let us know if you find something. ;)



The Geozone feature allows pilots to define one or multiple areas on the map in Mission Control, to prevent accidental flying outside of allowed zones (Flight-Zones, FZ) or to avoid certain areas they are not allowed or not willing to fly in (No-Flight-Zone, NFZ). This type of feature might be known to many pilots as a "Geofence" and despite providing the same core functionality, INAV Geozones are significantly more versatile and provide more safety and features. Read the Documentation for more info
IMPORTANT: Geozones will not be available for STM32F722 based Flight Controllers due to insufficient flash storage.

GPS Fix estimation (dead reckoning, RTH without GPS fix) for Airplanes

This new feature allows INAV to return to its launch location, in case of a failed GPS due to hardware failure or interference. INAV will use the remaining sensors and the already calculated wind speed and direction, to blindly return towards the home location. For this feature, no extra sensors are strictly necessary, aside from the standard Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Barometer, but its highly recommended to have a compass and for best precision, to also have an Airspeed sensor. The feature will not be able to precisely return to the pilot, but it allows the Aircraft to either get out of an area with interferences, or to give the pilot time and a chance to regain control for a manual return, when the aircraft is closer. Details here


A new MSP Message that allows RC links that communicate with the Flight controller via MSP, to provide Link Information to INAV like LQ, RSSI, Power Level, SNR and more. The first RC Link to support this is the mLRS Project with more possibly coming in the future. Details here


MSP-VTX has been updated by @geoffsim to increase compatibility with HDZero vtxs.

Mavlink Advancement for MavlinkRC

The previously simple Mavlink Telemetry was extended to be compatible with flow control capable links (Thanks @MUSTARDTIGERFPV). This now allows RC Control via Mavlink and Telemetry at the same time over a Single UART. It is tested successfully with ELRS Mavlink-RC and mLRS Mavlink. Additionally it allows the Use of Mission Planner, QGroundControl and potentially other GCS Applications to be used for Flight Monitoring with INAV.
Note: To receive RSSI and LQ for ELRS Mavlink-RC you need to set mavlink_radio_type=ELRS in the CLI. Details here

Walksnail Serial Gimbal and Headtracker support

INAV now also supports the Caddx / Walksnail GM Series Gimbals. These can now be controlled via a dedicated uart UART or via MSP and don't need up to 3 PWM Outputs anymore. This enables the direct Gimbal Control via Head Tracking from Walksnail goggles, without additional wiring. Details Here

OSD Updates

  • Users can change the precision (amount of decimal places) for Altitude and Distance #10431
  • Enhancements for Custom OSD Elements #10282
  • Update arming screen for better space utilisation #10300
  • OSD system message improvements #10090
  • Better organisation of the post flight stats screen with more stats available #9617

ADSB Receiver Support

It is now possible to connect an ADSB receiver to your flight controller and get OSD Warnings if any ADSB enabled Aircraft, is close by. INAV Configurator can show these Aircraft on the map for additional safety of UAV flights. ADSB is supported for generally available receivers like uAvionix pingRX (not tested) and Aerobit TT-SC1 (tested) and should also work with the upcoming PicoADSB Details here

I-Term Lock for Fixed Wing

The Fixed Wing PIDFF Controller was reworked. The PIDs are now attenuated based in the amount of Setpoint (Stick deflection in Acro Mode) for a more "Manual" flight feel during aggressive inputs while keeping the locked in feel of a PID-Assisted flight. This allows the Pilot to have a PID tune with very high P and I values for a locked in flight feel, while keeping a good manual feeling of the plane's flight characteristics, especially when flying slow. Additionally the Attenuation fixes the Bounce-Back caused by the Integral of the PID controller, after sharp roll or pitch inputs. Details Here

U-Blox AssistNow Support in INAV Configurator

AssistNow is a Service that provides GPS Satellite information data for offline-applications, to dramatically increase the time to fix for GPS Devices. By Providing your own AssistNow Token, INAV Configurator can automatically download the latest data set and transfer it to any connected INAV UAV. With this, a GPS fix after cold start should merely take seconds instead of minutes. This is especially helpful for people who go fly with a big fleet of aircraft. Details here

Sensor ID change for SmartPort telemetry

The sensor IDs for the Modes and GNSS data have changed in SmartPort telemetry. The default settings in INAV are to now use the new sensor IDs. The INAV OpenTX-Telemetry-Widget has been updated to use these new IDs. So you will not see any issues when using the latest version of this widget. However, if you use another widget or app that uses the SmartPort telemetry. It is recommended to inform the creator of the app/widget, as the old sensor IDs will be removed in INAV 10.0.0. Details here

You can change INAV to use the old sensor IDs with the CLI parameter set frsky_use_legacy_gps_mode_sensor_ids = on. However, it is recommended to only use this only as long as necessary. This parameter will also be removed in INAV10.0.0.

Other important changes:

  • Multirotor inverted crash detection #10099
  • Waypoint tracking improvements #10278

Upgrading from a previous release

Upgrading from INAV 7.0 and 7.1

  1. Backup configuration with CLI diff all command
  2. Download and install the new INAV Configurator 8.0
  3. Flash INAV 8.0 WITH Full Chip Erase option enabled
  4. Select Keep current settings from the defaults pop-up
  5. Go to CLI and restore your 7.x diff
  6. Done

Diff breaking changes

Profile consolidation

The profile CLI command has been renamed to control_profile. When updating from an older version of INAV. You will need to edit your diff with this change. For example:

# profile
profile 1

set fw_p_pitch = 14
set fw_i_pitch = 5
set fw_d_pitch = 5
set fw_ff_pitch = 137

Will become

# profile
control_profile 1

set fw_p_pitch = 14
set fw_i_pitch = 5
set fw_d_pitch = 5
set fw_ff_pitch = 137

OSD Custom Elements

If you have previously used OSD Custom Elements. You will need to update the diff for these, so that they continue to work in the same way. The system has been expanded to allow the use of logic condition results and have more numerical variations. To keep your OSD Custom Elements working, you will need to change the element type IDs, if they are 4, 5, 6, or 7. The table below shows the old and new IDs.

Numeric format Old name Old ID New name New ID

Below, you can see the position of the IDs that you need to change if they are 4, 5, 6, or 7.

osd_custom_elements 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 "FLAPS"
                      ^   ^   ^

Upgrading from older versions

Please follow the instructions on this page.


New / Changed Items

Name Description
geozone Manages the geozone data set
control_profile profile has been renamed to control_profile

Changed Settings

Name Values
blackbox_device New: FILE (for SITL usage)
dynamic_gyro_notch_mode Removed: 3D_R, 3D_P, 3D_Y, 3D_RP, 3D_RY, 3D_PY
filter_type_full New: LULU
gps_dyn_model New: SEA, MOWER
gps_provider UBLOX7 has been removed. Use UBLOX; version specific capabilities will be auto-detected
rangefinder_hardware New: TERARANGER_EVO, USD1_V0, NRA
serial_rx New: SBUS2

New Settings

Name Description
disarm_always Disarms the motors independently of throttle value. Setting to OFF reverts to the old behaviour of disarming only when the throttle is low. Default: TRUE
ez_snappiness EzTune snappiness Values: 0 - 100 Default: 0
failsafe_gps_fix_estimation_delay Controls whether waypoint mission is allowed to proceed with gps fix estimation. Sets the time delay in seconds between gps fix lost event and RTH activation. Minimum delay is 7 seconds. If set to -1 the mission will continue until the end. With default setting(7), waypoint mission is aborted and switched to RTH with 7 seconds delay. RTH is done with GPS Fix estimation. Values: -1 - 600 Default: 7
frsky_use_legacy_gps_mode_sensor_ids S.Port telemetry: If ON, send the legacy telemetry IDs for modes (Tmp1) and GNSS (Tmp2). These are old IDs, deprecated, and will be removed in INAV 10.0. Tools and scripts using these IDs should be updated to use the new IDs of 470 for Modes and 480 for GNSS. Default: 'OFF' Default: FALSE
fw_iterm_lock_engage_threshold Defines error rate (in percents of max rate) when Iterm Lock is engaged when sticks are release. Iterm Lock will stay active until error drops below this number Values: 5 - 25 Default: 10
fw_iterm_lock_rate_threshold Defines rate percentage when full P I and D attenuation should happen. 100 disables Iterm Lock for P and D term Values: 10 - 100 Default: 40
fw_iterm_lock_time_max_ms Defines max time in milliseconds for how long ITerm Lock will shut down Iterm after sticks are release Values: 100 - 1000 Default: 500
geozone_avoid_altitude_range Altitude range in which an attempt is made to avoid a geozone upwards Values: 0 - 1000000 Default: 5000
geozone_detection_distance Distance from which a geozone is detected Values: 0 - 1000000 Default: 50000
geozone_mr_stop_distance Distance in which multirotors stops before the border Values: 0 - 100000 Default: 15000
geozone_no_way_home_action Action if RTH with active geozones is unable to calculate a course to home Default: RTH
geozone_safe_altitude_distance Vertical distance that must be maintained to the upper and lower limits of the zone. Values: 0 - 10000 Default: 1000
geozone_safehome_as_inclusive Treat nearest safehome as inclusive geozone Default: FALSE
geozone_safehome_zone_action Fence action for safehome zone Default: NONE
gimbal_pan_channel Gimbal pan rc channel index. 0 is no channel. Values: 0 - 32 Default: 0
gimbal_pan_trim Trim gimbal pan center position. Values: -500 - 500 Default: 0
gimbal_roll_channel Gimbal roll rc channel index. 0 is no channel. Values: 0 - 32 Default: 0
gimbal_roll_trim Trim gimbal roll center position. Values: -500 - 500 Default: 0
gimbal_sensitivity Gimbal sensitivity is similar to gain and will affect how quickly the gimbal will react. Values: -16 - 15 Default: 0
gimbal_serial_single_uart Gimbal serial and headtracker device share same UART. FC RX goes to headtracker device, FC TX goes to gimbal. Default: FALSE
gimbal_tilt_channel Gimbal tilt rc channel index. 0 is no channel. Values: 0 - 32 Default: 0
gimbal_tilt_trim Trim gimbal tilt center position. Values: -500 - 500 Default: 0
gyro_adaptive_filter_hpf_hz High pass filter cutoff frequency Values: 1 - 50 Default: 10
gyro_adaptive_filter_integrator_threshold_high High threshold for adaptive filter integrator Values: 1 - 10 Default: 4
gyro_adaptive_filter_integrator_threshold_low Low threshold for adaptive filter integrator Values: -10 - 0 Default: -2
gyro_adaptive_filter_max_hz Maximum frequency for adaptive filter Values: 0 - 505 Default: 150
gyro_adaptive_filter_min_hz Minimum frequency for adaptive filter Values: 0 - 250 Default: 50
gyro_adaptive_filter_std_lpf_hz Standard deviation low pass filter cutoff frequency Values: 0 - 10 Default: 2
gyro_adaptive_filter_target Target value for adaptive filter Values: 1 - 6 Default: 3.5
gyro_filter_mode Specifies the type of the software LPF of the gyro signals. Default: STATIC
gyro_lulu_enabled Enable/disable gyro LULU filter Default: FALSE
gyro_lulu_sample_count Gyro lulu sample count, in number of samples. Values: 1 - 15 Default: 3
headtracker_pan_ratio Head pan movement vs camera movement ratio Values: 0 - 5 Default: 1
headtracker_roll_ratio Head roll movement vs camera movement ratio Values: 0 - 5 Default: 1
headtracker_tilt_ratio Head tilt movement vs camera movement ratio Values: 0 - 5 Default: 1
headtracker_type Type of headtrackr dervice Default: NONE
inav_allow_gps_fix_estimation Defines if inav will estimate GPS fix with magnetometer and barometer on GPS outages. Enables navigation and RTH without GPS fix on fixed wing. Also see failsafe_gps_fix_estimation_delay. Default: FALSE
inav_default_alt_sensor Sets the default altitude sensor to use. Settings GPS and BARO always use both sensors unless there is an altitude error between the sensors that exceeds a set limit. In this case only the selected sensor will be used while the altitude error limit is exceeded. GPS error limit = 2 * inav_max_eph_epv. BARO error limit = 4 * inav_baro_epv. Settings GPS_ONLY and BARO_ONLY will use only the selected sensor even if the other sensor is working. The other sensor will only be used as a backup if the selected sensor is no longer available to use. Default: GPS
inav_w_z_baro_v Weight of barometer climb rate measurements in estimated climb rate. Setting is used on both airplanes and multirotors. Values: 0 - 10 Default: 0.1
mavlink_min_txbuffer Minimum percent of TX buffer space free, before attempting to transmit telemetry. Requuires RADIO_STATUS messages to be processed. 0 = always transmits. Values: 0 - 100 Default: 33
mavlink_radio_type Mavlink radio type. Affects how RSSI and LQ are reported on OSD. Default: GENERIC
nav_fw_alt_control_response Adjusts the deceleration response of fixed wing altitude control as the target altitude is approached. Decrease value to help avoid overshooting the target altitude. Values: 5 - 100 Default: 20
nav_fw_auto_climb_rate Maximum climb/descent rate that UAV is allowed to reach during navigation modes. [cm/s] Values: 10 - 2000 Default: 500
nav_fw_launch_wiggle_to_wake_idle Trigger the idle throttle by wiggling the plane. 0 = disabled. 1 and 2 signify 1 or 2 yaw wiggles to activate. 1 wiggle has a higher detection point, for airplanes without a tail. 2 wiggles has a lower detection point, but requires the repeated action. This is intended for larger models and airplanes with tails. Values: 0 - 2 Default: 0
nav_fw_manual_climb_rate Maximum climb/descent rate firmware is allowed when processing pilot input for ALTHOLD control mode [cm/s] Values: 10 - 2500 Default: 300
nav_mc_auto_climb_rate Maximum climb/descent rate that UAV is allowed to reach during navigation modes. [cm/s] Values: 10 - 2000 Default: 500
nav_mc_inverted_crash_detection Setting a value > 0 enables inverted crash detection for multirotors. It will auto disarm in situations where the multirotor has crashed inverted on the ground and can't be manually disarmed due to loss of control or for some other reason. When enabled this setting defines the additional number of seconds before disarm beyond a minimum fixed time delay of 3s. Requires a barometer to work. Values: 0 - 15 Default: 0
nav_mc_manual_climb_rate Maximum climb/descent rate firmware is allowed when processing pilot input for ALTHOLD control mode [cm/s] Values: 10 - 2000 Default: 200
osd_adsb_distance_alert Distance inside which ADSB data flashes for proximity warning Values: 1 - 64000 Default: 3000
osd_adsb_distance_warning Distance in meters of ADSB aircraft that is displayed Values: 1 - 64000 Default: 20000
osd_adsb_ignore_plane_above_me_limit Ignore adsb planes above, limit, 0 disabled (meters) Values: 0 - 64000 Default: 0
osd_decimals_altitude Number of decimals for the altitude displayed in the OSD [3-5]. Values: 3 - 5 Default: 3
osd_decimals_distance Number of decimals for distance displayed in the OSD [3-5]. This includes distance from home, total distance, and distance remaining. Values: 3 - 5 Default: 3
osd_estimations_wind_mps Wind speed estimation in m/s Default: FALSE
osd_highlight_djis_missing_font_symbols Show question marks where there is no symbol in the DJI font to represent the INAV OSD element's symbol. When off, blank spaces will be used. Only relevent for DJICOMPAT modes. Default: TRUE
osd_radar_peers_display_time Time in seconds to display next peer Values: 1 - 10 Default: 3
osd_stats_show_metric_efficiency Enabling this option will show metric efficiency statistics on the post flight stats screen. In addition to the efficiency statistics in your chosen units. Default: FALSE

Removed Settings

Name Description

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 7.1.2...8.0.0-RC2