update internal and external version names (af3ae09)
NTV-480: Migrate InternalBuildEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1612) (cd5d8a8)
NTV-483 :Migrate PushNotificationEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1622) (4b8ce8c)
NTV-479 :Migrate Activity.java Push model to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1618) (68a4f9b)
PAY-1521: Pledge Screen show localReceiptLocation UI (#1617) (9bbd295)
NTV-486: Migrate StarEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1615) (f22a70b)
PAY-1571: Rewards Carousel can display localReceiptLocation UI (#1614) (69b3fc8)
PAY-1524: Added new feature flag + updated Schema.json (#1613) (23e8eef)
NTV-493: Deprecate Autoparcel for PledgeData.kt (#1611) (ff0923b)
PAY-1420: Migrate to graphQL ShippingRules call (#1610) (f64876f)
- update versions after release (7ba3072)
NTV-494: Deprecate Autoparcel for ProjectData.kt (#1609) (e94c9c3)
NTV-485: Migrate ProjectsEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1607) (2ab183c)
NTV-487: Migrate UpdatesEnvelop.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1606) (58fd2fa)
NTV-478 Migrate CategoriesEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1605) (20b0634)
NTV-489 :Migrate NavigationDrawerData.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1604) (e3cd393)
NTV-469: Migrate PushTokenBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1602) (150c67e)
NTV-442 : Migrate ActivityEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1600) (ad47957)
NTV-491:Deprecate Autoparcel for StoredCard.kt (#1596) (79768db)
NTV-490: Migrate ActivityResult.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1603) (4741550)
NTV-488: Migrate DiscoveryFilterStyle.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1601) (767c4e0)
NTV-473: Migrate SettingsBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1599) (65d9137)
- update version code after relase (2c807fc)
NTV-482 :Migrate MessageThreadEnvelope.java and MessageThreadsEnvelope.java t… (#1595) (38777b1)
Hotfix for 3.1.0, it includes crashesh:
- https://console.firebase.google.com/u/1/project/android-external-release/crashlytics/app/android:com.kickstarter.kickstarter/issues/aa0ef93c85eb1d77a8010a90febcb62b?time=last-s (4dda18b)
- NTV-492 :Deprecate Autoparcel for EmailVerificationEnvelope.kt (#1597) (d281a46)
- update versions after release (8efdc46)
- NTV-466: Audio player (#1594) (65d3e4a)
- NTV-475: Migrate XauthBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1593) (0d41bea)
- NTV-476 :Migrate AccessTokenEnvelope.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1592) (2ba954b)
- NTV-474 :Migrate SignupBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1591) (0d366bd)
- NTV-472 : Migrate ResetPasswordBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1590) (bf35604)
- NTV-436: Migrate Reftag.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1589) (0ebfd7e)
- NTV-471 : Migrate RegisterWithFacebookBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1588) (f7250c9)
- NTV-468 :Migrate CheckoutData.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1586) (b300e43)
- NTV-443 : Migrate LoginWithFacebookBody.java to kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1585) (f4c12a9)
- NTV-465: Add audio parsing (#1584) (f4f4b59)
- NTV-437:Migrate RelativeDateTimeOptions to Kotlin and deprecate Autoparcel (#1580) (aff05bf)
- NTV-438: Deprecate autoparcel for checkout (#1583) (15f0ded)
- NTV-381: Migrate KSCurrency to kotlin and deprecate autoparcel (#1578) (db0be1d)