- Make builds work and abstract away architecture (#1)
- Improvements in vulnerability checking (#8)
- Fix the CVEs in the jetstream backend (#12)
- Fix backend unit tests (also code quality improvements) (#15)
- Theme Builder: Cast types (#16)
- Update required disk space (#17)
- Migrate to github.com/pressly/goose (#18)
- Move repository/interfaces to its own submodule: api (#19)
- Build and push base images on push to develop (#11)
- Add Helm support for local repos in desktop mode (#14)
- Fix dependency for database migrations (#20)
- Adapt cloudfoundry/stratos#4580: Update store references in core package to refer to @stratosui/store (#26)
- Fix database migrations by casting dialect correctly (#22)
- add Github Actions for Backend and Frontend Tests (#29)
- Add script to help with building as packages and fix devkit and package info
- Fix typo (#31)
- Code quality improvements via
(#24) - tidy up github action workflow for backend tests to resolve wrong golang version during tests (#32)
- Update to node v20 (#34)
- Remove sass-lint and stratos-protractor-reporter (#37)
- Apply changes from cloudfoundry/stratos#4583 (#33)
- Upgrade code.cloudfoundry.org/cli to v8 (#42)
- Cherry pick commit 69ac7dc from other branch; now works without any restrictions; original commit message: (#45)
- fix gogoproto related panic when retrieving logs upgrade github.com/cloudfoundry/noaa/consumer to 2.3.0 (#46)
- Fix frontend CVEs (#40)
- feat: add errorz package to combine errors as enum in there (#47)
- allow newer pgsql versions (#51)
This release includes a number of improvements and fixes, including updates to visible Kubernetes resource types, deploying applications from private Github/Gitlab repositories and a greatly improved home page.
- Show more kube resource types for a cluster #4823
- Add additional kube resources to Workload page #4831
- Deploy Applications from Enterprise GitHub and GitLab #4828
- Improve initial home page to show more meaningful data #4774
- Persist list settings over browser refresh & add reset button #4814
- Application logstreams incorrectly render unicode characters in the log. #4807
- No option to set an SSOWhitelist with helm deployments #4785
- Endpoint Registration: Advanced Client ID and Secret fields can be confusing #4767
- Clicking on a helm repo endpoint should automatically set it as a filter in chart list #4760
- Upgrade to Angular 10 #4725
- Add ability to favourite Kubernetes Namespaces #4651
- Helm chart: Cannot provide custom mariadb.port #4843
- Can't connect Stratos to a non-Stratos-Metrics Prometheus #4804
- UAA Setup UI does not accept client secret with # char #4789
- Password show/hide icon takes tab focus #4768
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Lists: Highlight filters that are set in the list header #4748
- Helm Chart List: Show which endpoint a chart comes from #4717
- Add new darker/lighter background colour to all textareas #4689
- Improve Helm Chart List Repo Filter #4655
- Improve password input fields to include a reveal button to view password #4219
- CF events list actee filter fails to show clear button #4747
- Stratos DB Migration fails on Postgres #4736
- Workload Summary: Shrinking the windows hides header content #4707
- Dyanmic sizing of endpoint cards in register endpoint stepper sometimes fails #4706
- Helm: Can't use a custom TLS secret when deploying Stratos #4704
- Helm Install: Errors can incorrectly show up as endpoint errors #4673
- Helm Install: Trim error message in snackbar #4672
- Icon font's show text before icon on slow loading instances #4668
- 'Are you logged in' dialog seen on logging out page #4468
This release contains a single fix relating to Single Sign On:
- SSO Auth Doesn't Work for Endpoints #4716
This release includes the new Kubernetes and Helm extensions. These have been donated to the Cloud Foundry Foundation by SUSE and with this release are now part of upstream Stratos.
Find out more about them on the Stratos web site: https://stratos.app.
Improvements and fixes in this release:
- Add Stratos Helm Repo to Artifact Hub #4645
- Kubernetes and Helm extensions added from downstream SUSE version #4619
- "Manage Roles By Username" icon isn't obviously the right place to add users to a space #4590
- Error filtering applications by org #4658
- API Keys should not be shown when persistence is disabled #4615
- Home Page CF App Favouriete card clips text #4613
- Can not push All-in-one docker image to Eirini #4612
- CF Service Instances Last Operation is bunched up #4605
- Cf Events List: Details Column Bugs #4600
- Service names aren't showing in an app's service screen #4577
Breaking Changes:
All-in-one Docker image no longer runs as the root user
The port used in the Docker All-in-one container image has been changed from 443 to 5443. If you run the container in Docker, you will need to change the port-forwarding option to forward port 5443 and not 443. The documentation has been updated to reflect this. If you push the image to Cloud Foundry, no change is required.
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Add support for API Keys #4504
- Register Endpoint: Reduce size of cards #4568
- Metrics view: Add "The last day" to time range selector #4516
- Sort endpoint table by type results in empty sort drop down in cf endpoints list #4565
- Endpoint unregister clears user sort & filter selection #4563
- Metrics: Metrics detail page can show two endpoint cards if URLs have trailing slash #4528
- Deploy from Gitlab: Repos in groups do not work #4153
- Deploy app from Github repo only shows branches from a-e in dropdown #3966
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Helm Deployment: Allow nginx protocols and ciphers to be configured via values #4512
- npm install can sometimes fail when symlinks from a previous Stratos version exist #4513
- Helm Deployment: Default nginx ciphers are too restrictive #4503
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Extensions: Allow typed access to store entities and their actions #4494
- Extensions: Remove the need for symlinks and improve the build process #4472
- Extensions: Allow Themes to be published and installed to/from npm #4471
- Extensions: Move to extensions and themes to be packages #4470
- Show service broker space scope information in service wall list #4458
- Client Secret is shown in the clear in the UI #4445
- Improve sizing of UI elements on desktop browsers #4419
- Theming: Allow more control over link and side navigation colors #4406
- Update to latest set of icons #4403
- Theming: Allow more control over page header colors and style #4396
- Helm Chart: Remove encryption volume #4351
- Improve app summary responsiveness #4348
- Improve UI for the case when we can't determine cf app deployment info #4347
- Change recent activity icon to avoid confusion with the refresh button #4346
- Helm Chart: Change default image pull policy to Always #4342
- Permissions: Org Managers: Disable org role checkboxes in roles stepper if not admin/org manager #4332
- Autoscaler: Add support for custom metrics #4298
- Add support for copying endpoint address in list view #4238
- Update to Angular 9 framework #4214
- Update docker logo in deploy app stepper #4133
- Helm Chart: Remove need for --recreate-pods when upgrading #4132
- Make permissions model extension friendly #3789
- User Favourites: Add icons to cards #3409
- Improve log out experience #2587
- Ensure
cf push
works from Windows #4465 - SSLMode is not respected for database connections #4434
- Visiting marketplace tab breaks service list #4397
- CF Application reports error after restage #4392
- Helm Chart: Icon is missing #4370
- Permissions: Users with no developer roles can click on create app button #4361
- Edit endpoint not available in table view #4349
- CF: Routes List: Filter by org breaks when user is an org auditor #4343
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to see add service instance buttons #4331
- Permissions: Only Space Developers should be able to change count, terminate or ssh to instances #4330
- App: Gitlab Tab: Fix console errors #4325
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to create/unbind/delete routes in app routes list #4324
- Permissions: Only Space Developers should be able to create/edit/delete an Autoscaler policy #4323
- Permissions: Only space developers should be able to see the app summary deployment card #4322
- Duplicated documentation between deploy/kubernetes and Helm Chart README.md #4315
- App Service Edit Binding: cancel of stepper results in leaked subscription #4295
- Exceptions thrown when navigating back from marketplace #4287
- Unbind services stepper fails to show bound services #4246
- Progress icon appears too close to right-hand size of table #4234
- Cancel/create in service instance stepper returns to incorrect locations #4052
- Exception thrown in setup steppers #3897
- Logout leaves the UI as is if the verify or logout call fails #2633
- Cf Build Packs: file name should wrap to next line if too long #1803
Breaking Changes:
Customizations in
are now npm packagesStratos customizations were previously in
and included in the build via symlinks. These customizations have now moved into local npm packages located in./src/frontend/packages
. For more details please see our customization documentation at./website/docs/extensions/introduction.md
. There you will also find instructions on migrating to npm packages and a tool to help automate most of the process. -
Kubernetes: Upgrade only possible from version 3.0.0 or later
When deploying into Kubernetes using Helm and upgrading from an earlier version of Stratos using
helm upgrade
, upgrade is only supported from version 3.0.0 or later. If you are using an earlier version, first upgrade to version 3.x before then upgrading to the latest version. -
Angular 9 requires extensions to be declared
Extension components must now be made known to the extensions system in the module that they are declared in, using
. Please check the documentation. This is required to ensure that the new Angular compiler for Ivy does not remove these components for being unreferenced in the application.
- Apply SSO allow-list to additional places #4318
- User Button Misaligned #4316
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- SSO_WHITELIST should be able to ignore path #4273
- Improve view that shows details for a metrics endpoint #4271
- Helm Chart: Add support for node selectors #4265
- Add documentation for list's 'max' feature, include info on 'fetch all' button #4259
- Backup Endpoints & Tokens #4228
- User profile is fetched on most page changes #4284
- Servicves Marketplace: Create service icon is incorrectly aligned #4280
- Deployment time does not show correctly in diagnostics when deployed with Helm 3 #4261
- Pushing app from Stratos can sometimes fail due to expired token #4253
- Helm: Chart fails to render if
section is missing, docs misleading #4248 - Profile: Disabling polling fails to disable polling #4244
- App Summary: Github tab: Row highlight of deployed commit is obscured #4243
- Data Inaccuracies in PCF #4237
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Update Feature Flags with new entries #4188
- Improve Application Deployment UI #4183
- Scalability: Improve handling of 'maxed' lists #4180
- Scalability: Add button to load maxed lists #4179
- Scalability: Improve scaling of service instances #4162
- Scalability: Improve scaling of users and organisations #4156
- Local Admin User: Auto-login user if they have just set up account #4135
- Add support for showing Gravatar for the user icon #4134
- Disable Jetstream API logging via Env Var #4130
- Improve UI element sizing and presentation on desktop #4129
- Allow org managers to add users outside of org #4103
- Allow Endpoint Name to be edited #3640
- CF Quota's
Maximum Application Instance Memory Usage
not formatted correctly #4206 - Notification and error pages loop when using 'X' #4202
- Cf app redeploy stepper starts with empty step, cannot continue #4185
- Can't push apps with multiple buildpacks #4181
- Deleting a Service Instance or User Provided Service Instance breaks list #4157
- Deleting an organisation with spaces fails #4155
- App Deploy should accept manifest .YML or .YAML #4152
- Only fetch first page of maxed lists #4138
- 'Register an endpoint' arrow misaligned #3519
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Error setting user favourites #4086
- Fix local admin profile #4122
- Multiple User Provided Service Instance Create/Update Fixes #4117
- Fix user profile when deployed with Ingress (Helm) #4110
- Fix panic on backend error logging #4098
- Fix failing VCAP_SERVICE credentials check #4084
- Edit application: fixed validation for mem and disk quota #4070
- Fix local auth session timeout #4028
- Ensure active dialog times out correctly #4026
- Helm: Postflight job should not be a container #3506
- Deploy application via docker image #4025
- Favourite Card: Add icon for endpoints and improve UX #4095
- Add cf events page to cf, org and space levels #4066
- Add table view to marketplace service table #4064
- Add actions to app service table, add delete org button to org summary #4063
- Improvements to error/notification process #4053
- Add an initial loading indicator with customization support #4045
- Add support for Stratos buildpack verbose logging #4039
- Add support for setup UI for local admin account #4031
- Add a dark mode #4017
- Allow notifications to be marked as 'read' #4011
- Add endpoint error page #3991
- Helm Chart: Numerous improvements #4000
- Helm Chart: Add support for using an external database #3499
- Helm Chart: Randomize passwords #1416
- Helm Chart: Allow custom annotations on Pods #4109
- Helm Chart: Add support for default UAA zone #4101
- Base images bump #3990
- Update to Angular 8 #3950
- Reflect app title in setup screens #4090
This release contains a few fixes:
- Helm Chart does not work with Kubernetes 1.16 #4022
- Generated Ingress certificates during Kubernetes deployment are empty #4006
- Kubernetes Ingress certificate is incorrectly set #4005
- Update metric used for cells #4009
- Fix incorrect SSO behaviour following 2.4.0 --> 2.6.0 upgrade #4015
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Ensure we remove X-Forward-* HTTP headers that can cause problems proxying API requests #3934
- Ensure MB is only shown for memory based quota values in edit quota forms #3892
- Ensure stepper buttons are always visible and content scrolls #3890
- Fix autoscaler issue related to editing a newly created policy#3886
- Fix alignment of user button on newer Firefox #3983
- Fix self-signed certificate to support Mac OSX 10.15 #3982
- Add ingress support to Helm Chart #3935
- Gate SSO redirect on optional state whitelist #3933
- Backend update for cacheing compatibility for HTTP 1.0 clients #3931
- Add support for local user account #3632
- Add support for viewing and editing profile for local user account #3883
- Better metrics endpoint comparison #3862
- Refinements to the Autoscaler UI #3817
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Fix connect to IBM Cloud #3715
- Create route - owned domains not proposed #3685
- Fixed connect endpoint issues in Firefox #3679
- Fixed connect endpoint rendering issue in Firefox #3678
- Fix ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError exception on home page #3667
- Fix bosh prometheus metrics #3602
- Fix stepper height on Chrome pre v72 & Bleeding of error style in stateful-icon #3599
- Remove sidenav header underline #3556
- cf/spaces routes: fixed breadcrumbs path for apps #3572
- No space/org shown in cell app instances page #3536
- Services Marketplace: cf endpoint on card when multiple cf connected #3560
- Setup screens are missing header #3557
- /uaa page is still available in a configured system #3056
- Endpoint login exposes user credentials via query string #3160
- Don't send registration info in query string #3777
- Add Application Autoscaler UI #3455
- Quotas: org/space quotas: listing and management #3650
- Quotas: allow quota to be specified on creation/edit of org/space #3593
- Refactor setup config #3694
- Helm Chart: Add imagelist to the helm chart #3638
- Support separate auth and token endpoints #3635
- Improve failed connection message for cf & metrics endpoints #3600
- Handle endpoint types that do no support connect #3596
- Make disconnected endpoints more obviously different #3554
- Always build with go modules #3589
- Don't show cell metrics when they're not available #3586
- Handle 'no auth' auth type in optional connect step #3535
- Notifications page: Add a back button #3523
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Fix issue where org level user lists shows space roles from other orgs #3399
- Fix service broker action #3427
- Service plan cost truncated in first service display #3431
- Fix 'unknown locale' error message when viewing service plans #3447
- Fix Gitlab deploy step #3469
- Ensure Service Instance counts are correct #3448
- Fix multiple app stats requests on org & space summary pages #3451
- Change Side Navigation #3449
- Use side nav instead of top tabs throughout #3289
- Add support for inviting users to an org or space #3377
- Add support for User Favourites #3255
- Add support for User Provided Service Instances #3415
- Autocomplete git repository name #3372
- Scale Users in CF Summary section #3371
- Allow Stratos to be configured with via a User Provided Service #3405
- Update front-end to Angular 7 #3418
- Also show forked repositories when suggesting GitHub repositories in deploy app #3403
- Hide User Favorites when using SQLite #3419
- Hide Endpoints Page when using SQLite #3463
- Add card view to endpoint list #3422
- Add support for endpoint sub type (and metadata) #3423
- Add tile selector to register endpoint stepper #3432
- Add cf/org/space links to service instance table using common components #3436
- Add a user provided service instance tab & list to the space page #3443
- Ensure unknown endpoint types are handled correctly #3445
- Add created and updated dates to organization/space summary #3460
- Add support for slide-in side help and write in to endpoint connect dialog #3433
- Improve no users message #3327
This release fixes two CVEs identified in Stratos related to the Session Cookie - we recommend you update to 2.3.0.
- CVE-2019-3783: Stratos Deploys With Public Default Session Store Secret
- CVE-2019-3784: Stratos contains a Session Collision Vulnerability
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements:
- Service instance names should be limited to 50 chars #3262
- Metrics Charts: CPU usage tooltip should round value #3336
- Allow apps in "offline while updating" state to be started#3332
- Manage Users - space table filtering does not work “Search by space name” #3329
- Make it clearer that you can manage roles for multiple users #3250
- Register an endpoint arrow misaligned #3221
- Fix exception when navigating away from the first deploy app step #3277
- Ensure we don't try to get length of undefined endpoint description #3274
- Fix null exception after creating a space in an new org #3351
- Fixes double requests when single cf connected for lists with cf filter #3313
- Fix auto select of single items in multi filter list #3306
- Ensure an empty errorResponse gets picked up as a jetstream error #3301
- Validate entity names locally #3296
- Application Environment Variables fixes & improvements #3286
- Hide app vars tab if user is not a space developer #3247
- Limit card titles to two-lines with ellipsis/fade out #3241
- Fix CLI info formatting #3237
- Add Route: Use correct label for submit button #3231
- Fix for cancel broken on add route #3228
- Fix display of generic error bar #3214
- Only show + icon when we have at least one connected CF #3211
- Cannot deploy application from folder upload #3188
- Fix issue where only first 100 services were shown in service marketplace #3161
- Fix marketplace provisioning for asynchronous services #3086
- App Deploy: Add Public GitLab Repository support #3239
- Add a routes list to the CF tabs, Routes Refactor & Route Bug Fixes #3292
- Add deployment info for apps deployed via docker & fix info for local/archive apps #3291
- Add service plan list to service pages #3275
- Add Org and Space status bar to Org/Space Cards #3265
- Add service provider name to marketplace service card #3268
- Add link to dashboard in service instance table #3267
- Add confirmation dialog to
app #3263 - Add support for JSON Schemas when binding services to applications #3050
- Scalability Improvements: Handle large number of apps in cf dashboards #3212
- Support prometheus-boshrelease as a metrics endpoint #3202
- Show better error message on login screen when account locked #3235
- Helm Chart Service port configuration improvements #3264
- List Multifilter Improvements #3270
- Stratos can now be deployed as a CF App using docker image #3294
- Create stable docker image #3307
- About Page Title customization support #3356
- Make the table multi actions more obvious #3251
- Use SHA256 to compare SSH public key fingerprint #3249
- Show refresh button for latest modified application lists #3213
- Improve focus & tabbing #3288
- Tidy up CLI login info #3269
- Reduce size of Docker All-in-one image #3261
- Remove global manage apps link #3259
- Add user has roles filter to users tables #3258
- Deploy App: Add notification toast #3242
- Update app instance cell data when scaling up #3133
This release contains a number of fixes and improvements. It introduces the first set of Extension points to allow users to take Stratos and extend it with new functionality. Initial documentation is available here. Additionally, when a metrics endpoint is connected, Cloud Foundry cell information is now shown in the Application Instances tab. A Cloud Foundry cells table and Cell summary pages have also been added to the Cloud Foundry section.
- Can't create an org then space #3093
- Fix issue where app status showed old info after successful deploy #3115
- Use our fork of go-flags to avoid dependency problems #3145
- Extenstions: Add initial extensions support #2962
- When deleting certain entities force user to input name of entity #3118
- Usability: Deletion of an app should not allow deletion of "shared" routes and services #3034
- User menu improvements #3136
- Delete App Stepper: Disable delete of routes and services that are bound to other app/s #3129
- Metrics Charts: If only one series in chart don't show legend #3124
- Deploy Application: Ensure when leaving the stepper with a successfully deployed app the app state is correct #3021
- Endpoints Table: For non-cf endpoints show
instead of\(x\) no
#3123 - Endpoints Table: Only show 'Admin' check icon for cf endpoints #3132
- Ensure CF Cells info is shown for non cf admins #3121
- Add helm chart labels #3110
- Cf Cell: Applications list #3107
- Make instance termination more resilient #3103
- Remove rogue self dependency #3100
- Metrics: Add CF Cells view #3099
- Ensure we handle orgs with no users correctly #3098
- Metrics: Add Prometheus Job Information #3082
- Metrics: Add support for query_range #3081
- Extensions: Add example of extension points #3048
This release fixes an issue with a broken backend dependency, where the pinned version that was being used is no longer available.
- Fix go-flags dependency pinned version broken #3071
This is a bug fix release that addresses the following issues:
App wall filtering can stop working with some filter combinations #3043
Can not connect a metrics endpoint #3035
Backend build issue due to the pinned commit for a dependency being removed #3060
Metrics: Wrong job can be matched up when there are multiple jobs #3057
Release highlights:
- Stratos frontend can be pre-built before pushing to Cloud Foundry to enable AOT and reduce push time
- SSO support refinements with the ability to now connect a Cloud Foundry endpoint using SSO in addition to SSO login to Straos itself
- Ability to specify manifest overrides when deploying an application
- Ability to optionally specify Client ID and Client Secret when registering an endpoint
- Add ability to restage an application
- Endpoints list now shows logged in user's username and whether they're an admin
- Switched to new Stratos logo for login and about pages
- Backend improvements to make it easier for developers to develop with
- Security fixes
- Diagnostics can report incorrect migrations #2965
- Backend should only gzip static responses #2925
- Incorrect deployment type when deployed as a CF App #2858
- Space Scoped Services are absent in the
Select Service
when the correct space/org is selected #2829 - I can not get service information #2814
- Fix security vulnerability CVE-2018-3774 introduced by nested dependency #2851
- Fix issues with cookie not being marked as secure or http only with sqlite session store #2911
- Update cache-control header #2910
- Upgrade angular to 6.1.1 to fix security vulnerability #2850
- Fixes and improvement for the diagnostics page #2860
- Fix several manage user role bugs #2826
- Diagnostics does not show GitHub details when cloned via HTTPS #3007
- Endpoint list: Show logged in user's username and whether they're an admin or not. #2827
- Allow front-end to be pre-built #2838
- Deploy App Manifest overrides #2924
- Add restage to application page. #2828
- Extend endpoint registration UI to support Client ID and Client Secret #2920
- Use new Stratos logo on splash/login and about page #2919
- Scalability: Change application list in service instance table row from vertical to chip list #2896
- Scalability: Convert space apps list from local to remote #2893
- Use official CF Stratos logo #2892
- SSO - Enable SSO for all deployment mechanisms #2873
- SSO: Add an option to the setup screen to enable SSO #2963
- SSO: Add initial SSO doc #2945
- SSO: Add flag to indicate if an endpoint has been configured for SSO #2939
- SSO: Add SSO Config options to Helm chart #2934
- SSO: Allow a Cloud Foundry endpoint to be connected with SSO login #2928
- SSO: Link tokens rather than copying them #2916
- Add check to make sure DB Schema migrations have completed #2977
- Extensions: Allow new side nav items to be added #2950
- Extensions: Tidy up customizations and fix logo customization #2948
- Improve GitHub error handling #2946
- Harden app delete e2e test to reduce chance of concurrency failures #2942
- Show 'other apps bound to service instance' warning on delete app service instance step #2918
- Harden the service wall instance card #2908
- Restructure go backend (with source moves) #2854
- Improvements to simplify dev experience with go backend #2861
- Added word break to the log viewer #2823
- Remove all tokens associated with a cnsi on unregister, also fix e2e #2821
2.0.1 (2018-08-16)
Fixed bugs:
- Unable to edit user provided service instances #2839
Merged pull requests:
- use cnsi client in deploy.go #2843
- Improve performance #2842
- Pass helm repo branch as an env var to create-chart task #2820
- Update nigthly release pipeline to allow helm repo configuration #2819
- Update index.yaml in gh-pages #2818
- Update README travis badge link to avoid
tab confusion #2817
This is a bugfix release that fixes an issue that prevents Stratos from correctly building in certain environments.
- Upgrade to a versioned release of rxjs-websockets #2791
This is the second major release of Stratos.
The focus of this release is a new version of the front-end UI in Angular (Stratos version 1 used AngularJS). The UI has undergone numerous updates and we have switched out our own UI component set in favour of Material Design.
Highlights of version 2:
- Adoption of Angular in place of AngularJS
- User of the Angular Material component library and an adoption of Material Design
- Largely feature complete with version 1 (see below)
- Improved Services support with Services and Marketplace now shown at the top-level of the UI
- Improved UI throughout with card layouts used to improve readability
- Added ability to re-deploy applications from GitHub
- Improved Application UI - Instances and Routes information is now shown on separate tabs and the instances view has been improved
The following features in version 1 are not currently available in version 2:
- i18n - V2 supports US English only. This will be addressed as soon as the Angular platform supports string translation outside of templates.
- Extensions/Plugins - The ability to extend the UI at various points will be added in the next minor version.
- Drag and Drop for Application Deployment - You can not drag and drop a file/folder or url onto the application deployment UI - you have to use the browse UI.
This release contains all of the fixes and improvements from the 2.0.0 Beta and Release Candidate releases. The additional fixes in this release from 2.0.0-rc3 are:
- Fix issue where cookie domain name change can mean you can't log out #2732
- Pagination request: Validation doesn't insert correct value into store #2684
- AOT #2594
- Update BOSH release for V2 #2616
- Navigation loading indicator for slow connections #2603
- Documentation updates #2680, #2702
- Minor improvements: #2669, #2667, #2593
- Fix broken AOT with build optimizer #2703
- App instance count sorting treats the numbers as strings #2698
- No error is reported when an update of service instance fails #2696
- Services Instances Wall says
There are no services
when no service instances exist #2692 - Delete Application shows empty page #2682
- Can not add an organisation #2676
- Use subtle mode fo boolean indicator on CF Pages #2523
- Navigating to a page that has a table that is on page 2 shows an empty list #2674
- Can not collapse security group tag list when there are lots of them #2461
- Fetching connected user roles for permissions only fetches first page #2655
- CF Endpoint Selector takes a while to update after connect/disconnect #2643
- Edit service instances sets plan to first in list, not the current plan. #2641
- Routes not updated after umap #2640
- Create org and space - create button is enabled when empty #2636
- Edit Service Instance is broken #2626
- Reloading Edit Service Instance page results in an exception #2625
- Exception switching back to the Users tab after deleting a role #2623
- Manage User Permission: Pills x button doesn't update the UI #2617
- Remove an org role via the role pill at space level shows
deleting space
message and navs to org spaces #2608 - New spaces are missing from create app steps drop down #2592
- Connected endpoints fail to update sessionData user #2590
- Disconnecting an endpoint after visiting cf pages results in endpoint warning #2589
- Exception thrown in service wall after disconnecting endpoint #2582
- Error logged in backend when disconnecting an endpoint #2624
- Performance: Pagination observable service #2556
- Pagination request: Validation doesn't insert correct value into store #2684
- Fixed bad imports #2701
- Fix routing to appropriate CF view after connecting/disconnecting an endpoint #2660
- Update parent entities at validation time - the end of partial entities #2659
- Restrict non-admin user functions at cf level #2654
- Don't validate individual org users requests #2651
- Fix update of User roles table after a role has been removed #2630
- Ensure we don't recursively delete with the action is an update #2620
- Fix three issues around 100+ roles #2613
- Don't copy auth and refresh tokens unless using SSO #2611
- Fix timing issue resulting in an endpoint warning #2604
- Fix Postgres to use same value as detected by VCAP_SERVICES #2600
- Ensure auth data is updated on sys info call #2595
- Pagination obs performance #2561
- CF/Org/Space selector widget with 1 org and 1 space - user can not proceed #2467
- Error after creating a service instance #2473
- Visit App button never appears when a route is mapped/created #2518
- Cannot create service instance from marketplace or service pages #2519
- Upgrading from v1 to v2 via helm disconnects connected endpoints #2527
- Failed to deploy app due to invalid client ID #2532
- Exception thrown when creating space #2560
- Helm deployment: Upgrade notice can appear for some time if db takes a while to become ready #2546
- Fix assign role for non-admin connected user #2562
- Fix client and client secret issues when pushing apps #2553
- Fix Docker All-in-one image build #2552
- Clean entity service #2551
- Remove base git package to address CVE 2018-11235 #2530
- Entity deletion: Remove child entities #2486
This is the first release candidate of Version 2 of Stratos.
The main focus of this release are bug fixes for release.
- Add ingress example and docs for kubernetes deployment #2510
Fixed bugs:
- Fix for app count being stuck after adding an app in org card #2511
- Create service instance after connecting a new endpoint did not fetch organisation #2472
- Fixed an issue where we failed to store response from 1 or more endpoints #2513
- Ensure
Remove User
confirmation modal contains correct role prefix #2508 - Fix route schema #2506
- Fixes state reset issue when creating a service instance from different modes #2515
This is the second Beta release of Version 2 of Stratos. This is a major release.
The main focus of this release are bug fixes and hardening for a first release candidate.
- SSO Login Support #2491, #2495
- Add No Javascript message #2444
- Show users without usernames #2496
- Add support for longer timeout for mutating operations (POST etc) #2401
- Add Cookie Domain support #2432
- Minor UI improvements #2384, #2383, #2378, #2499, #2482, #2481, #2394, #2457, #2447
- Error logged in console when reloading to app routes page #2493
- Deal with non CF Jetstream failed requests #2497
- Error after disconnecting an endpoint #2460
- All endpoints are incorrectly shown to be in error state #2459
- When one CF fails, we don't show data for those that succeed. #2456
- Exception on create space stepper when you cancel out #2454
- Error when creating a Space with a space character in the name #2451
- Fix backend error logging #2484, #2407, #2413
- Fix for panic when res is not set in error logging #2441
- Firefox rendering - focus border on drop-down menu items #2446
- Users Permissions: Removing the last role (Org User) results in an exception #2438
- Users Permissions: Assigning a role to a user that has none results in an exception #2428
- Exception thrown when adding space to empty org #2418
- Warn if cookie domain does not match Stratos URL #2414
- Add commit SHA to version when built for Kubernetes/Docker Compose #2410
- Ensure we only raise internal errors on fetch api requests #2494
- Fix failure to update commit info on redeploy #2492
- Fix issue timing issue resulting in invalid Space Service request #2489
- Improved fix for exception on org screen after fresh load on create space #2487
- Fix layout on summary pages #2482
- Fix error shown when cancelling out of a freshly loaded create space stepper #2478
- Users tables: Only show org/space name in pills when needed #2443
- Fix issue where space count is wrong after deleting a space #2439
- Update the connected user roles section of store on roles change #2435
- Fix list state (deleting/etc) #2434
- Fix exception when a space is added to an empty org #2433
- Fix exception thrown when only assign an org user role #2430
- Fix pagination of space level routes and service instance tables #2429
- Disable removal of
org user
role if user has others #2427 - Show an overlay and deleting message when deleting from a card or table action. #2415
- Fix errors when multiple cf's are connected as both admin and non-admin users #2409
- Fix not detecting admin user is admin scope is not stratos.admin #2403
- Table loading init #2412
- Users Table: Restrict org/space roles and prefix space name with org... depending on depth #2402
- CfOrgSpace Selector: Fix overzealous
no orgs
error message #2397 - Org space list - Deleting causes exceptions in other parts of the org page. #2393
- Fix infinite user list's loading indicator when connected as user with no roles #2390
- Fix TCP route creation and improve UI #2388
- Add global deleting overlay for entity summary pages #2373
- Fix various application deploy bugs #2372
This is the first Beta release of Version 2 of Stratos. This is a major release.
The main focus of this release is a new version of the front-end UI in Angular (Version 1 used AngularJS). The UI has undergone numerous updates and we have switched out our own UI component set in favour of Material Design.
Highlights of version 2:
- Adoption of Angular in place of AngularJS
- User of the Angular Material component library and an adoption of Material Design
- Largely feature complete with version 1 (see below)
- Improved Services support with Services and Marketplace now shown at the top-level of the UI
- Improved UI throughout with card layouts used to improve readability
- Added ability to re-deploy applications from GitHub
- Improved Application UI - Instances and Routes information is now shown on separate tabs and the instances view has been improved
The following features in version 1 are not currently available in version 2:
- i18n - V2 supports US English only. This will be addressed as soon as the Angular platform supports string translation outside of templates.
- Extensions/Plugins - The ability to extend the UI at various points will be added in the next minor version.
- Drag and Drop for Application Deployment - You can not drag and drop a file/folder or url onto the application deployment UI - you have to use the browse UI.
- Added support for SUSE Cloud Foundry 1.1 configuration values to the Helm chart #1950
- Fix width of top nav bar menu's bottom border #1739
- Added Confirmation prompts for stopping and restarting apps #1437
- Memory and disk usage should respect the number of app instances #1625
- Fix issue around apps and routes missing from space entity #1447
- Fix minor localisation issue #1596
- Added French localization (Open Source build only) #1419
- Removed dependency
because of security vulnerability #1428 - Fix vertical alignment for setup screens (Open Source build only) #1417
This is the first Release Candidate of the Stratos UI Console. It contains the following improvements:
- Open Source build now uses a generic theme #1403
- SUSE build uses SUSE theme and contains EULA in the about screen #1404
- Run Mariadb mysqld process as mysql user #1397
- Helm Chart: Persistent Volume size increased from 1Mi to 20Mi to avoid issues with some storage providers #1409
This is an update of the third beta release of the Stratos UI Console. It contains the following bug fixes and improvements:
- Improve display of byte usage information for small numbers #1388
- Remove the yellow autocomplete background in dark form fields #1372
- Helm Chart: Create Image pull secret for secure repositories #1387
- Helm Chart: Remove
mode #1385
- Fix link shown on cf dashboard when no endpoints connected #1369
- Fix leak of Persistent volume claims when deleting Helm deployed release #1368
- Remove legacy images and associated files #1390
- Fix unsafe casting for mysql Service #1381
This is the third beta release of the Stratos UI Console. It contains the following bug fixes:
- Updated Helm Chart to remove delete job when running in noShared mode #1364
- Updated Helm Chart to support common storage class for MariaDB and console #1363
- Updated Helm Chart to remove
from postflight job #1358 - Updated Helm Chart to remove noShared backend container image #1357
This is the second beta release of the Stratos UI Console. It contains the following bug fixes and improvements:
- Add ability to edit a service instance #1324
- Improve URL validation on setup flow #1320
- Make search boxes not usable and visually show this while fetching orgs and spaces #1287
- Make sure the expiry date time is relative to the time as the client sees it #1299
- Add loading indicators to endpoints and Cloud Foundry dashboards #1325
- Improve the loading indicators on initial console load #1286
- Move deploy status and title into the log viewer title bar. #1277
- Upgrade to Angular 1.6 #1307
- Enable binding of mysql db service to CF hosted console #1260
- Add support for a backend healthcheck #1321
- Allow helm scf-values to be used to deploy the console #1344
- Add ability to configure UAA settings when deploying UI through helm chart #1315
- Use custom buildpack to build Stratos UI #1283
- Migrate container images to opensuse:42.3 base #1293
- Replace goose with custom database migrator #1334
- Fix for app wall cf/org/space context not carrying over to deploy-location selector #1273
- Add a logout button when only the error page is shown #1289
- Address minor bugs in the deploy application for github #1285
- Fix incorrect service summary info shown #1306
- Fix i10n for empty/no app events #1303
- Staging fails when pushed from Windows #1322
- Properly kill upgrade echo instance #1311
- Helm chart: Switch to
mode by default to support more setups #1295 - Kubernetes/GCE: Skip HTTP endpoint when a load balancer is being setup #1305
- Fix typo in error message of sshHostKeyChecker #1294
- Fix line endings #1332
This is the first beta release of the Stratos UI Console. It contains the following bug fixes and improvements:
- Added support for parameters when creating/binding services #1253
- Added support for tags when creating service instances #1252
- Moved service instances to a new Application tab #1237
- Show deployment information in Application summary for console deployed apps #1243
- Minor UI tweaks following UX review #1249
- Pre-sort service instances in cloud foundry space instances table #1233
- Enable binding of postgres CF db service to CF hosted console #1231
- Migrate Helm chart to use MariaDB instead of Postgres #1230
- Added initial BOSH Release #1222
- Improve SSL certificate handling when deploying through Helm #1210
- Added ability to deploy application from a git url #1208
- Fixed a couple of minor translation issues #1247
- Fix for broken cf push #1244
- Fix for translation issue on the landing page language options #1234
- Fixed filtering by text/endpoint bug #1268
- Fix for missing icon for the busy state #1267
- Fixed incorrect caching and reset behaviour of app wall filters #1248
- Fixed create app issues related to route visibility/permissions #1246
Third alpha release containing the following bug fixes and minor improvements:
- Fix a few service instance bugs #1226
- Fixes issues where trailing slash in CF endpoint causes problems #1224
- Reuse unbound routes #1223
- Optionally enable endpoints-dashboard via env var for use in cf push #1221
- Use stable name for docker registry in CI pipelines #1220
- Improve documentation #1219
- Add upgrade documentation for helm repository based installation #1218
- Update CI piplines for environment #1217
- Fixed docker image name for all-in-one deployment #1216
- Persist app wall selection of cf/org/space in local storage #1214
- Fix 'remove' i10n in create space modal #1213
- Fix terminate instance UI #1211
- Fix issue where previously selected language was not shown on landing page #1209
- Add missing defaults to values.yaml #1207
- Fix localisation in unmap route from apps modal (unmap route from app is fine) #1206
- Split deploy app wizard service into smaller chunks #1202
- UX Review: Update landing page (login + setup screens) #1200
- Remember grid or list state for the app wall #1199
Second alpha release contains the following fixes:
- Improved documentation when deploying using Helm #1201
- Added the ability to deploy the Console helm chart without using shared volumes, to make it easier to deploy in multi-node clusters with basic storage provisioner such as
#1204 - Specified the
stack to the CF manifest.yaml, since default CAASP stackopensuse42
is unable to deploy the app #1205 - Changed root of the volume mount for Postgres in kubernetes to address permission issue in certain environments #1203
First Alpha release of the Stratos UI Console.
For information on the Alpha feature set and on deploying the Console, please start with the main README documentation.