You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 353
- Include pathname in redirect to fix SSO PR: #1528
Fix issues with trailing spaces in commands PR: #1503
Fix incorrect warnings about missing params in cypher queries PR: #1504
Fix main editor fullscreen resize bug PR: #1512
Fix bug where whitespace was not preserved in result PR: #1439
Replace gifs with compressed mp4 PR: #1412
Improve movement in wrapped lines PR: #1450
Improve table view PR: #1453
Add hash to filenames of webpack split/chunk bundles, to prevent crash on switching browser versions PR: #1458
Refresh plan statistics after re-run the query PR: #1455
Prevent crash on database connection lost PR: #1463
Update csv export serializer to escape newlines PR: #1470
Increase zoom limits and individual steps PR: #1464
Fix sysinfo frame, by reading new neo4j settings PR: #1473
Add export option to favorite folder PR: #1483
do not allow sysinfo command when using system db PR: #1487
Fix css issues with fullscreen where bottom bar was hidden PR: #1467
Preview of SSO for browser PR: #1478
Re-add populating main editor with cmd+click PR: #1403
Fix issue where sandbox showed "Connecting.." banner even when connected PR: #1415
Frame UI updates including new frame button positions PR: #1427
Improve styling of new sidebar guides PR: #1406
Fix graph visualization performance issues for nodes with long captions PR: #1429
Bump driver to 4.3.1 PR: #1432
Focus reusable editor on edit PR: #1437
Add 4.3 cypher keywords PR: #1411
Add support for home database PR: #1410
Upgrade to driver 4.3.0 PR: #1414
Add support for browser.retain_editor_history setting PR: #1419
Remove "Are you sure you want to close this" modal PR: #1355
Give monaco search widget proper focus PR: #1367
Add guides to sidebar PR: #1354
Use last db instead of default db where possible PR: #1370
Add aura promotion in community PR: #1378
Neo4j Logo updates PR: #1379
Fix issue where Monaco command palette would be partially hidden PR: #1312
Auto-close single quotes in cypher editor PR: #1307
Fix text view font issues PR: #1306
Fix regressions in editor font weight PR: #1314
Improve cypher editor warnings positions PR: #1313
Restore previous behavior for clicking to edit favorite content PR: #1317
Fix an issue with query history not being reset in some cases PR: #1316
- Fix favorites sidebar bug PR: #1308
Introducing new editor powered by Monaco PR: #1248
Make commands editable and re-usable PR: #1268
Fix bug on Bolt URL scheme changing on refresh PR: #1269
Improve performance when receiving large query results PR: #1274
Frame button interaction changes PR: #1280
Fix bug when closing a frame with a running query PR: #1281
Canny Support PR: #1282
Favorites ux refresh PR: #1278
Fix dragging favorites outside of folders PR: #1286
Updated :play intro with new screenshots and text. PR: #1283
Bump Neo4j driver to 4.2.2 PR: #1265
Update how browser detects and behaves in different environments (Aura) PR: #1266
Fix for fullscreen not growing to full size PR: #1231
Disable test for feature not in aura PR: #1236
Update cypher editor with new keywords PR: #1240
Update "create index" examples to use new syntax PR: #1239
Add color to relationships in sidebar PR: #1232
Fix issue where users couldn't be added when on a cluster PR: #1238
Update connection form to better reflect aura usage PR: #1235
Removed information about creating a new db in :play movies PR: #1245
Allow zoom buttons on small frames (with settings config) PR: #1246
:server disconnect
link to the sidebar PR: #1252 -
Update documentation drawer look & feel PR: #1250
Add useragent when to neo4j-driver config PR: #1195
Add support for browser.remote_content_hostname_allowlist PR: #1196
Update :server connect form to pick database PR: #1194
Info about lack of some data in sysinfo for non-legacy community version PR: #1208
Add support for storing scripts as project files when in a desktop environment (for desktop versions that support it) PR: #1209
Initial Monaco Editor implementation PR: #1213
Add favorites and saved scripts from result frame PR: #1211
Do not store connection passwords in local storage before receiving neo4j config PR: #1219
Update change password form to avoid overlap with password manager icons PR: #1134
Fix comment issue in multi statement commands PR: #1140
Update UX on :style usage PR: #1141
Fix text position in GraphComponent for rtl languages PR: #1145
Improve editor view sizes (single-line, card view and fullscreen) PR: #1155
Add multi statement query warning when multi statement is disabled PR: #1157
Make editor a frame that has control buttons PR: #1159
Add new keyboard shortcut to toggle editor full-screen PR: #1161
Fix fullscreen issue in safari PR: #1167
Recognize new Neo4j Aura editions PR: #1168
Vertical align result table cell values at row top PR: #1123
Update the UI color schemes (dark, light, contrast) PR: #1122
Upgrade neo4j-driver to 4.1.0 PR: #1125
Mdx guide support PR: #1105
Fix integer rendering in table recursively + JSON export PR: #1126
- Fix reading server configuration with the
user role PR: #1121
- Fix displaying large integers in new table correctly PR: #1116
Support new bolt schemes PR: #1098
Add sidebar links to browser release, changelog, and developer pages PR: #1101
Fix reading
from connectURL param PR: #1102 -
Add re-run button to all frame types PR: #1104
Fix auth scheme error from driver when auth is disabled + reflect auth status on
:server connect
frame PR: #1103 -
Fix sending tx metadata with each query PR: #1106
Fix only executing relevant background queries (auth, cluster) PR: #1107
Add a more performant result table PR: #1090
Add memory allocation to plan output if provided by Neo4j PR: #1111
Enable multi statement mode in editor by default PR: #1089
Use new plan field ‘Details’ to plan visualization (for Neo4j versions where it exists) PR: #1092
Fix so browser doesn't execute meta query on system db PR: #1094
More reliable connection status check PR: #1096
- Fix initial load behavior when opened in Neo4j Desktop without an active db. PR: #1086
commands when sent with URL params (deep-link) PR: #1072 -
frames by building frame stacks from internal link clicks PR: #1074 -
Style start frame to look better in different resolutions PR: #1075
Fix reacting to deep links when in Neo4j Desktop environment PR: #1062
Fix re-run for Cypher queries to target original DB PR: #1061
Fix scroll to top bug when a frame was deleted PR: #1065
Use best practices driver transaction functions by default PR: #1048
Fix HTML rendering issues on query results PR: #1054
Correct tab order in change password form PR: #1055
Make node 12 the default (using .nvmrc file) build env PR: #1058
:help auto
+ link to it from relevant errors and docs PR: #1057
URL from discovery if it exists PR: #1012 -
Format node/relationship counts in sidebar, inspector and legend PR: #1008 Issue(s): #953
Update SchemaFrame styling PR: #1013
User feedback running system commands PR: #1017
Fix versioned links to external docs PR: #1019
Suggest strong passwords in change-password frame PR: #1010
Update neo4j-driver to 4.0.1 PR: #1022
Query plans view expanded by default PR: #1020
Fix bug where
was displayed asnull
in result view PR: #1026 -
Add new Cypher syntax to
:help cypher
PR: #1027 -
Fixes viz bug when expand -> dismiss -> expand nodes. PR: #1031 Issue(s): #905
Add URL param support for populating editor with Cypher and parameters PR: #956
when returning an implicit object with newlines PR: #1040 -
Use GraphQL version of Relate-API when available (in Neo4j Desktop) PR: #979
Fix indexes not showing on 4.0 with the
command PR: #1041 -
Allow database names to be escaped with back ticks with the
command PR: #1042
Only show each database once in :dbs output PR: #1006
Check if db exists before switching to it, throw if not PR: #1007
Update neo4j-driver to 4.0.0 PR: #1009
Various small improvements to sysinfo PR: #975
Enable database switching with
:use xx
in multi-statement command PR: #993 -
Fix errors in community edition PR: #999
Make neo4j-browser compatible with future versions of Neo4j PR: #1001
Fix various UI glitches PR: #984
Don’t auto-connect without credentials PR: #985
Bring back JSON data export PR: #986
Fix "Force password change" on
:server user add
PR: #987
- More robust
:server change-password
in a clustered system PR: #980
- Request discovery endpoint in cloud env PR: #981
- Revert "Use GraphQL version of Relate-API when available (in Neo4j Desktop)" PR: #978
Use GraphQL version of Relate-API when available (in Neo4j Desktop) PR: #969
Fix regression in
guide name PR: #977
Drag and drop cypher and grass files anywhere to import PR: #936
Upgrade neo4j-driver to 1.7.5 PR: #938
Detect operating enviromentments more generically PR: #937
Handle Infinity and -Infinity results correctly PR: #950
Now displaying clickable urls in table and graph views PR: #952
Export :history PR: #954
Give user more connection feedback + add connection timeout configuration PR: #955
Export query result records as JSON PR: #957
Support additional
definition. See:help params
in neo4j-browser for instructions. PR: #962 -
UI fixes on
:server user add
and:server user list
commands PR: #974
Escape auto-completed labels, types and property keys in editor. PR: #926
Upgrade to neo4j-driver version 1.7.4 PR: #930
Block background queries until the prev is finished PR: #914
Updates to dark theme PR: #918
Fix retain credentials info on connect frame PR: #920
Add tx metadata to queries that's generated by user actions PR: #910
Fix subgraphs not displaying correctly under certain circumstances PR: #913 Issue(s): #912
Show query termination message when closing frame that has an active query PR: #911
Use less resource intensive background requests PR: #898
[object Object]
for integers in viz for PathSegments PR: #897 -
Fix user management UI in Community Edition PR: #900 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/899
Support Neo4j Kerberos auth when in a Neo4j Desktop environment PR: #863
:help keys
in dark mode PR: #891 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/889 -
Add link
:server user list
to admin section of db sidebar PR: #893 -
Fix hidden error on re-run when going from success -> error result PR: #890
Keep bolt connections alive in web workers PR: #888
- Support deep links via Neo4j Desktop PR: #880
New format for tx metadata for logs PR: #861
Fix application crash when killing a query from
frame PR: #862 -
Fix (extremely) slow data parsing in certain cases PR: #875 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/873
Replace and add more viz styling colors PR: #878
Collapse manually expanded nodes in the viz PR: #877 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/867, https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/684
Upgrade neo4j-driver to 1.7.2 PR: #879
Add support for GraSS selectors (node labels and rel types) containing a
PR: #859 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/809 -
Remote guides - resovle config ’*’ to default whitelist PR: #860
Introduce experimental features section in Settings PR: #837
Enable fullscreen ability for
frame PR: #838 -
Update icons PR: #829
Fix auto-completed relationships not showing in viz legend on first render PR: #840
Fix nested :params bug PR: #843 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/645
Update neo4j-driver to 1.7 and send transaction metadata with Cypher queries PR: #848
Fix stream rendering issues in IE 11 PR: #851
to plan output if it exists PR: #852 -
Let the configuration initCmd be empty PR: #850 Issue(s): https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j-browser/issues/780
Show message if neo4j-browser is opened without an active graph in a Neo4j Desktop environment PR: #856
Update links to documentation in the docs sidebar PR: #854
Fix neo4j-browser not working properly when db auth is disabled PR: #832
Fix rare neo4j-browser crash when clicking on yellow Cypher warning triangle PR: #834 Issue(s): #831
Future proof Neo4j Desktop integration by using the
field in connection info. PR: #833 -
Fix crashing
frame in clustered environments when all members couldn't be reached PR: #835
Fetch fresh version of remote guides on every request PR: #828
Fix issue where editor buttons would overflow the viewport PR: #827
Improve Cypher result rendering performance PR: #824
Fix username not updating in sidebar when disconnecting PR: #823
Prepare for Neo4j Desktop distribution PR: #825
- Fix
:server switch
bug in Neo4j Desktop environment PR: #822
:history clear
command PR: #800 -
Add pagecache hits and misses to plan output PR: #812
Add complete support for bolt+routing:// PR: #814
Add Neo4j Community Forum link to sidebar PR: #816
Enable users with non reader roles to connect PR: #818
- Add toggle for multi statement cypher editor PR: #793
- Fix editor to handle string literals that contain new lines PR: #794
- Add support for multi-statement execution PR: #722
Handle changelog url building in disconnected state PR: #787
Fix crashing favorites sidebar when using non latin1 characters PR: #790
Show the total number of nodes and relationships in db meta sidebar PR: #781
Fix issue where neo4j-browser kept allocating more and more disk space PR: #782
In guides allow one dynamic field to update multiple elements PR: #771
Fix :style / GraSS regressions PR: #772
Word break long values in db info drawer PR: #766
Fix [object Object] output when returning paths with new types PR: #762
Add auto refresh to sysinfo frame PR: #757
Fix missing inspector items when spread over more than one line PR: #764
Don’t add type hinting quotes on strings in CSV export PR: #767
- Upgrade neo4j-driver to 1.6.1 PR: #754
Show more information on operators in plan output PR: #749
Fix docs links in sidebar to point to the connected version PR: #752
Add page cache hit ratio to :sysinfo frame PR: #713
Make every type of Bolt transactions use web workers PR: #724
Display driver result summary in code view PR: #729
Display more store sizes if they exist (Neo4j > 3.2) PR: #737
Fix Cypher warning position in Warnings View PR: #736
Support new Neo4j types (Neo4j 3.4) PR: #735
Add new param syntax to evaluate against the server PR: #740
Fix for clearing local data when not signed in to browser sync PR: #719
Fix memory leak in background job PR: #723
Sync styling with Browser sync PR: #678
Disable editor highlighting with config option PR: #703
Add more detailed error messages for known Browser/OS issues PR: #706
Use latest released neo4j-driver PR: #711
Fix issue of some queries getting stuck because of the shape of the result PR: #708
Update :sysinfo to display 'Store sizes' jmx values PR: #715
- Fix issue where mapping cypher result to vis would break the app PR: #677
- Enable thread to execute cypher on (web worker) PR: #670
- Show Browser Sync banner when not accepted terms yet PR: #669
Remove escaping of characters in tables views PR: #661
Add visual feedback when adding new favourite, and enter 'edit favourite' mode. PR: #663
Integrate with desktop API PR: #664
Fix setting initial password over TLS when encryption is required PR: #650
In query plan: show signature of the procedure that got called PR: #654
Autologin to Browser Sync and obey server config
PR: #641 -
In query plan: show the label that has been scanned PR: #655
Fix viz bug where boolean captions didn't show up on graph elements PR: #657
Add 3rd party LICENSES.txt and NOTICE.txt PR: #659
Fix various bugs in editor Cypher parsing PR: #642
Fix Browser not being able to run cypher queries when using TLS and self signed certs PR: #644
Fix null not rendering in table view results PR: #633
Fix generated query for sidebar meta items named ‘*’ PR: #634
Update neo4j-driver to 1.4.0 PR: #639
Fix display of zero length paths PR: #604
Fix expand/collapse of plan results in all levels PR: #610
Fix display of Neo4j integers in Cypher result frames PR: #619
Fix cypher result exports PR: #611
Use separate thread for running cypher queries PR: #591
Fix x overflow in frames with %-width in IE 11 PR: #626
Add ability to download a query plan as png PR: #624
Sort keys when inspecting nodes PR: #630
Add dark theme PR: #581
Add cluster role, db filename and total store size to sidebar PR: #566
Introduce fetching client configuration from a remote JSON file PR: #552
Only display truthy connection data in the browser title PR: #585
Fix sluggish experience when having hundreds of thousands meta items PR: #595
Add support for setting browser
with objects PR: #594 -
Fix app break when no events in UDC state PR: #598
Save/Edit favorite in editor PR: #593
Bring back
command PR: #602 -
Honor url whitelist when fetching remote grass files PR: #600
Fixes mapping issue when using :sysinfo with HA PR: #599
Don't add repeated executed commands to history PR: #609
- Parse server config duration strings correctly PR: #563
Define URL to connect to with URL param 'connectURL' PR: #500
Fix slow loading of user and system info in database drawer PR: #497
Fix editor error when writing Cypher LOAD CSV or referencing non existing indexes PR: #517
Read and act on server config retain_connection_credentials PR: #498
Fix failure to parse server config browser.remote_content_hostname_whitelist PR: #521
Make the Browser commands case insensitive PR: #524
Fix missing scrollbars in left drawer in some web browsers PR: #523
Style table view and just show relevant information PR: #516
Backtick meta items in auto generated queries from drawer PR: #536
Fix login for restricted users PR: #537
Fix broken elapsed time in :queries frame PR: #538
Present total db hits and time stats in PROFILE View PR: #534
Bring back
:server status
command. PR: #532 -
Escape backticks in meta item queries PR: #549
Fix for sensitive dropdown menu closing too easy PR: #545
Fix indicator being at start of line in error messages PR: #544
Update document title with connected username and host PR: #546
Listen for config maxFrames and enforce that limit in stream PR: #541
Add support for handling multiple commands from browser.post_connect_cmd PR: #548
Limit number of meta items shown in db drawer PR: #550
Try to fetch guide remotely if not found locally PR: #483
Add slider to text view statusbar PR: #540
Fix unstable guide pagination PR: #555
Fix :help input with space PR: #554
Fix for collected graph items now showing up in viz PR: #531
Fix missing auth headers on local
etc command requests PR: #559 -
Fix cursor sometimes resetting to start position PR: #561