Releases: senaite/senaite.core
1.2.6 (2018-06-08)
- #838 Unpinned WeasyPrint to allow Addon to use newer version
- #820 Always allow interim fields to be added to Analysis Services
- #826 Display signatures of verifiers instead of dept managers in results report
- #814 Change naming from Bika LIMS Configuration to LIMS Configuration in the Site Setup page
- #814 Change naming from Bika Setup to Setup in the LIMS Configuration section found in the Site Setup page
- #842 Re-compiled Coffee-Scripts with version 1.12.7
- #824 Instrument Listing Views Fixes and Refactoring
- #840 Fix date range filter for "Data entry day book" report
- #828 Traceback when removing a retracted analysis through Manage Analyses view
- #832 Set new calculation Interims to dependant services
- #833 Fix sort order of interims in Calculations and Analysis Services
- #834 Fix Duplication Action for Analysis Services
- #835 List only published ARs when "Published" Filter is active
- #825 Error when exporting Worksheets list with
- #821 Cannot retract single analysis services
Release notes
Update from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5
IMPORTANT: Plan the upgrade with enough time
This update requires the execution of
, becauseProducts.TextIndexNG3
has been added. It will help to search by wildcards inTextIndexNG3
indexes instead of looking for the keyword inside wildcards. For now, it is used only in AR listing catalog. -
This update might take long depending on the number of Analyses registered in the system, because the upgrade step will walk through all analyses in order to update those that do not have a valid (non-floatable) duplicate variation value (see #768).
1.2.5 (2018-05-05)
- #777 Delay option for searches in reference widget combos
- #806 Include Client ID when setting up ARReport on the IDServer
- #815 Change description and title of the invalidation notification option
- #811 Remove senaite.api import in printform
- #807 Remove "queued_ars" JS call to avoid 404
- #800 Remove Dry Matter from tests
- #779 Remove Dry Matter functionality
- #813 Saving AR results gives TypeError: can only compare to a set
- #799 On AR Listing, edit for Date Sampled not working when Sampler has a value
- #776 Analyses submission in Worksheet is slow
- #726 404 Error raised when clicking Print Samples Sheets from within a client
- #802 Remove Dry Matter remainders
- #781 Delete Permission on ARs for Lab Managers
- #784 Fix workflow state filter not kept when expanding categories in AS listing
- #786 Fix inactive services listed in AR "Manage Analyses" forms
- #775 Analyses on Analysis Requests are hyperlinked to their Worksheets
- #769 Traceback when submitting duplicate when Duplicate Variation is not set
- #771 Slow Searches in Listing Views
- #774 When retracting an Analysis Requests its analyses are also retracted
- #772 Improved UID check in API
1.2.4 (2018-04-06)
- #741 CSV Importer for 'Cobas Taqman 48' Instrument Interface
- #737 Added Instrument: Metler Toledo DL55
- #730 Added Instrument: LaChat QuickChem FIA
- #729 Added Instrument: Varian Vista-PRO ICP
- #694 Added "Warn Min" and "Warn Max" subfields in Analysis Specifications
- #710 Added more builtin functions for Calculations
- #746 StringField to UIDReferenceField for Default Department of Lab Contact
- #744 Updated WeasyPrint to 0.42.2
- #694 Out of range/shoulders logic redux, ported to
- #694 Make getResultRange functions from Analysis-types consistent
- #694 Out of range/shoulders icons are rendered in AnalysesView
- #694 Removal of "Permitted % Error" subfield in Analysis Specifications
- #694 Removal of Adapters for out of range icons
- #763 Datetime conversion error in CSV Importer of Taqman 48
- #761 Dormant Reference Definitions were listed for selection on WS Templates
- #735 Interim fields not created for QC Analyses on WSs
- #752 Published Date field of Analyses is never set
- #760 Default to empty the Title field when creating a new Analysis Specification
- #759 Date error in invoice batch creation although End date is after Start date
- #743 Traceback when accessing the view of a Statement
- #734 Chameleon parse error in productivity reports
- #750 Wrong redirect after Batch Label edit or creation
- #721 Fix filter functionality of Worksheets after sort/pagination
- #738 Traceback when Invalidating Analysis Requests
- #694 Bad calculation of min and max in ReferenceResults on negative result
- #694 Instrument validity not updated in accordance with latest QC tests
- #694 Result range shoulders computed badly on full/partial negative specs
- #725 Late Analyses are not filtered by Department
- #723 Solve Traceback on Print Samples Sheet
- #724 Department Filtering Portlet appears only for the manager with 'admin' username
- #720 Make automatic sticker printing work with 'registered' option activated
- #719 Fix interim fields result and calculation updating on the 2-Dimensional-CSV instrument
- #716 Samples from inside Batch are not filtered correctly
- #707 AR Add: Set default contact on client change
- #700 Fix filtering by review state in aggregated list of analyses
- #715 AR Rejection Fails when e-mail Notification is enabled
- #709 Fix removal not possible of last non-verified Analysis in Manage Analysis View
- #706 Filtering by Department is not working
- #712 Dates in date picker are visible again
- #703 Containers of Duplicated Analyses are not found
- #698 Fix Publish Actions for Batches
- #696 Worksheet count in dashboard is wrong in when filtered by department
Diff stats
delta between v1.2.3 and v1.2.4
- 211 commits, 137 files changed, 8336 insertions, 5010 deletions
- Full comparison
Release notes
Update from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
IMPORTANT: Plan the upgrade with enough time
This update might take long depending on the number of Analysis Requests registered in the system because a new index and column 'assigned_state' has been added in Analysis Requests catalog, that require the catalog to be reindexed (see #637).
1.2.3 (2018-02-23)
- #666 Added Unpublished filter in Analysis Requests list
- #690 Refactored and improved client folder listing view
- #689 Allow to hide Analyses in any AR state
- #685 Display the stacked bars in evo charts sorted by number of occurrences
- #685 Small changes in colours palette for evo charts from Dashboard
- #684 Aggregated lists of analyses set to read-only mode
- #674 Dashboard with slightly better performance
- #621 AnalysesView code refactoring
- #668 AR Add: Debounce expensive XHR calls
- #660 Better style for reference widgets
- #627 Unassigned filter on Analysis Requests view does not work
- #659 Display the Unit in Profile Analyses Listing
- #636 Do not display "Advanced..." item in object's workflow actions menu
- #652 Added Sample Type, Partition ID and Date Sampled in Code_128_1x48mm sticker
- #655 Updated German Translations
- #647 Refactored bika.lims.bikalisting.js + several functional fixtures
- #637 Deassociate Analysis Request portal type from
- #688 A traceback was appearing when navigating to rejected samples
- #686 Balloon button for adding Remarks is displayed while disabled in Setup
- #681 Invalidated Analysis Requests do not appear on Dashboard's evo chart
- #680 Fix Traceback with periodicity in DashboardView
- #679 Analysis could not set to "Hidden" in results view
- #677 Fix category toggling when the category name contains spaces
- #672 Traceback on automatic sticker printing in batch context
- #673 QC Analyses and Samples not totaled correctly in Worksheets list
- #670 Listings: Fix sort_on change on Show More click
- #653 Points in QC Charts are not displayed in accordance with capture date
- #662 Viewing Cancelled AR's fails
- #550 Wrong Listings of Analyses called from Dashboard
- #666 "Rejected" filter is displayed in AR lists regardless of Setup setting
- #666 "To be preserved" filter is displayed in AR lists regardless of Setup setting
- #666 "Scheduled sampling" is displayed in AR lists regardless of Setup setting
- #666 "To be sampled" filter is displayed in AR lists regardless of Setup setting
- #664 Improved async transition loading and workflow button rendering in listing tables
- #658 Worksheet listing view shows old- invalid Analysts
- #663 AR Report Listing shows all Reports
- #654 Default's Multi Analysis Request report gives a Traceback
- #649 Specification fields decimal-mark validator not working for new opened categories
- #637 Analysis Requests are never transitioned to assigned/unassigned
- #641 Broken Analyses list on ReferenceSample in Supplier
- #640 Broken Reference Sample Results view
Release notes
Update from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
IMPORTANT: Plan the upgrade with enough time
This update might take long depending on the number of Batches registered in the system, because an index from their catalog needs to be reindexed (#574).
Also, a new index that affects the Worksheets that have a Worksheet Template assigned has been added and needs to be indexed.
1.2.2 (2018-02-09)
- #594 Add button in Sample View for the creation of Analysis Requests
- #607 Ability to choose sticker template based on sample type
- #480 Sample panel in dashboard
- #617 Instrument import interface: 2-Dimensional-CSV
- #617 Instrument import interface: Agilent Masshunter
- #617 Instrument import interface: Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE
- #617 Instrument import interface: Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8030 GC/MS/MS
- #617 Instrument import interface: Shimadzu ICPE-9000 Multitype
- #617 Instrument import interface: Shimadzu HPLC-PDA Nexera-I
- #617 Instrument import interface: Shimadzu LC MS/MS Nexera X2
- #537 Instrument import interface: Sysmex XT-4000i
- #536 Instrument import interface: Sysmex XT-1800i
- #607 Barcode and labelling depending on Sample Type
- #618 When previewing stickers the number of copies to print for each sticker can be modified.
- #618 The default number of sticker copies can be set and edited in the setup Sticker's tab.
- #619 Changed listing tables search logic to operate on catalog metadata
- #621 Change Errors to Warnings when importing instrument results
- #639 Analysis Requests from inside Batch are not filtered correctly
- #591 Fixed workflow publish recursion error that reached max depth
- #634 Fix undefined Symbols in Sample Transition Guards
- #616 Fix character encodings in analysisservice duplication
- #624 TypeError: "Can't pickle objects in acquisition wrappers" (WorksheetTemplate)
- #530 Calculated results do not get updated when importing instrument results
- #614 Fix accreditation category titles
- #611 Advanced filter bar: filter Analysis Requests by Service name not working
- #622 (Re-)Installation always adds another identifier type
- #620 Client batch list is not filtered by state
- #628 Hide Department on lab contact inherited from Person
- #631 Traceback on stickers display
Release notes
Update from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
This update requires the execution of
, because a new dependency has
been added:Plone Subrequest <>
_ -
With this update, Analyses Services that are inactive, but have active
dependent services, will be automatically transitioned toactive
state. This
procedure fixes eventual inconsistencies amongst the statuses of Analyses
Services. See #555
1.2.1 (2018-01-26)
- #555 Don't allow the deactivation of Analysis Services with active dependencies
- #555 Don't allow the activation of Analysis Services with inactive dependents
- #569 Minimalistic dashboard indicators
- #606 Handle unicode queries in Client ReferenceWidgetVocabulary
- #603 Out of range Icons are not displayed through all Analysis states
- #598 BadRequest error when changing Calculation on Analysis Service
- #593 Price/Spec/Interim not set in AR Manage Analyses
- #585 Empty value for Analysis Request column in aggregated list of analyses
- #578 Fix translation for review state titles in listings
- #580 Fix calculations using built-ins
- #563 Deactivated Analyses are added in new ARs when using Analysis Profiles/Template
- #562 Client Batch lists are empty
- #561 Sampler field is not displayed in Analysis Request Add form
- #559 Fix numeric field event handler in
- #553 Fixed that images and barcodes were not printed in reports
- #551 Traceback in Worksheet Templates list when there are Instruments assigned
- #571 Added try/except around id-template format function to log key errors in ID generation
1.2.0 (2018-01-03)
- #498 Added getPriorityText method to Analysis Request
- #522 Worksheets: Analyses listing does not show attached Analyses
- #514 Site Error when listing Dormant Worksheet Templates
- #517 Expired Reference Samples are displayed in Add Blank/Add Control views
- #517 Inactive services displayed for selection in Add Blank/Add Control views
- #516 List of Analyses Services is not properly filtered by state
- #516 Activate and Deactivate buttons do not appear in Analysis Services list
- #512 Duplicates transition to "Attachment due" after submit
- #499 Wrong slots when adding analyses manually in Worksheet with a WST assigned
- #499 When a Worksheet Template is used, slot positions are not applied correctly
- #499 Applying a WS template which references a Duplicate raises an Error
- #513 ShowPrices doctest is failing
- #488 JS Errors in bika.lims.analysisrequest.js
Bika LIMS Evo v1.1.8
1.1.8 (2017-12-23)
- #440 ITopLeft, ITopRight and ITopWide hooks (placeholders) in bikalisting
- #472 Dashboard panels visibility by roles
- #467 All/Mine filters in Dashboard panels
- #423 Instrument import interface for Abbott's m2000 Real Time
- #469 Remove unique field validator for Batch titles
- #459 PR-1942 Feature/instrument certification interval refactoring
- #431 Make ARAnalysesField setter to accept Analysis/Service objects
- #494 Rejection reasons widget does not appear on rejection
- #492 Fix AR Add Form: CC Contacts not set on Contact Change
- #489 Worksheet Templates selection list is empty in Worksheets view
- #490 Fix AR Add Form: No specifications found if a sample type was set
- #475 Assigning Analyses to a WS raises AttributeError
- #466 UnicodeDecodeError if unicode characters are entered into the title field
- #453 Sample points do not show the referenced sample types in view
- #470 Sort order of Analyses in WS print view wrong
- #457 Calculation referring to additional python module not triggered
- #459 Traceback in Instruments list after adding a calibration certificate
- #454 Click on some analyses pops up a new page instead of object log
- #452 Traceback error when deleting attachment from Analysis Request
- #450 Traceback after clicking "Manage Results" in a WS w/o Analyses assigned
- #445 Fix AR Add Form: No sample points are found if a sample type was set
Bika LIMS Evo v1.1.7
1.1.7 (2017-12-01)
- #377 XML importer in Instrument Interface of Nuclisense EasyQ
- #417 Remove calls to deprecated function getService (from AbstractAnalysis)
- #439 Cannot verify calculated analyses when retracted dependencies
- #432 Wrong indentation of services in Worksheet
- #436 Auto Import View has an Add Button displayed, but shouldn't
- #436 Clicking on the Add Button of Instrument Certifications opens an arbitrary Add form
- #433 Analyses not sorted by sortkey in Analysis Request' manage analyses view
- #428 AR Publication from Client Listing does not work
- #425 AR Listing View: Analysis profiles rendering error
- #429 Fix worksheet switch to transposed layout raises an Error
- #420 Searches by term with custom indexes do not work in clients folder view
- #410 Unable to select or deselect columns to be displayed in lists
- #409 In Add Analyses view, analyses id are displayed instead of Analysis Request IDs
- #378 Fix GeneXpert interface does not import results for multiple analyses
- #416 Fix inconsistencies with sorting criterias in lists
- #418 LabClerks don't have access to AR view after received and before verified
- #415 Referencefield JS UID check: Don't remove Profile UIDs
- #411 Analyses don't get selected when copying an Analysis Request without profiles
Bika LIMS Evo v1.1.6
1.1.6 (2017-11-24)
- #390 Remove log verbosity of UIDReference.get when value is None or empty
- #403 Calculations not triggered in manage results view
- #402 Sort Analysis Services correctly based on their Sortkey + Title (Again)
- #398 PR-2315 ID Server does not find the next correct sequence after flushing the number generator
- #399 PR-2318 AR Add fails silently if e.g. the ID of the AR was already taken
- #400 PR-2319 AR Add fails if an Analysis Category was disabled
- #401 PR-2321 AR Add Copy of multiple ARs from different clients raises a Traceback in the background
- #397 Fix Issue-396: AttributeError: uid_catalog on AR publication